Week of 8.28.23

Week of 8.28.23


Two week “Deload” until our next strength series Fall Fuerte starting September 11 where we’ll build to 1RMs on all the movements we did during Summer STRONG

Monday GunDay

Block 1 - 12 minutes

3 sets

10 1.25 Bench Press (50-55-60%)

20 Alternating Hammer Curls

:30 Russian Twists + Kick


Block 2

3 Sets

12 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

10 Single Arm Bentover Rows / Arm


Block 3

3 Sets

10 Tempo Strict Pull-Ups

20-30 Ring / Hand Release Push-Ups

10-20 123 Up Downs

HIIT Tuesday

Block 1 - 14 minutes

3 Sets

10 Pause Front Squats @ 50%

:20 single arm plank / side


Block 2 Teams of 2 Relay - 12 minutes

14 Forward DB Hang Lunges

10 Burpees Over DB

Max Double DB Thrusters until 2:00

Athlete 1 goes at 0:00 while Athlete 2 Rests

Athlete 2 goes at 2:00

Athlete 1 goes at 4:00

Athlete 2 goes at 6:00

Athlete 1 goes at 8:00

Athlete 2 goes at 10:00

athletes unable to complete lunges & burpees under 90 seconds scale to half Burpees, and/or no weight on lunges


Block 3 - Abdonimal EMOM

M1) : 30 Slow Mountain Climbers

M2) Max Runningman sit-ups

Hump Day Power Jump Day

Block 1 - seated box/broad jumps - 8 minutes

Build to high triple by feel

rest between height attempts

athletes put boxes away

grab barbells

Coach lead through hang Power clean warmup


Block 2 - Hang Power Clean - 12 minutes

10-8-6-4–2 Unbroken Sets



Block 3 Back Burner EMOM (3 rounds)

M1) 20 Gorilla Rows

M2) 15 Chest to Ring Rows (Rx Feet elevated)

M3) Row 18/15 Calories

M4) Hollow Rocks / Rest

Thursday- Swolders

Block 1 - STRICT Press - 10 min

3 sets

10 Strict Press @30-40-50% Push Press

:30 Lean Back after each set


Block 2 -Teams of 2 Relay AMRAP

15 Toes to Bar OR 20 Knees to Hips

25’ Handstand Walk OR 3 Wall Walks

athlete 1 rows while athlete 2 does 1 round

Switch and repeat


Block 3 - Shoulder Ascent to Heaven - AMRAP for QUALITY

14 Alternating Strict OH Press

15 Banded Reverse Flies

:15 Pull-Up Bar Dead Hang

Friday Posterior + Pump Day

Block 1 - 14 minutes

3 Sets

10 Floating Deadlift 50-55-60%

20 Alt DB Bench Press


Block 2

3 Sets

10 Pause Glute Bridges

20-30 Ring / Hand Release Push-Ups

Block 3

32:00-40:00 AMRAP

16 Alternating Hang Power DB Snatches

15 BTN Tricep Ext

:30 Bicep Curls with 1 DB


150 Bay

Block 1 - 30 min to complete

800m run


4 rounds


15 box jump overs

Run to 6th floor

At 32:00 Teams of 3 EMOM 9

M1) max dubz

M2) max zombies

M3) rest

Count dubz

Week of 8.21.23

Summer STRONG Week 6

Final week building to 10RM on all lifts goal is 80% or more!

