Week of 9.4.23


Monday 9.4.23

Block one

Three sets - 12:00

10 1 1/4 bench press (50-60-70%)

10 single arm dumbbell rows per side


Block 2

3 sets

10 incline, reverse grip bench press (put benches on 2 pound pads)

10 tempo pull-ups


Block 3 - EMOM

M1) AMRAP Ring OR Hand Release push-ups

M2) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) 15 BTN Tricep Ext

M4) :30-:45 Figure 8s

TUESDAY 9.5.23

Block 1 - 12 minutes

3x10 Front Squats @50-60-70%

:30 Slow Mountain Climbers after each set

Block 2 - 15:00-27:00

Teams of 2 Relay FOR TIME

21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 lbs

10 Burpees over DB after each set

Athlete A does 21 thrusters + 10 Burpees

Athlete B does 21 thrusters + 10 Burpees

Athlete A does 15 thrusters + 10 burpees

Athlete B does 15 thrusters + 10 burpees

Athlete A does 9 thrusters + 10 burpees

Athlete B does 9 thrusters + 10 burpees

Block 3 - 31:00-40:00

Unilateral Legs & Abs Burnout EMOM

M1) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M3) AMRAP Runningman Sit-ups


Block 1 - Seated Box Jumps - 7:00

Build to high Double Jump by feel

Block 2 - 11:00-25:00

3x10 Hang Power Clean 50-60-70%

15-30 Plate Holding Zombie Sit-Ups after each set

Heavy Hang Power Clean single by feel in remaining time

Block 3 - 28:00-40:00

Functional Bodybuild & Breathe

M1) 10 Strict Pull-Ups OR 15 Ring Rows

M2) :30 Farmers Hold

M3) 20 Alternating Hammer Curls

M4) 15 Box Jump Overs


Block 1 - 10:00

3x8 Strict Press (35-45-55% 1RM Push Press)

10-20 123 Up Downs after each set

Block 2 - 13:00-22:00


M1) 20 Alternating Overhead Press

M2) 15 Banded Rear Delt Flies

M3) 20 Gorilla Rows

Block 3 - 25:00-40:00


Run to 6th Floor

20 Cal Row

30 Russian Twists with Medball

50 Double Unders

FRIDAY 9.8.23


Block 1 - Deadlifts & Curls

3 Sets

10 Floating Deadlifts- Your body your choice on weight

20 Alternating Bicep Curls


Block 2 - Hip Thrusts & Ring/HR Push-Ups

3 Sets

10 Hip Thrusts - your body your choice

20-30 Ring OR Hand Release Push-Ups


Block 3 - For Time 22-16-10

Alternating DB Power Snatch

Jump Squats

Toes to Bar


Cardio Cindy

800m Run Buy In


5 Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows

10 Chest to Floor Push-Ups

15 Air Squats

At 14:00 Terrible Stair Run

Then resume AMRAP -Pick up where you left off

5 Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows

10 Chest to Floor Push-Ups

15 Air Squats

At 28:00 Run 800m

Score 1: Total Rounds & Reps of Cindy

Score 2: Time after final 800m run