Week of 1.22.24

We are in Week 3 of our New Year strength cycle! This week we are building to heavy eights on our major lifts. The goal is to hit about 75% of your one rep max for the top set of 8 reps.

Remember to keep track of your weights in the Xplor app! Let’s have another STRONG week!

Week of 1.15.24

Week 2 New Year Strength Series!

This will be our final week of 10 Reps on our major lifts. Advanced athletes will build up to 70% for 10 reps while new folks continue to build confidence in the movement patterns.

There will also be opportunities for athletes to do a heavy single after their sets of 10.

Let’s have another STRONG week!

Week of 1.8.24

Week 1 New Year Strength Cycle

This cycle will last 7 weeks and bring us to the CrossFit Open starting February 29th.

Week of 12.25.23

Merry Christmas! We will be closed Monday and resume classes Tuesday at 5:30am!

Week of 12.11.23

Welcome to TEST WEEK!

We’re wrapping up our 8 week year end strength cycle by testing our 1RM back squat, and Bench Press on Monday and Tuesday respectively.

Wednesday, we are retesting a Clean & Jerk complex and conditioning workout from our in-house competition series Deuces Wild.

Friday we are reintroducing heavy deadlifts but not going for a 1RM. We will test that next week before Christmas break.

Speaking of, Christmas, here is our schedule for the holiday weekend:

Friday December 22 - Normal Schedule

Saturday December 23 - Closed

Sunday December 24 - Closed

Monday December 25 - Closed

Tuesday December 26 - Normal Schedule first class at 5:30am

Let’s Get After It!

Week of 12.4.23


  1. Two weeks left in this strength cycle! This week we’re doing Heavy 2s on Back Squats & Bench Press + Heavy single Clean & Jerk. Next week we’ll test 1RMs!

  2. New Monday-Wednesday evening schedule: 5pm Open Gym, 6pm and 7pm Classes

  3. Join us for our Holiday Social this Saturday 12.9 at 3pm at the gym! We’ll have some food and beverages. Byo anything you’d like to drink!

Week of 11.27.23

We’re in week 5 of our year end strength cycle. We’ll build up to heavy sets of 3 on back squat and bench press. Heavy singles for jerks and power cleans.

Week of 12.4 - we’ll hit heavy 2s and combine the clean & jerk

Week of 12.11 - Final week will be 1RM tests

Let’s Get After It!

Week of 11.6.23

Thanks to everyone who came out for the anniversary party Saturday! Sinéad and I had an amazingly fun time celebrating with you all!

We’re in week 2 of our year end program. The goal is to go heavier than last week on your top set of each lift. Intensity is the name of the game on MetCons! Pace where you have to. But go hard and use the rest/partner intervals to recover!

Let’s get after it!

Week of 10.30.23

New Cycle!

Remember our 6th Anniversary Party this Saturday November 4th at 6pm!

Rsvp here! https://hbnb.io/e/8aV8

Week of 10.16.23


Culminating our Fall Fuerte Strength Cycle with a week of 1RMs!

MONDAY 10.16.23


Bench Press 1RM - 18 minutes

9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80%

Singles at 87% - 95% - 101%


TEAMS OF 2 AMRAP RELAY - 18 minutes

15 Ring Dips

15 Toes to Bar

One athlete rows while the other completes 1 rounds.

Switch and repeat to accumulate as many rounds and calories as possible

Score 1: Rounds as team

Score 2: Row Calories

TUESDAY 10.17.23


Front Squat 1RM - 20 minutes

9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80%

Singles at 87% - 95% - 101%


TEAMS OF 2 RELAY - 18 minutes to complete

10 Rounds for Time

10 Front Rack Forward Lunges 95/65 lbs

10 Burpees Over Bar

WEDNESDAY 10.18.23


Push Press 1RM - 18 minutes

9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80%

Singles at 87% - 95% - 101%



Terrible Stair Run (run to 6th floor twice)



Handstand Push-up

Chest to Bar Pull-Up


Terrible Stair Run (run to 6th floor twice)

THURSDAY 10.19.23


M1) 15/12 Calorie Row

M2) 50 Double Unders

M3) 10/8 Calorie Bike

M4) 30 Medball Russian Twists

Bodybuilding Dessert EMOM 12

M1) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M2) 15 BTN Tricep Extensioms

