Fall Fuerte Week of 9.11.23
Welcome to our next 6 week strength cycle!
Week 1 we'll be "testing in" building to a heavy single at or slightly above 90%. The goal is not to PR but to prep the CNS for the heavy lifts to come over the cycle.
Week 2: 9RM.
Week 3: 7RM.
Week 4: 5RM.
Week 5: 3RM.
Week 6: 1RM
During the cycle this will be our general weekly schedule:
Monday bench
Tuesday front squat
Wednesday hang clean
Thursday push press
Friday deadlift
MONDAY 9.11.23
Never Forget
Block 1 - 15 minutes to complete
Bench Press Heavy Single
9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%
3 Sets of 20 Alternating Bicep Curls
Heavier Bench Press Single by feel in remaining time
Block 2 - 18:00-30:00
3 Sets
20 INCLINE Alternating DB Bench Press
10 Tempo Pull-Ups
Block 3 - 33:00-42:00 - EMOM 9
M1) AMRAP Ring OR Hand Release Push-Ups
M2) 15 BTN Tricep Ext
M3) AMRAP 123 Up Downs
TUESDAY 9.12.23
Block 1 - Front Squat Heavy Single - 15 minutes to complete
9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%
Heavier Front Squat Single by feel in remaining time
Block 2 - 18:00-32:00
3 Rounds for Time
21 Toes to Bar
15 Double DB Thrusters
9 Burpees Over DB
Block 3 - 35:00-41:00
Complete 3 Sets
10 Bulgarian Split Squats Left
10 Bulgarian Split Squats Right
Your body your choice on dumbbell(s) weight
Quick Warmup
:30 Slow air squats to loosen hips
:30 walkout to up dog down dog
:30 Jumping Jacks
Divide class into 3 groups for Warm-Up Block
Start 45:00 clock by 6 minutes into class
Warmup Block - 0:00-6:00 EMOM
M1) Row
M2) Box Jump/Step Overs
M3) Hollow Rocks
Work :40 seconds each minute at warmup pace
Block 2 - Seated Box Jumps - 8:00-15:00
Build to high jump by feel
Block 3 - Hang Power Clean Heavy Single - 19:00-33:00
9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%
Heavier Hang Clean by feel in remaining time
Block 4 - 36:00-45:00 Full Send Rower EMOM
M1) AMRAP Row Calories :45
M2) AMRAP Zombie Sit-Ups (plate optional)
M3) Rest
Score is your total rower calories. Zombie sit-ups are NOT the priority. If athletes truly send it on the rower they can rest both minutes.
THURSDAY 9.14.23
Block 1 - Push Press Heavy Single - 14:00
9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%
Heavier Push Press by feel in remaining time
Block 2 - EMOM - 16:00-25:00
M1) 20 Alternating Overhead DB Press
M2) 15 Banded Reverse Flies
M3) AMRAP Runningman Sit-Ups
Block 3 - 28:00-42:00 AMRAP
Run to 6th Floor
25’ Handstand Walk OR 3 Wall Walks
30 MedBall Russian Twists
FRIDAY 9.15.23
Block 1 - Deadlift Heavy Single - 15:00
9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80% - 1@90%
No more floating. All building reps are touch and go.
Heavier Deadlift by feel in remaining time
Block 2: Booty Block - 18:00-28:00
3 Sets
10 Hip Thrusts
:30 Slow Mountain Climbers
Block 3 - D Ball Half Cindy AMRAP 31:00-41:00
1 D Ball Over Shoulder 150/100 lbs
5 Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows
10 Chest to Floor Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
Divide class into 4 groups based on D Ball preferences
Each group starts on different movement
There may be an inevitable bottle neck on D Balls but they’ll be fine resting for a few seconds while athlete finishes off with ball
SATURDAY 9.16.23
Nate Runs to the Bar
800m Run Buy In
2 Bar Muscleups OR 4 Pull-Ups OR 8 Ring Rows
4 HSPU OR DB Push Press
8 American KB Swings 24/16kg
At 14:00 Terrible Stair Run
Then Resume AMRAP
2 Bar Muscleups OR 4 Pull-Ups OR 8 Ring Rows
4 HSPU OR DB Push Press
8 American KB Swings 24/16kg
At 28:00 Run 800m
Score 1: Total Nate Rounds + Reps
Score 2: Return time from run