Saturday 7.31.21

35 Minutes to Complete - Team of 2 Chipper:

800m Run

100 HSPU / DB Push Press

100 Alt Leg Toes to Bar

200 Double Unders

100 Pullups

100 Medball Situps

800m Run

Friday 7.30.21

Bro Session Week 4

30 Minutes to Complete

5 Rounds

8 Deadlift

8 Bench Press

16 Alternating Hammer Curls

16 1-2-3 Up Downs

Athletes who finish early, clean up. Then AMRAP Hand Release Push-ups until 30:00

Athletes start at 50-60% 1RM for deadlift/bench and may add weight each round

Do NOT exceed 75%

Thursday 7.29.21

7:30am Broga

5:30pm Breathe Hard


Terrible Stair Run

10 Burpee Star Jumps

20 Lateral Wall Balls (10/side)

40 Russian Twists

50 Double Unders

500m Row

(Terrible = Up to 6th Floor, Down to Ground, Up to 6th Floor, Back to Gym)

Wednesday 7.28.21

Oly Day

0:00-2:00 Barebell Warmup EMOM

40 Second Snatch

2:00-4:00 Load Up

4:00-8:00 EMOM

High Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance (Use 50-60%)

8:00-10:00 Load Up

10:00-15:00 Don't Miss - 1 Snatch at 70% Every 30 Seconds (10 Reps Total)

*6 burpees for every missed rep to be performed at 15:00

15:00-20:00 Snatch Singles @ 75-80-85%-by feel if time

20:00-23:00 Rest and Change Weight

23:00-38:00 Touch n Go Power Clean to Push Jerks






Tuesday 7.27.21

Skill: Handstand Walk

MetCon 3:00 on, 1:00 off for 24:00

Alternate Between AMRAPs

A) 25' Handstand Walk + 50 Double Unders

B) Burpee Chest to Bar Pullups (Rx+ Muscleups)

C) Assault Bike Calories


A) 3 Pike Around Box + :45 Struggle Unders

C) Burpee to Jumping Pullup (use pound pads as needed on JP)

Monday 7.26.21

Quads like Mossman Week 8

Deload Week Dirty Metcon

4 Rounds for Time:

500m/450m Row or 25/20 Cal Bike

20 Back Squats (155/115#)

18 min cap

Athletes Switch between row and bike each round

*scale to about 50% of 1RM

Sunday 7.25.21

EMOM 28:

1. 15/10 cal Assault Bike

2. 15 V-Ups

3. 16/12 cal Row

4. 12 Box Jumps (24/20")

*scale calories and reps to finish in :45 each minute

Saturday 7.24.21

Teams of 2 Chipper

30 Minutes to Complete

200 Double Unders

100 Chest to Bar Pullups

200 Double Unders

100 Toes to Bar

200 Double Unders

100 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"

AMRAP Row until 30:00

Buyout - Six Packs w/Summa

Friday 7.23.21

20 Minutes to Complete Deadlift & Bench

6 @ 55%

4 @ 65%

4 @ 75%

2 @ 80%

2 @ 85%

MetCon - AMRAP 9:

6 Left Arm KB Snatch 24/16kg

6 Right Arm KB Snatch

12 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups

Thursday 7.22.21

7:30am Broga Mobility

5:30pm Breathe Hard

3 Rounds for Time

800m Run

1000m Row

100 Double Unders

(35 Minute Cap)

Buyout - Tabata Zombie Situps

Wednesday 7.21.21

Oly Day

0:00-3:00 Snatch Warmup EMOM

:40 Snatch w Empty Barbell

3:00-5:00 Add Weight

5:00 - 9:00 EMOM

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Snatch Balance @ 50%

9:00-21:00 Full Snatch Consistency

4 @ 70%

3 @ 75%

2 @ 80%

1 @ 85%

21:00-24:00 Rest / Change Weight

24:00-38:00 Clean + Push Jerk + Pause Split Jerk

2 @ 60%

2 @ 70%

2 @ 75%

1 @ 80%

1 @ 85%

Tuesday 7.20.21

Skill: Handstand Pushup

MetCon 22-16-10


Alternating Leg Toes to Bar

10:00 Cap

Buyout - EMOM 12

M1) Hollow Hold

M2) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M3) 50-60 Double Unders

(Work :35-45 each minute)

Monday 7.19.21

Quads Like Mossman Week 7

27 Minutes - Back Squat

8 @ 65%

8 @ 70%

6 @ 80%

6 @ 85%

Front Squat: 4x5 @ 60-70-75-80%

MetCon - AMRAP 7:

7 DB Front Squats 50/35 lbs

7 Pullups

Sunday 7.18.21

Every 8 min for 4 rounds:

450m Run (lap around the building)

500m Row

40/30 Cal Assault Bike

*Rest 90s-2 min

scale assault bike cals so that you get at least 90s rest

Saturday 7.17.21

Teams of 2 Relay Style

30 Minutes to Complete

10 Rounds

25' HS Walk / 3 Wall Walks

20/15 Calorie Row


10 Rounds

8 HSPU / Push Press

8 Pullups

Buyout Six Packs w/Summa

Friday 7.16.21

Bro Session Week 2

20 Minutes to Complete

5x5 @ 52-62-72-77-82%


Bench Press

MetCon - AMRAP 9:

10 Alt DB Hang Power Snatch 50/35#

10 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups

Thursday 7.15.21

7:30am Broga Mobility

5:30pm Breathe Hard

Teams of 3 Relay Style

9 Rounds Relay Style

20/15 Calorie Assault Bike

20 Burpees Over Bar

27:00 Cap

Buyout: Tabata Runningman Situps

Wednesday 7.14.21

Oly Day

0:00-3:00 Snatch Warmup EMOM - :40 Snatch w Empty Barbell

3:00-5:00 Add Weight

5:00 - 10:00 EMOM - High Pull + Snatch (catch high) + Hang Snatch

10:00-22:00 Full Snatch Consistency

4 @ 70%

4 @ 75%

4 @ 80%

22:00-25:00 Rest / Change Weight

25:00-38:00 Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

4 @ 60%

4 @ 70%

2 @ 75%

2 @ 80%

Tuesday 7.13.21

Skill: Headstand Tripod to Kip

Skill EMOM 12

M1) Headstand Practice

M2) Hollow Hold

M3) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M4) L Sit Work

:35-:45 each minute

MetCon - Shoulder Boulder EMOM 12

M1) 8-10 HSPU / HEAVY Push Press

M2) 50-60 Dubz

Monday 7.12.21

Quads Like Mossman Week 6

23 Minutes - Back Squat:

10 @ 60%

8 @ 70%

8 @ 75%

8 @ 80%

Front Squat

3x5 @ 60-65-70%

MetCon - AMRAP 7:

12 Front Rack DB Lunges 50/35#

8 Pullups / Ring Rows