Week of October 9, 2023

Week 5 of our fall Fuerte strength cycle. The week of October 16 will be PEAK WEEK so this week we are “deloading” from super heavy weight to give our central nervous system a chance to recover for smashing all of our personal records next week!

We’re also switching up the order of movements this week as we’ll be testing out Hang Power Clean this Friday.

Then next week 10.16.23 we’ll do

Monday bench

Tuesday squat

Wednesday push press

Friday deadlift

MONDAY 10.9.23

Black 1 -  Barbell Cardio  - 12 minutes

Power clean &  push press

Complete 3 sets of 10 unbroken reps

50-55-60% of your 1RM push press

Block 2 - 15:00-21:00

Gymnastics Pump EMOM 6

M1) 5 Tempo Pull-Ups

M2) 5 Tempo Ring Dips

Block 3 - 24:00-40:00 EMOM 16

M1) 18/15 Calorie Row

M2) 12 HSPU

M3) 12/10 Calorie Bike

M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Cap work at :45 each minute

TUESDAY 10.10.23

Block 1 - Front Squat 3x10 - 15 minutes


Athletes may hit heavy single after but do not exceed 90%

Block 2 - Step Ups - 18:00-28:00


3 Sets

10 Double DB Box Step Ups per side

Same as last week. Athletes who struggled try to master it this week or go heavier!

Block 3 - 31:00-40:00

21-15-9 FOR TIME

Double DB Front Squats 50/35 lbs

Toes to Bar

WEDNESDAY 10.11.23

Block 1 - Bench Press 3x10 - 15 minutes


Athletes may hit heavy single after but do not exceed 90%

Block 2 - 18:00-38:00 - AMRAP 20

Run to 6th Floor

15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows

15 Ring Dips OR HR Push-Ups

No bands today.

39:00-42:00 Buyout

3 minute Abs - Coach Choice

THURSDAY 10.12.23

Block 1 - Push Press 3x10 - 14 minutes


Athletes may hit heavy single after but do not exceed 90%

Block 2 - 18:00-42:00

Skill n Sweat AMRAP Intervals

1:30 Work, :30 Rest for 24:00 (3 Rounds)

M1) Handstand Walk OR Wall Walks

M2) Calorie Row

M3) Box Jump/Step Overs

M4) :30 Side Plank / Side + :30 Russian Twists

FRIDAY 10.13.23

Block 1 - Hang Power Clean 1RM - 18 minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% - 1@88% - 1@95% - 1@101%

Block 2 - Deadlift 3x10 - 18:00-28:00


Athletes may hit heavy single after but do not exceed 90%

Block 3 - 31:00 - 41:00

Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay

10 Power Snatch 75/55 lbs

30 Double Unders OR :30 Practice