MONDAY 8.21.23

Block 1: 10RM Bench Press  - 12 min

3 Sets

10 Bench Press (50-65-80%)

10 Single Arm Rows/side after each set

2:00 Put Benches aside

Block 2: 14:00-29:00

3 Sets

10 Strict Pull-Ups

25 Ring Push-Ups OR Hand Release Push-Ups

100’ Farmers Carry


Divide class into 3 groups and have each group start at different movement

All hand release push-ups to be performed in the front of the gym (by flag & dumbbells )

Two areas for Farmers Carry:

  1. 25’ Handstand walk tape lines in front of rig

  2. From bikes to pillar

Block 3 - 32:00-41:00

Monday GunDay EMOM

M1) 15 Banded Chest Flys

M2) 20 Hammer Bicep Curls

M3) 15 BTN Tricep Extensions

TUESDAY 8.22.23

Block 1 - 10RM Front Squat - 16 minutes

3 Sets (50-65-80%)

15-30 plate holding Zombie sit-ups after each round

Dirty Thirty LegDay

For Time

30 Forward Stepping Lunges

30 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

30 Kneel to Stand

30 Squat Jacks

30 Double DB Front Rack Lunges

30 Burpees Over DB


Block 1 - 10RM Push Press - 15 min

3 Sets (50-65-80%)

20-30 Tuck Ups After Each Set

Block 2 - 18:00-28:00 - For Time


Double DB Curl to Strict Press

Box Jumps

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

30/24” Box

Block 3 - 31:00-40:00 - EMOM

M1) Statue of Liberty DB Hold (:20/arm)

M2) 15 Reverse Banded Flies

M3) :30 Slow Mountain Climbers

THURSDAY 8.24.23

Block 1 - 10RM Hang Power Clean - 14 min

3 Sets (50-65-80%)

:30 side plank / arm after each set

Block 2 - EMOM 9 - 17:00-26:00

M1) 60 Double Unders

M2) 10 Football Burpees

M3) :30-45 Russian Twists

Block 3 - 29:00-40:00 Teams of 3

Buy In - Terrible Stair Run Together with one athlete holding Medicine ball

In remaining time - AMRAP Row Calories

Rotate athletes every :45 to keep intensity high

Score is total calories as a team

FRIDAY 8.25.23

Block 1 - 10RM Deadlift - 15 minutes

3 Sets (50-65-80%)

20 Alternating Bicep Curls

Block 2 - 18:00 - 27:00

M1) 20 Alt DB Bench Press

M2) 20 Alt Gorilla Rows

M3) AMRAP 123 up downs

Block 3 - 30:00-39:00 complete

Max Sets

10 Strict Tempo Pull-Ups

20 Ring Dips or HR Push-Ups

SATURDAY 8.26.23

4 Rounds for Time

Run to 6th Floor

500m Row

15 Double DB Thruster

20 Toes to Bar

20 Burpees

Week of 8.14.23

Summer STRONG Week 5! Up to 75% on all barbells


Monday 8.14.23

Block 1 - 0:00-12:00

3 Sets

10 Bench Press (55-65-75%)

10 Tempo Double DB Row

Rest 1:00-1:30 after each set

Block 2 - 14:00-30:00

Push Pull Ladder

10-20-30-40 Ring OR Hand Release Push-ups

After each set of push-ups

10 Strict Pull-Ups (bands allowed)

25 Tuck Ups

Block 3 - 32:00-41:00


M1) Farmers Carry

M2) 20 Hammer Curls

M3) 10 Tempo Push-Ups (use knees as needed)