M3) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

FRIDAY 10.20.23


Deadlift 1RM - 20 minutes

9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80%

Singles at 87% - 95% - 101%


4 Rounds for Time

25' Handstand Walk

20 Wall Balls

5 Bar Muscle Ups


3 Wall Walks

20 Wall Balls

8 Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows

8 Dips OR HR Push-Ups

SATURDAY 10.21.23

Barbells for Boobs Breast Cancer Fundraiser

Teams of 2

Terrible Stair Run (1 athlete holds medball)


Partner Grace

60 Power Clean & Jerks (135/95 lbs)


Terrible Stair Run (1 athlete holds medball)

Week of 10.9.23

Week of October 9, 2023

Week 5 of our fall Fuerte strength cycle. The week of October 16 will be PEAK WEEK so this week we are “deloading” from super heavy weight to give our central nervous system a chance to recover for smashing all of our personal records next week!

We’re also switching up the order of movements this week as we’ll be testing out Hang Power Clean this Friday.

Then next week 10.16.23 we’ll do

Monday bench

Tuesday squat

Wednesday push press

Friday deadlift

MONDAY 10.9.23

Black 1 -  Barbell Cardio  - 12 minutes

Power clean &  push press

Complete 3 sets of 10 unbroken reps

50-55-60% of your 1RM push press

Block 2 - 15:00-21:00

Gymnastics Pump EMOM 6

M1) 5 Tempo Pull-Ups

M2) 5 Tempo Ring Dips

Block 3 - 24:00-40:00 EMOM 16

M1) 18/15 Calorie Row

M2) 12 HSPU

M3) 12/10 Calorie Bike

M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Cap work at :45 each minute

TUESDAY 10.10.23

Block 1 - Front Squat 3x10 - 15 minutes


Athletes may hit heavy single after but do not exceed 90%

Block 2 - Step Ups - 18:00-28:00


3 Sets

10 Double DB Box Step Ups per side

Same as last week. Athletes who struggled try to master it this week or go heavier!

Block 3 - 31:00-40:00

21-15-9 FOR TIME

Double DB Front Squats 50/35 lbs

Toes to Bar

WEDNESDAY 10.11.23

Block 1 - Bench Press 3x10 - 15 minutes


Athletes may hit heavy single after but do not exceed 90%

Block 2 - 18:00-38:00 - AMRAP 20

Run to 6th Floor

15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows

15 Ring Dips OR HR Push-Ups

No bands today.

39:00-42:00 Buyout

3 minute Abs - Coach Choice

THURSDAY 10.12.23

Block 1 - Push Press 3x10 - 14 minutes


Athletes may hit heavy single after but do not exceed 90%

Block 2 - 18:00-42:00

Skill n Sweat AMRAP Intervals

1:30 Work, :30 Rest for 24:00 (3 Rounds)

M1) Handstand Walk OR Wall Walks

M2) Calorie Row

M3) Box Jump/Step Overs

M4) :30 Side Plank / Side + :30 Russian Twists

FRIDAY 10.13.23

Block 1 - Hang Power Clean 1RM - 18 minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% - 1@88% - 1@95% - 1@101%

Block 2 - Deadlift 3x10 - 18:00-28:00


Athletes may hit heavy single after but do not exceed 90%

Block 3 - 31:00 - 41:00

Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay

10 Power Snatch 75/55 lbs

30 Double Unders OR :30 Practice

Week of 10.2.23

Week of 10.2.23

Week 4 Fall Fuerte - 5x5 on all lifts this week!

It is likely athletes will experience some form of central nervous system fatigue by this week in the program with all the heavy volume we’ve done in the first 3 weeks.

Athletes who feel beat up shouldn’t worry about hitting exact prescribed percentages. Aim for a challenging set of 5 by feel. For example, If 75% feels like 90% on a lift this week, keep your top sets there.

But for athletes that feel good, send it and try to hit 87-90% for 5RMs!

MONDAY 10.2.23

Block 1 - 5x5 Bench Press - 15 min

50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+

Block 2

3 Sets - 17:00-27:00

20 Incline Alternating DB Bench Press

10-15 Kipping Pull-Ups (bands allowed to practice Kip with full ROM)

Athletes not yet ready for pull-ups may also do ring rows.

