Week of 9.25.23

Fall Fuerte Week 3

Building to heavy unbroken 7s on all lifts! Goal is 85%

MONDAY 9.25.23

Block 1 - Bench Press 7RM - 15 minutes to complete 4 Sets

7 UNBROKEN Bench Press @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

10 Single Arm Bentover Rows/side

Block 2 - 18:00-26:00

8 minutes to complete

Speed Pump For Time


Ring Dips OR Ring/HRPush-up

Alternating Hammer Curls

In remaining time max Rep Hand Release Push-Ups until 8:00

Rx: 50/35 lbs

Block 3 - EMOM 30:00-42:00

M1) Row 18/15 Calories

M2) 15 BTN Tricep Extensions

M3) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

TUESDAY 9.26.23

Block 1 - Front Squat 7RM - 16 Minutes to complete

7 UNBROKEN Front Squats @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

Athletes who finish early may do heavy Single by feel in remaining time

Block 2 - 19:00-29:00

Bulgarian Ladder


Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

Rx: Two 50 lb DBs

Block 3 - 33:00-42:00 EMOM

Bodyweight Burn

:40 on, :20 off for 9 minutes

A) Squat Jacks

B) Wall Sit

C) Zombie Sit-Ups


BLOCK 1 - Push Press 7RM - 13 minutes

7 UNBROKEN Push Press @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

Heavy Push Press by feel in remaining time

Block 2 - EMOM - 16:00-25:00

M1) 16 Alternating OH Press

M2) 15 Banded Reverse Flies

M3) 16 Alternating Gorilla Rows

Notice fewer reps than normal. Go HEAVIER on dumbbells/kettlebells than last week

Block 3 - 28:00-43:00 Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay

25’ Handstand Walk OR 3 Wall Walks

15 Toes to Bar OR 20 Knees to Hips

One Athlete Rows while other completes round

Switch and repeat for 15:00

Score 1: total rounds as a team

Score 2: total calories

THURSDAY 9.28.23

BLOCK 1 - Seated Box Jumps - 7:00

Build to High by Feel

BLOCK 2 - Hang Power Clean 7RM -11:00-25:00

7 UNBROKEN Hang Power Cleans @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

Heavier Hang Clean by feel in remaining time

BLOCK 3 - 28:00-42:00 AMRAP

Run to 6th Floor

6 Bar Muscle Ups OR 12 Pull-Ups / Ring Rows

16 Box Jump Overs

FRIDAY 9.30.23

BLOCK 1 - Deadlift 7RM - 15 Minutes

7 UNBROKEN Deadlift @50% - 65% - 75% - 85%

No more floating. All reps are touch and go.

Block 2: Booty Block - 16:00-26:00

3 Sets Build to HEAVY

8 Hip Thrusts

Block 3 - 30:00-37:00

For Time

15-9-6 Power Snatch 115/75 lbs

10 Burpees Over Bar after each set

Intensity is key here.

38:00-43:00 BuyOut AMRAP

10 Barbell Curls

10 HR Push-Ups

10 Sit-Ups

SATURDAY 10.1.23

Cardio Buy In

Terrible Stair Run directly into 800m Run

12:00-32:00 EMOM

:40 Work, :20 Transition

M1) D Ball to Shoulder + Squat

M2) Handstand Push-Ups OR DB Push Press

M3) Burpee Muscleup / Pull-Up

M4) Row Calories

M5) Runningman Sit Ups / Rest

Score total reps minutes 1-4

32:00 Run 800m Buy Out