Tuesday 8.15.23

Block 1 - 17 minutes

3 sets

10 Front Squats (55-65-75%)

20 Plate Holding Zombie Sit-ups

:30 L Sit

3:00 to put barbells away get mentally ready with dumbbells and pads

Block 2 - 20:00-26:00

Retest - Death by Bulgarians EMOM

M1) 5 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats EACH Leg

M2) 6 EACH Leg

M3) 7 Each Leg

M4) 8 Each Leg

M5) 9 Each Leg

M6) 10 Each Leg

Rest 3:00

Block 3 - 29:00-38:00

Crazy 8s Burner- Every 3:00 for 9:00

8 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Right

8 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Left

8 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

8 Jumping Squats

Wednesday 8.16.23

Block 1 Shoulder Strength - 14 minutes

3 Sets

10 Push Press (55-65-75%)

10-20 123 Up Downs

Rest 60-90s between rounds

Rest 3:00

Block 2 Shoulder Endurance 17:00-27:00

For Time

42-30-18 Alternating Overhead DB Press

10 Burpees Over DB After Each Set

Rest 3:00

Block 3 Shoulder Stability 30:00-39:00 EMOM

M1) :30 Single DB OH Hold / Handstand

M2) 15 Banded Reverse Flies

M3) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

Thursday 8.17.23

Athletic Power Day

Block 1 - 12 minutes

Lifting Strength / Skill

3 Sets

10 Hang Power Cleans (55-65-75%)

5 Broad Jumps (end to end barbell)

20 Slow Mountain Climbers

New folks practice muscle cleans with empty/light barbell focusing on bar path close to body, finding hip, finding full extension then receiving with elbows high

Block 2  - 15:00-23:00


M1) 60 Double Unders

M2) 30 Hollow Rocks

Rest 2:00

25:00-40:00 Block 3 -  AMRAP

Run to 6th Floor

15 Box Jump/Step Overs on Pound Pads

20 Lateral Ball Toss to Wall

Friday 8.18.23

Block 1 - 14 min

3 Sets

10 Floating Deadlift (55-65-75%)

20 Alternating Bicep Curls

Rest 3:00 clean up barbells and take scores

17:00 - 26:00 Block 2 - Chest & Tricep Superset


M1) 15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

M2) 15 BTN DB Tricep Extensions

M3) 15 Banded Chest Flies

Rx: 50/35 lb DB

Rest 3:00

29:00 - 38:00 Block 3 Back Burner EMOM

M1) 8 Tempo Pull-Ups

M2) Row 18/15 Calories

M3) AMRAP Runningman Sit-Ups

(Scoreboard male 78 female 69)

Saturday 8.19.23

A Trip to Asbury Park…

Teams of 2

30 minutes to complete

Run 800m Buy In

20-16-10 Follow the Leader Style

Alternating DB Power Snatch (50/35 lb)

Wall Balls (20/14 lb)


Terrible Stair Run Together


20-16-10 Follow the Leader Style

HSPU / DB Push Press

Toes to Bar


Terrible Stair Run

Follow the Leader Format

Athlete A does 20 snatch

Athlete B does 20 snatch

Athlete A does 20 Wall Ball

Athlete B does 20 Wall Ball

Athlete A does 16 snatch

Athlete B does 16 snatch

Athlete A does 16 Wall Ball

Athlete B does 16 Wall Ball

Athlete A does 10 snatch

Athlete B does 10 snatch

Athlete A does 10 Wall Ball

Athlete B does 10 Wall Ball

Week of 8.7.23

Monday 8.7.23

Block 1

3 Sets

10 1.25 Bench Press (50-60-70%)

10 Tempo Double DB Row

Block 2

4 Sets

25 Ring Push-ups

10 Strict Pull-Ups

20-35 Tuck Ups

Block 3


M1) Farmers Carry

M2) 20 Hammer Curls

M3) Bottom of Push-up Hold

Tuesday 8.8.23

Block 1 - 16 minutes

3 sets

10 Front Squats (50-60-70%)

20-35 Zombie Sit-ups

Block 2


M1) 10 Double DB Kneel to Stand

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M3) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M4) 15 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

M5) Rest

Wednesday 8.9.23

Block 1 - 16 minutes

3 Sets

10 Hang Power Clean (50-60-70%)

Rest 60-90s

10 Push Press (50-60-70%)

10-20 123 Up Downs

Block 2: 19:00-28:00


M1) 20 Alternating OH Press

M2) 20 Alt Curls

M3) Lean Back

Block 3: 31:00-37:00


6 Double DB Power Snatch 50/35 lbs

6 Box Jumps 24/20”

Thursday 8.10.23

Block 1


M1) 60 Double Unders

M2) 30 Hollow Rocks

Rest 2:00

10:00-28:00 Block 2

5:00 on, 1:00 off for 18:00

Terrible Stair Run

AMRAP Burpees jump clap overhead until 5:00

Rest until 6:00 mark (score is total burpees over 3 rounds)