Block 3 30:00-42:00 - EMOM 12

M1) 15-25 Ring Dips OR HR Push-Ups

M2) 18/15 Calorie Row

M3) 15 BTN Tricep Extensions (50/35 lbs)

M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Scoreboard: count minutes 1-3 only

Total possible 174 male, 165 female

Rx = unassisted ring dips + 50/35 lb DB

TUESDAY 10.3.23

Block 1 - Front Squat 5x5 - 18 Min

50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+

Block 2  - 21:00-31:00

3 Sets

10 Double DB Box Step Ups Right

10 Double DB Box Step Ups Left

Rx: two 50/35 lb DBs

Go Heavy but pick weight that allows you to step completely with one leg with NO assistance from the other

Block 3 - 34:00-43:00


M1) 8 Seesaw Lunges Right (hold 1 DB)

M2) 8 Seesaw Lunges Left (hold 1 DB)

M3) 16 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

Rx: 50/35 lb DB


Block 1 Push Press 5x5 - 15:00

50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+

Block 2 - 17:00-27:00

3 Sets

16 Alternating Overhead DB Press

10 Strict Tempo Pull-Ups

Block 3 30:00-42:00


M1) 12 HSPU OR DB Push Press

M2) 15 Toes to Bar

M3) 18/15 Calorie Row

Total Possible: Male 180, Female 168


head and hands on even surface for HSPU

Both toes physically Touch Bar

THURSDAY 10.5.23

Block 1 - Hang Power Clean 5x5 - 15:00

50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+

Block 2 -20:00-40:00

Cardio Pump AMRAP

Run to 6th Floor

50 Dubz or 1:00 practice

40 Russian Twists

3 Wall Walks

20 Alternating Bicep Curls

Long time domain AMRAP means athletes should PACE. Advanced athletes should be able to get 4+ rounds. Everyone aim for 3.

FRIDAY 10.6.23

Block 1 - Deadlift 5x5 - 17:00

50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+

Block 2 - Hip Thrusts - 18:00-28:00

3-4 Sets of 6 Reps

Build to HEAVY

Block 3 - 32:00-42:00

Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay

10 Power Snatch 95/65 lbs

10 Burpees Over Bar

Athlete A completes 10 snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete B rests

Athlete B completes 10 snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete A rests

Rinse repeat

Intensity is KEY. Athletes should finish rounds in 90 seconds or faster.

SATURDAY 10.7.23

Skill: Muscle-up Low Ring Progression

Block 1: Skill EMOM 12

M1) Pull Attempts at your highest skill level (muscle-ups or pull-ups)

M2) Double/Struggle Unders

M3) AMRAP Runningman sit-ups

Work :40 each minute

Block 2: Deuces Wild 23.1 Retest

For Time Follow the Leader Style


Row Calories

Burpees Over Rower

18:00 cap

Athlete A starts seated on Rower then rows 27 calories

Athlete B then resets Rower and rows 27 calories

Athlete A does 27 burpees over rower

Athlete B does 27 burpees over rower

Etc until Athlete B does 9 burpees over rower

Movement Standards

Rower must be reset to zero before each caloric row

Burpee: athlete starts standing tall. Athlete may step or drop to the floor but chest and thighs must physically touch the ground before athlete returns to feet.

Rx: both feet must leave floor and clear the rower then both feet must touch floor on the other side to complete rep.

Scaled: athletes may step over rower

Week of 9.25.23

Week of 9.25.23

Fall Fuerte Week 3

Building to heavy unbroken 7s on all lifts! Goal is 85%

MONDAY 9.25.23

Block 1 - Bench Press 7RM - 15 minutes to complete 4 Sets

7 UNBROKEN Bench Press @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

10 Single Arm Bentover Rows/side

Block 2 - 18:00-26:00

8 minutes to complete

Speed Pump For Time


Ring Dips OR Ring/HRPush-up

Alternating Hammer Curls

In remaining time max Rep Hand Release Push-Ups until 8:00

Rx: 50/35 lbs

Block 3 - EMOM 30:00-42:00

M1) Row 18/15 Calories

M2) 15 BTN Tricep Extensions

M3) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

TUESDAY 9.26.23

Block 1 - Front Squat 7RM - 16 Minutes to complete

7 UNBROKEN Front Squats @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

Athletes who finish early may do heavy Single by feel in remaining time

Block 2 - 19:00-29:00

Bulgarian Ladder


Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

Rx: Two 50 lb DBs

Block 3 - 33:00-42:00 EMOM

Bodyweight Burn

:40 on, :20 off for 9 minutes

A) Squat Jacks

B) Wall Sit

C) Zombie Sit-Ups


BLOCK 1 - Push Press 7RM - 13 minutes

7 UNBROKEN Push Press @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

Heavy Push Press by feel in remaining time

Block 2 - EMOM - 16:00-25:00

M1) 16 Alternating OH Press

M2) 15 Banded Reverse Flies

M3) 16 Alternating Gorilla Rows

Notice fewer reps than normal. Go HEAVIER on dumbbells/kettlebells than last week

