Week of 10.2.23
Week 4 Fall Fuerte - 5x5 on all lifts this week!
It is likely athletes will experience some form of central nervous system fatigue by this week in the program with all the heavy volume we’ve done in the first 3 weeks.
Athletes who feel beat up shouldn’t worry about hitting exact prescribed percentages. Aim for a challenging set of 5 by feel. For example, If 75% feels like 90% on a lift this week, keep your top sets there.
But for athletes that feel good, send it and try to hit 87-90% for 5RMs!
MONDAY 10.2.23
Block 1 - 5x5 Bench Press - 15 min
50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+
Block 2
3 Sets - 17:00-27:00
20 Incline Alternating DB Bench Press
10-15 Kipping Pull-Ups (bands allowed to practice Kip with full ROM)
Athletes not yet ready for pull-ups may also do ring rows.
Block 3 30:00-42:00 - EMOM 12
M1) 15-25 Ring Dips OR HR Push-Ups
M2) 18/15 Calorie Row
M3) 15 BTN Tricep Extensions (50/35 lbs)
M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs
Scoreboard: count minutes 1-3 only
Total possible 174 male, 165 female
Rx = unassisted ring dips + 50/35 lb DB
TUESDAY 10.3.23
Block 1 - Front Squat 5x5 - 18 Min
50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+
Block 2 - 21:00-31:00
3 Sets
10 Double DB Box Step Ups Right
10 Double DB Box Step Ups Left
Rx: two 50/35 lb DBs
Go Heavy but pick weight that allows you to step completely with one leg with NO assistance from the other
Block 3 - 34:00-43:00
M1) 8 Seesaw Lunges Right (hold 1 DB)
M2) 8 Seesaw Lunges Left (hold 1 DB)
M3) 16 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats
Rx: 50/35 lb DB
Block 1 Push Press 5x5 - 15:00
50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+
Block 2 - 17:00-27:00
3 Sets
16 Alternating Overhead DB Press
10 Strict Tempo Pull-Ups
Block 3 30:00-42:00
M1) 12 HSPU OR DB Push Press
M2) 15 Toes to Bar
M3) 18/15 Calorie Row
Total Possible: Male 180, Female 168
head and hands on even surface for HSPU
Both toes physically Touch Bar
THURSDAY 10.5.23
Block 1 - Hang Power Clean 5x5 - 15:00
50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+
Block 2 -20:00-40:00
Cardio Pump AMRAP
Run to 6th Floor
50 Dubz or 1:00 practice
40 Russian Twists
3 Wall Walks
20 Alternating Bicep Curls
Long time domain AMRAP means athletes should PACE. Advanced athletes should be able to get 4+ rounds. Everyone aim for 3.
FRIDAY 10.6.23
Block 1 - Deadlift 5x5 - 17:00
50% - 60% - 70% - 80% - 87%+
Block 2 - Hip Thrusts - 18:00-28:00
3-4 Sets of 6 Reps
Build to HEAVY
Block 3 - 32:00-42:00
Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay
10 Power Snatch 95/65 lbs
10 Burpees Over Bar
Athlete A completes 10 snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete B rests
Athlete B completes 10 snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete A rests
Rinse repeat
Intensity is KEY. Athletes should finish rounds in 90 seconds or faster.
SATURDAY 10.7.23
Skill: Muscle-up Low Ring Progression
Block 1: Skill EMOM 12
M1) Pull Attempts at your highest skill level (muscle-ups or pull-ups)
M2) Double/Struggle Unders
M3) AMRAP Runningman sit-ups
Work :40 each minute
Block 2: Deuces Wild 23.1 Retest
For Time Follow the Leader Style
Row Calories
Burpees Over Rower
18:00 cap
Athlete A starts seated on Rower then rows 27 calories
Athlete B then resets Rower and rows 27 calories
Athlete A does 27 burpees over rower
Athlete B does 27 burpees over rower
Etc until Athlete B does 9 burpees over rower
Movement Standards
Rower must be reset to zero before each caloric row
Burpee: athlete starts standing tall. Athlete may step or drop to the floor but chest and thighs must physically touch the ground before athlete returns to feet.
Rx: both feet must leave floor and clear the rower then both feet must touch floor on the other side to complete rep.
Scaled: athletes may step over rower