Rest 2:00


Block 3

Oblique EMOM 9

20 Lateral Ball Toss to Wall

:20 Palloff Press/Side

:30 Russian Twists

Friday 8.11.23

Block 1 - 15 min

3 Sets

10 Floating Deadlift (50-60-70%)

10 Tempo Pull-Ups

Rest 3:00 clean up barbells and bands

18:00-33:00 Block 2


M1) 15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

M2) :30-40 3 Position Bicep Curls

M3) 15 BTN DB Tricep Extensions

M4) 18/15 Calorie Row

M5) AMRAP Runningman SitUps

Rx: 50/35 lb DB

Scoreboard (bench press + Tricep + row calories = 144 male; 135 female)

Rest 2:00

35:00-38:00 Block 3

Burnout AMRAP 3

Max Reps Hand Release Push-ups

Saturday 8.12.23

Start clock

Run 800m Buy In

Then 4 rounds for time

12 Double DB Thrusters

20 Toes to Bar

Terrible Stair Run OR 50/40 calorie bike

Cap 35:00

Buyout EMOM 6 - start at 35:00 mark

M1) :30-40 Max Handstand/Plank Hold

M2) Partner AMRAP Medball Sit-ups

Week of 7.31.23

Week of 7.31.23

Summer STRONG Week 3!

Same movements as last week! Capping at 65% on our barbell sets of 10

MONDAY 7.31.23


0:00-12:00 Block A - 12 minutes to complete

3 Sets

10 1&1/4 Bench Press @50-58-65%

20 Alternating Gorilla Rows

2 minutes to clear benches and set up for pull-ups

14:00 - 30:00 Block B - 16 minutes to complete

4 Sets

10 Tempo Strict Pull-Ups (:02 above, control down)

25 Ring OR Hand Release Push-ups

10-20 123 Up Downs after each set

2 minutes to put away bands

32:00 - 41:00 Block C - EMOM

M1) :45-60 Farmers Carry

M2) 20 Hammer Curls

M3) :30 Bottom Ring Push-Up / Chaturanga Hold

TUESDAY 8.1.23

Block A - 16 minutes

3 Sets

10 Front Squats @ 50-58-65%

20-35 zombie sit ups after each set - your body your choice. You can also use a plate!

Block B - Unilateral Leg Ladder

18 minutes to complete

22-16-10 Reps Each

Double DB Kneel to Stand (sub box step ups)

Single DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

Single DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

Athletes may use 1 dumbbell on movements to ensure full range of motion


0:00-16:00 Block A - 16 minutes

3 Sets

10 Hang Power Cleans (50-58-65%)

Rest :60-:90 between

10 Push Press (50-58-65%)

20-36 runningman sit-ups after each round

Athletes partner up with someone close to your strength level. All lifts from the floor.

Athletes who don’t know their power clean 1RM can use same barbell weight as push press