Block 3 - 28:00-43:00 Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay

25’ Handstand Walk OR 3 Wall Walks

15 Toes to Bar OR 20 Knees to Hips

One Athlete Rows while other completes round

Switch and repeat for 15:00

Score 1: total rounds as a team

Score 2: total calories

THURSDAY 9.28.23

BLOCK 1 - Seated Box Jumps - 7:00

Build to High by Feel

BLOCK 2 - Hang Power Clean 7RM -11:00-25:00

7 UNBROKEN Hang Power Cleans @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

Heavier Hang Clean by feel in remaining time

BLOCK 3 - 28:00-42:00 AMRAP

Run to 6th Floor

6 Bar Muscle Ups OR 12 Pull-Ups / Ring Rows

16 Box Jump Overs

FRIDAY 9.30.23

BLOCK 1 - Deadlift 7RM - 15 Minutes

7 UNBROKEN Deadlift @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

No more floating. All reps are touch and go.

Block 2: Booty Block - 16:00-26:00

3 Sets Build to HEAVY

8 Hip Thrusts

Block 3 - 30:00-37:00

For Time

15-9-6 Power Snatch 115/75 lbs

10 Burpees Over Bar after each set

Intensity is key here.

38:00-43:00 BuyOut AMRAP

10 Barbell Curls

10 HR Push-Ups

10 Sit-Ups

SATURDAY 10.1.23

Cardio Buy In

Terrible Stair Run directly into 800m Run

12:00-32:00 EMOM

:40 Work, :20 Transition

M1) D Ball to Shoulder + Squat

M2) Handstand Push-Ups OR DB Push Press

M3) Burpee Muscleup / Pull-Up

M4) Row Calories

M5) Runningman Sit Ups / Rest

Score total reps minutes 1-4

32:00 Run 800m Buy Out

Week of 9.18.23

Week of 9.18.23

Fall Fuerte Week 2

Building to heavy unbroken 9s on all lifts! Goal is 80%+

MONDAY 9.18.23

Block 1 - Bench Press 9RM - 11 minutes to complete 3 Sets

9 UNBROKEN Bench Press @50% - 65% - 80%+

Block 2 - 13:00-25:00

3 Sets

20 INCLINE Alternating DB Bench Press

10 Barbell Bicep Curls

Block 3 - 28:00-42:00 - FOR TIME


Ring Dips OR Hand Release Push-Ups

Alternating Hammer Curls 50/35 lbs

Toes to Bar

TUESDAY 9.12.23

Block 1 - Front Squat 9RM - 14 Minutes to complete

9 UNBROKEN Front Squats @50% - 65% - 80%+

Athletes who finish early may do heavy Single by feel in remaining time

Block 2 - 17:00-29:00 - Deviled Legs


12-9-6-3 Devil's Press 50/35 lbs

30 Alternating Jump Lunges after each set

(Workout finishes with 30 jump lunges after the set of 3 devil’s press)

Block 3 - 33:00-42:00 EMOM

M1) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M2) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M3) AMRAP Runningman Sit-Ups

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs


Warmup Block - 0:00-6:00 EMOM

M1) :40 Row

M2) :40 Box Jump / Step Overs

M3) :30 L Sit

BLOCK 1 - Hang Power Clean 9RM -10:00-22:00

9 UNBROKEN Hang Power Cleans @50% - 65% - 80%+

Heavier Hang Clean by feel in remaining time

BLOCK 2 - BACK ATTACK - 25:00-31:00

M1) 10-15 Kipping Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows

M2) 20 Alternating Gorilla Rows

Block 4 - 34:00-46:00 Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay

8 Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs

12/9 Calorie Row

One athlete completes 8 burpee box jumps + 12/9 row while other rests. Go HARD knowing you'll get full 1.5-2min of rest every time.

