Friday 8.20.21

20 Minutes to Complete *Deadlift & Bench

5 @ 58%

4 @ 68%

3 @ 78%

2 @ 83%

1 @ 92%

*If athletes are feeling beat up from Monday's Squats take 5-10% off today's Deadlifts

MetCon - For Time


Devil's Power Clean 50/35#

*15 HR Push-ups after each set

10:00 Cap

(Athletes should scale dumbbell weight so they can do each round of DPC Unbroken)

Thursday 8.19.21

7:30am Broga

5:30pm Breathe Hard

5:00 on, 1:00 Off for 36:00

Alternate Between

A) Terrible Stair Run

B) 1000m Row

C) 50/40 Cal Bike

*Max Effort PVC Zombie Sit Ups each round after completing cardio

Wednesday 8.18.21

Oly Day Week 6

Primer 0:00-4:00 EMOM

High Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance

Use 50-60%

4:00-6:00 Load Up

6:00-14:00 Don't Miss 3

1 Snatch Every 30 Seconds

6:00-8:00 @ 70% (4 Reps)

9:00-11:00 @ 75% (4 Reps)

13:00-14:00 @ 80% (2 Reps)

14:00-18:00 Singles by feel at 85%+ but don't miss :)

6 burpees for every missed rep

18:00-20:00 Rest and Change Weight

20:00-35:00 Power Clean + Hang Clean + Pause Split Jerk

2 @ 60%

2 @ 70%

1 @ 75%

1 @ 80%

1 @ 85%

Heavy Singles by Feel

Tuesday 8.17.21


M1) 12 Toes to Bar

M2) 25' Handstand Walk

M3) 12 Chest to Bar Pullups

M4) 12 Ring Dips

M5) 12/9 Cal Assault Bike


M1) 12 Knees to Hips

M2) 2 Pike Around Box

M3) 12 Chest to Ring Rows

M4) 12 HR Pushups

M5) Bike :45

Score is total reps

25' HSW = 5 Reps

Monday 8.16.21


Quads Like Mossman Week 11

Back Squat

8 @ 65%

6 @ 75%

4 @ 85%

4 @ 90%


Asbury Park Summer Games 2018 Event 2

Teams of 3 - 9 Minute AMRAP:

10 Burpees Over Bar

Max Effort Thrusters 95/65 lbs

Sunday 8.15.21

EMOM 24: (6 rounds)

1. 15/10 cal Assault Bike

2. 15/12 cal Row or Ski

3. 15 Burpee to Rig

4. Rest

Saturday 8.14.21

Teams of 2

3 Rounds:

800m Run

100' Handstand Walk

40 Chest to Bar Pullups


50/40 Cal Bike

10 Pike Around Box

40 Ring Rows

(35 min cap)

Friday 8.13.21

Bro Session Week 6

20 Minutes to Complete Deadlift & Bench

5 @ 55%

4 @ 65%

3 @ 75%

2 @ 80%

1 @ 90%

MetCon - For Time:

100 American Swings 24/16kg

At 0:00, 3:00, & 6:00, stop and do 25 Hand Release Push-ups

Thursday 8.12.21

5:30pm Breathe Hard

GSO Intervals - Every 6:00 for 36:00:

A) 30 Burpees Over Rower + 50/40 Cal Row

B) 50/40 Cal Bike

C) Terrible Stair Run

Perform each interval as fast as possible. Rest in remaining time.

Wednesday 8.11.21

Oly Day Week 5

Snatches0:00-4:00 EMOM

Muscle Snatch + Hang Snatch @50-60%

4:00-17:00 Snatch Singles






Heavy Singles by Feel

17:00-20:00 Rest / Change Weight

Clean + Pause Split Jerk20:00-35:00







Heavy Singles By Feel

Tuesday 8.10.21

Volume Skill EMOM 20 - Rx:

M1) 15 Toes to Bar

M2) 15 HSPU

M3) 60 Double Unders

M4) 12/9 Cal Assault Bike


M1) 15 Knees to Hips or V Ups

M2) 15 DB Push Press

M3) :45 Struggle Unders

M4) :45 Bike

Monday 8.09.21

Quads Like Mossman Week 10

25 Minutes

8 @ 65%

8 @ 70%

8 @ 75%

8@ 80%

Front Squat 3x5 @ 70-75-80%

MetCon Teams of 2

8 Rounds Relay Style

14 Hang DB Lunges 50/35#

7 Burpees Over DB

9:00 Cap

Sunday 8.08.21

3 RFT:

25 Burpees

50/35 cal Bike

75/60 cal Row

(35 min cap)

Saturday 8.07.21

2021 CrossFit Games Individual Event 2… Kinda

Rx+ Teams of 2

48 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50/35#)

12 Heavy Ball Over Shoulder 150/100#

12 Ring Muscleups

24 Bar Muscleups

12 Ring Muscleups

12 Heavy Ball Over Shoulder 150/100#

48 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50/35#)


48 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs

12 Heavy Ball Over Shoulder

48 Chest to Bar Pullups / Ring Rows

96 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups

48 Chest to Bar Pullups / Ring Rows

12 Heavy Ball Over Shoulder

48 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs

*Athletes should pick weights that they can move but are challenging.

**Athletes may also choose to use light medicine balls and double reps to get the technique.

Friday 8.06.21

Bro Session Week 5

20 Minutes to Complete Deadlift & Bench

5 @ 50%

4 @ 60%

3 @ 70%

2 @ 80%

2 @ 87%

MetCon - 10 Minute EMOM:

M1) 15 Toes to Bar

M2) 15 American Swings 24/16kg

Thursday 8.05.21

7:30am Broga Mobility

5:30pm Breathe Hard

5:00 on, 1:00 Off for 36:00

Alternate Between

A) 800m Run

B) 1000m Row

C) 50/40 Cal Bike

*Max Effort Dubz each round after completing cardio

Score is total Dubz

Wednesday 8.04.21

Oly Day Week 4

0:00-2:00 Barebell Warmup EMOM

40 Second Snatch

2:00-4:00 Load Up

4:00-8:00 EMOM High Pull + Snatch + Snatch Balance

Use 50-60%8:00-10:00 Load Up

10:00-16:00 Don't Miss 2

1 Snatch Every 30 Seconds

10:00–13:00 @ 70% (6 Reps)

14:00-16:00 @ 75% (4 Reps)

16:00-20:00 Singles by Feel

6 burpees for every missed rep

20:00-23:00 Rest and Change Weight

23:00-35:00 Power Clean + Hang Clean

2 @ 60%

2 @ 70%

1 @ 75%

1 @ 80%

1 @ 85%

Tuesday 8.03.21

2019 CrossFit Games Individual Event 2… Kinda

Teams of 2:

2000m Row

100 HSPU

200 Foot Handstand Walk (8x25')


2000m Row

100 DB Push Press

20 Pike Around Box

[25:00 Cap]

Monday 8.02.21

Quads Like Mossman Week 9

8 @ 65%

8 @ 70%

6 @ 80%

6 @ 85%

Front Squat 60-65-70%

MetCon - Teams of 3:

1:00 on, 2:00 off for 9:00

15 DB Front Squats 50/35#

Max Calorie Assault Bike in remaining time

Sunday 8.01.21

4 rounds

5 min on/ 2 min off

450m run (lap around the building)

Max Row in remaining time