16:00- 19:00 clean up barbells Coach take scores athletes get dumbbells

19:00-28:00 Block B - EMOM 9

M1) 20 Alternating Overhead DB Press

M2) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) :30 L Sit

Rest 2:00

30:00-38:00 Block C - For Time

22-16-10 Alternating DB Snatch

10 Burpees over DB after each set

Rx: 50/35 lb DB

8 minute cap


Teams of 2


At 0:00 Buy in: Terrible Stair Run Together


5:00-25:00 Teams of 2 Relay AMRAP

Athlete A rows

Athlete B does 50 dubz + 20 Lateral Wall Toss + 30 Hollow Rocks

Switch and repeat

Score 1: total calories on rower

Score 2: total rounds as a team

Buyout at 25:00: Terrible Stair Run

FRIDAY 8.4.23

0:00-12:00 Block A

3 Sets

10 Floating Deadlift @50-58-65%

10 Strict Pull-Ups

14:00-26:00 Block B - Superset EMOM 12

M1) 15 Reverse Grip Bench Press

M2) 20 Alternating curls

M3) 15 Pause Banded Chest Flies

M4) 18/15 calorie row

28:00-37:00 Block C - Burnout EMOM 9

M1) AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups

M2) 15 BTN DB Tricep Extensions

M3) AMRAP Starfish V Ups


800m Run Buy In

AMRAP until 15:00

10 HSPU or DB Push Press

15 Toes to Bar

16 Double DB Reverse Lunges

30 Russian Twists

At 15:00 Terrible Stair Run

Then resume AMRAP pick up where you left off

@ 28:00 800m Run

Week of 7.24.23

Week of 7.24.23

Summer STRONG Week 2!

Same movements as last week! Capping at 60% on our barbell sets of 10

MONDAY 7.24.23


0:00-12:00 Block A - 12 minutes to complete

3 Sets

10 1&1/4 Bench Press @50-60-60%

10 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats per leg

2 minutes to clear benches and set up for pull-ups

14:00 - 26:00 Block B - 12 minutes to complete

4 Sets

10 Tempo Strict Pull-Ups (:02 above, control down)

25 Ring OR Hand Release Push-ups

2 minutes to put away bands

28:00-34:00 Block C - 6 Minutes

20 Alternating Gorilla Rows

AMRAP 123 Up Downs until 2:00

34:00-37:00 Directly into buyout - 3 minutes

Max Effort Farmers Carry

TUESDAY 7.25.23


Block A - 14 minutes

3 Sets

10 Pause Front Squats @ 50-60-60%

20-35 zombie sit ups after each set - your body your choice. You can also use a plate!

Block B - Every 6:00 for 18:00

10 Double DB Kneel to Stand (sub box step ups)

15 Goblet Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

10 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Left

10 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Right

Rest in remaining time

Buyout - 30 Seconds Max Calorie Assault Bike



0:00-15:00 Block A - 15 minutes

3 Sets

10 Hang Power Cleans (50-60-60%)

Rest :60-:90 between

10 Push Press (50-60-60%)

20-36 runningman sit-ups after each round

Athletes partner up with someone close to your strength level. All lifts from the floor.

Athletes who don’t know their power clean 1RM can use same barbell weight as push press

15:00 - 18:00 clean up barbells Coach take scores athletes get dumbbells

18:00-27:00 Block B - EMOM 9

M1) 20 Alternating Overhead DB Press

M2) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) :30 L Sit

Right into

27:00-36:00 Block C - EMOM 9

M1) :30 Double DB Overhead Hold

M4) :30 Isometric Bicep Hold 90*

M5) :30 Lean Back

THURSDAY 7.27.23


Running Clock

0:00-18:00 Block A

Steady State AMRAP

Terrible Stair Run OR 40/30 Calorie Bike

15 Box Jump Overs 24/20”

20 Lateral Ball Toss to Wall

30 Hollow Rocks

20:00-36:00 Block B EMOM

M1) 50 Double Unders

M2) 12/9 Calorie Bike

M3) 3 Wall Walks

M4) :30 Handstand OR Plank Hold

FRIDAY 7.28.23

Block A - 14 Minutes

3 Sets

10 Deadlift @50-60-60%

15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

Block B - Every 1:30 for 18:00

A) 20 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

B) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press + 15 Chest Flies

C) 22/18 Calorie Row

D) AMRAP Tuck Ups

SATURDAY 7.29.23

800m Run Buy In

The Shannon AMRAP

5 HSPU or DB Push Press

10 Toes to Bar

20 Reverse Lunges

@ 24:00 800m Run


7:30 Tabata Clock - :20 on, :10 off

i1) plate curls

i2) plate BTN Tricep Ext

i3) l sit

Week of 7.17.23

Week of 7.17.23 Welcome Video

Welcome to Summer STRONG! Over the next 6 weeks we’ll be focusing on strength, muscular endurance, and staying consistent to finish the summer right! Our major lifts will be Bench Press, Front Squat, Hang Power Clean, Push Press, and Deadlift!