Advanced athletes should aim to finish rounds under 90 seconds with teams finishing 8 rounds total in 12 minutes

THURSDAY 9.21.23

BLOCK 1 - Push Press 9RM - 12 minutes

9 UNBROKEN Push Press @50% - 65% - 80%+

Heavy Push Press by feel in remaining time

Block 2 - EMOM - 15:00-24:00

M1) 10 Right Arm Strict Press + 10 Left Arm Strict Press

M2) 15 Banded Reverse Flies

M3) Side Plank :20/side on forearm

Block 3 - 26:00-42:00 Annie 2.0


50-75-100-125-150 Double Unders

Butterfly Sit-Ups

FRIDAY 9.23.23

BLOCK 1 - Deadlift 9RM - 13 Minutes

9 UNBROKEN Deadlift @50% - 65% - 80%+

No more floating. All reps are touch and go.

Heavier Deadlift by feel in remaining time

Block 2: Booty Block - 16:00-26:00

3 Sets Build to HEAVY

10 Hip Thrusts

Block 3 - 30:00-42:00 AMRAP

1 D Ball Over Shoulder 150/100 lbs

2 Wall Walks

3 Bar Muscle-Ups OR 7 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows

14 Alternating Reverse Lunges

Divide class into 4 groups based on D Ball preferences

Each group starts on different movement

There may be an inevitable bottle neck on D Balls but they’ll be fine resting for a few seconds while athlete finishes off with ball

SATURDAY 9.23.23



0:00 Cardio Buy In

Terrible Stair Run

Directly into 800m Run

Go HARD and Rest until 12:00

12:00-28:00 EMOM

M1) 15 Double DB Thrusters

M2) 12 Burpee Plate Hops

M3) 18/15 Calorie Row

M4) Don't Puke

28:00 Run 800m

Week of 9.11.23

Fall Fuerte Week of 9.11.23

Welcome to our next 6 week strength cycle!

Week 1 we'll be "testing in" building to a heavy single at or slightly above 90%. The goal is not to PR but to prep the CNS for the heavy lifts to come over the cycle.

Week 2: 9RM.

Week 3: 7RM.

Week 4: 5RM.

Week 5: 3RM.

Week 6: 1RM

During the cycle this will be our general weekly schedule:

Monday bench

Tuesday front squat

Wednesday hang clean

Thursday push press

Friday deadlift

MONDAY 9.11.23

Never Forget

Block 1 - 15 minutes to complete

Bench Press Heavy Single

9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%

3 Sets of 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

Heavier Bench Press Single by feel in remaining time

Block 2 - 18:00-30:00

3 Sets

20 INCLINE Alternating DB Bench Press

10 Tempo Pull-Ups

Block 3 - 33:00-42:00 - EMOM 9

M1) AMRAP Ring OR Hand Release Push-Ups

M2) 15 BTN Tricep Ext

M3) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

TUESDAY 9.12.23

Block 1 - Front Squat Heavy Single - 15 minutes to complete

9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%

Heavier Front Squat Single by feel in remaining time

Block 2 - 18:00-32:00

3 Rounds for Time

21 Toes to Bar

15 Double DB Thrusters

9 Burpees Over DB

Block 3 - 35:00-41:00

Complete 3 Sets

10 Bulgarian Split Squats Left

10 Bulgarian Split Squats Right

Your body your choice on dumbbell(s) weight


Quick Warmup

:30 Slow air squats to loosen hips

:30 walkout to up dog down dog

:30 Jumping Jacks

Divide class into 3 groups for Warm-Up Block

Start 45:00 clock by 6 minutes into class

Warmup Block - 0:00-6:00 EMOM

M1) Row

M2) Box Jump/Step Overs

M3) Hollow Rocks

Work :40 seconds each minute at warmup pace

Block 2 - Seated Box Jumps - 8:00-15:00

Build to high jump by feel

Block 3 - Hang Power Clean Heavy Single - 19:00-33:00

9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%

Heavier Hang Clean by feel in remaining time

Block 4 - 36:00-45:00 Full Send Rower EMOM

M1) AMRAP Row Calories :45

M2) AMRAP Zombie Sit-Ups (plate optional)

M3) Rest

Score is your total rower calories. Zombie sit-ups are NOT the priority. If athletes truly send it on the rower they can rest both minutes.

THURSDAY 9.14.23

Block 1 - Push Press Heavy Single - 14:00

9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%

Heavier Push Press by feel in remaining time

Block 2 - EMOM - 16:00-25:00

M1) 20 Alternating Overhead DB Press

M2) 15 Banded Reverse Flies

M3) AMRAP Runningman Sit-Ups

Block 3 - 28:00-42:00 AMRAP

Run to 6th Floor

25’ Handstand Walk OR 3 Wall Walks

30 MedBall Russian Twists

FRIDAY 9.15.23

Block 1 - Deadlift Heavy Single - 15:00

9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%

No more floating. All building reps are touch and go.

