Week of 9.18.23
Fall Fuerte Week 2
Building to heavy unbroken 9s on all lifts! Goal is 80%+
MONDAY 9.18.23
Block 1 - Bench Press 9RM - 11 minutes to complete 3 Sets
9 UNBROKEN Bench Press @50% - 65% - 80%+
Block 2 - 13:00-25:00
3 Sets
20 INCLINE Alternating DB Bench Press
10 Barbell Bicep Curls
Block 3 - 28:00-42:00 - FOR TIME
Ring Dips OR Hand Release Push-Ups
Alternating Hammer Curls 50/35 lbs
Toes to Bar
TUESDAY 9.12.23
Block 1 - Front Squat 9RM - 14 Minutes to complete
9 UNBROKEN Front Squats @50% - 65% - 80%+
Athletes who finish early may do heavy Single by feel in remaining time
Block 2 - 17:00-29:00 - Deviled Legs
12-9-6-3 Devil's Press 50/35 lbs
30 Alternating Jump Lunges after each set
(Workout finishes with 30 jump lunges after the set of 3 devil’s press)
Block 3 - 33:00-42:00 EMOM
M1) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats Left
M2) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats Right
M3) AMRAP Runningman Sit-Ups
Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs
Warmup Block - 0:00-6:00 EMOM
M1) :40 Row
M2) :40 Box Jump / Step Overs
M3) :30 L Sit
BLOCK 1 - Hang Power Clean 9RM -10:00-22:00
9 UNBROKEN Hang Power Cleans @50% - 65% - 80%+
Heavier Hang Clean by feel in remaining time
BLOCK 2 - BACK ATTACK - 25:00-31:00
M1) 10-15 Kipping Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows
M2) 20 Alternating Gorilla Rows
Block 4 - 34:00-46:00 Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay
8 Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs
12/9 Calorie Row
One athlete completes 8 burpee box jumps + 12/9 row while other rests. Go HARD knowing you'll get full 1.5-2min of rest every time.
Advanced athletes should aim to finish rounds under 90 seconds with teams finishing 8 rounds total in 12 minutes
THURSDAY 9.21.23
BLOCK 1 - Push Press 9RM - 12 minutes
9 UNBROKEN Push Press @50% - 65% - 80%+
Heavy Push Press by feel in remaining time
Block 2 - EMOM - 15:00-24:00
M1) 10 Right Arm Strict Press + 10 Left Arm Strict Press
M2) 15 Banded Reverse Flies
M3) Side Plank :20/side on forearm
Block 3 - 26:00-42:00 Annie 2.0
50-75-100-125-150 Double Unders
Butterfly Sit-Ups
FRIDAY 9.23.23
BLOCK 1 - Deadlift 9RM - 13 Minutes
9 UNBROKEN Deadlift @50% - 65% - 80%+
No more floating. All reps are touch and go.
Heavier Deadlift by feel in remaining time
Block 2: Booty Block - 16:00-26:00
3 Sets Build to HEAVY
10 Hip Thrusts
Block 3 - 30:00-42:00 AMRAP
1 D Ball Over Shoulder 150/100 lbs
2 Wall Walks
3 Bar Muscle-Ups OR 7 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows
14 Alternating Reverse Lunges
Divide class into 4 groups based on D Ball preferences
Each group starts on different movement
There may be an inevitable bottle neck on D Balls but they’ll be fine resting for a few seconds while athlete finishes off with ball
SATURDAY 9.23.23
0:00 Cardio Buy In
Terrible Stair Run
Directly into 800m Run
Go HARD and Rest until 12:00
12:00-28:00 EMOM
M1) 15 Double DB Thrusters
M2) 12 Burpee Plate Hops
M3) 18/15 Calorie Row
M4) Don't Puke
28:00 Run 800m