Heavier Deadlift by feel in remaining time

Block 2: Booty Block - 18:00-28:00

3 Sets

10 Hip Thrusts

:30 Slow Mountain Climbers

Block 3 - D Ball Half Cindy AMRAP 31:00-41:00

1 D Ball Over Shoulder 150/100 lbs

5 Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows

10 Chest to Floor Push-Ups

15 Air Squats

Divide class into 4 groups based on D Ball preferences

Each group starts on different movement

There may be an inevitable bottle neck on D Balls but they’ll be fine resting for a few seconds while athlete finishes off with ball

SATURDAY 9.16.23

Nate Runs to the Bar

800m Run Buy In


2 Bar Muscleups OR 4 Pull-Ups OR 8 Ring Rows

4 HSPU OR DB Push Press

8 American KB Swings 24/16kg

At 14:00 Terrible Stair Run

Then Resume AMRAP

2 Bar Muscleups OR 4 Pull-Ups OR 8 Ring Rows

4 HSPU OR DB Push Press

8 American KB Swings 24/16kg

At 28:00 Run 800m

Score 1: Total Nate Rounds + Reps

Score 2: Return time from run

Week of 9.4.23

Week of 9.4.23


Monday 9.4.23

Block one

Three sets - 12:00

10 1 1/4 bench press (50-60-70%)

10 single arm dumbbell rows per side


Block 2

3 sets

10 incline, reverse grip bench press (put benches on 2 pound pads)

10 tempo pull-ups


Block 3 - EMOM

M1) AMRAP Ring OR Hand Release push-ups

M2) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) 15 BTN Tricep Ext

M4) :30-:45 Figure 8s

TUESDAY 9.5.23

Block 1 - 12 minutes

3x10 Front Squats @50-60-70%

:30 Slow Mountain Climbers after each set

Block 2 - 15:00-27:00

Teams of 2 Relay FOR TIME

21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 lbs

10 Burpees over DB after each set

Athlete A does 21 thrusters + 10 Burpees

Athlete B does 21 thrusters + 10 Burpees

Athlete A does 15 thrusters + 10 burpees

Athlete B does 15 thrusters + 10 burpees

Athlete A does 9 thrusters + 10 burpees

Athlete B does 9 thrusters + 10 burpees

Block 3 - 31:00-40:00

Unilateral Legs & Abs Burnout EMOM

M1) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M3) AMRAP Runningman Sit-ups


Block 1 - Seated Box Jumps - 7:00

Build to high Double Jump by feel

Block 2 - 11:00-25:00

3x10 Hang Power Clean 50-60-70%

15-30 Plate Holding Zombie Sit-Ups after each set

Heavy Hang Power Clean single by feel in remaining time

Block 3 - 28:00-40:00

Functional Bodybuild & Breathe

M1) 10 Strict Pull-Ups OR 15 Ring Rows

M2) :30 Farmers Hold

M3) 20 Alternating Hammer Curls

M4) 15 Box Jump Overs


Block 1 - 10:00

3x8 Strict Press (35-45-55% 1RM Push Press)

10-20 123 Up Downs after each set

Block 2 - 13:00-22:00


M1) 20 Alternating Overhead Press

M2) 15 Banded Rear Delt Flies

M3) 20 Gorilla Rows

Block 3 - 25:00-40:00


Run to 6th Floor

20 Cal Row

30 Russian Twists with Medball

50 Double Unders

FRIDAY 9.8.23


Block 1 - Deadlifts & Curls

3 Sets

10 Floating Deadlifts- Your body your choice on weight

20 Alternating Bicep Curls


Block 2 - Hip Thrusts & Ring/HR Push-Ups

3 Sets

10 Hip Thrusts - your body your choice

20-30 Ring OR Hand Release Push-Ups


Block 3 - For Time 22-16-10

Alternating DB Power Snatch

Jump Squats

Toes to Bar


Cardio Cindy

800m Run Buy In


5 Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows

10 Chest to Floor Push-Ups

15 Air Squats

At 14:00 Terrible Stair Run

Then resume AMRAP -Pick up where you left off

5 Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows

10 Chest to Floor Push-Ups

15 Air Squats

At 28:00 Run 800m

Score 1: Total Rounds & Reps of Cindy

Score 2: Time after final 800m run