We’ll be doing 3-4 sets of 10 every week following a progressive overload schedule with a 10RM capstone test on week 6. Barbells will be light the first two weeks but I encourage everyone to follow the prescribed weekly percentages exactly to stay on target and prevent yourself from blowing up early in the program. You’ll find that holding onto your barbells for all 10 reps unbroken will be incredibly challenging so stick to the script!

MONDAY 7.17.23

Block A - 12 minutes to complete

3 Sets

10 1&1/4 Bench Press @50%

10 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats per leg

2 minutes to clear benches and set up for pull-ups

Block B - 12 minutes to complete

4 Sets

10 Tempo Strict Pull-Ups (:02 above, control down)

20 Ring OR Hand Release Push-ups

2 minutes to put away bands

Block C - 6 Minutes

20 Alternating Gorilla Rows

AMRAP 123 Up Downs until 2:00

Directly into buyout - 2 minutes

Max Effort Farmers Carry

TUESDAY 7.18.23

Block A - 12 minutes

3 Sets

10 Pause Front Squats @ 50%

20-35 zombie sit ups after each set - your body your choice. You can also use a plate!

Block B - Every 4:00 for 12:00

10 Goblet Kneel to Stand

15 Goblet Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

30 Jumping Air Squats

Rest in remaining time

Block C - assault bike sprints - 4:30

Teams of 3 - 3 Rounds

:20 work Athlete A

:10 transition

:20 work Athlete B

:10 transition

:20 work Athlete C

:10 transition


Block A - 14 minutes

3 Sets

10 Hang Power Cleans (50%)

Rest between

10 Push Press (50%)

20-36 runningman sit-ups after each round

Athletes partner up with someone close to your strength level. All lifts from the floor.

Athletes who don’t know their power clean 1RM can use same barbell weight as push press

Block B - EMOM 15

M1) 20 Alternating Overhead DB Press

M2) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) :20 Statue of Liberty DB Hold / Side

M4) :30 Isometric Bicep Hold 90*

M5) :30 Lean Back

THURSDAY 7.20.23

Running Clock

0:00-20:00 Block A

3 Rounds For Time

Terrible Stair Run OR 40/30 Calorie Bike

20 Box Jump Overs 24/20”

15 Burpees

Rest in remaining time

20:00-32:00 Block B EMOM

M1) 50 Double Unders

M2) 12/9 Calorie Bike

M3) 20 Lateral Ball to Wall

FRIDAY 7.21.23

Block A - 14 Minutes

3 Sets

10 Deadlift @50%

30-20-10 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

Block B - Every 1:30 for 13:30

A) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press + 15 Chest Flies

B) 20 DB Hammer Curls + 15 BTN Tricep Extensions

C) 21/17 Calorie Row

SATURDAY 7.22.23

800m Run Buy In


1:30 on, :30 off for 24:00 alternate between amraps

A) Burpee Muscle Ups

B) Box Jump Overs

C) Wall Walks

D) Assault Bike

At 30:00

800m Run Buyout

Week of 7.10.23

Summer Break Fun Week!

We just completed the 11 Week Summer Shred Program so we're taking a week to scale down the heavy load before our next cycle starts July 17th. This week will include more medium to long duration CrossFit style MetCons without a designated Strength block to start each day. But don't worry! We'll get back to barbells next week!

MONDAY 7.10.23


KickStart My Heart

4 Rounds for Time

8 Hang Power Cleans

8 Thrusters

8 Strict Pull-Ups

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs

Functional Bodyuilding EMOM 16

M1) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press

M2) 10 Goblet Kneel to Stand

M3) Farmers Carry Hold (:45)

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Buy Out - :45 Max Effort Assault Bike

TUESDAY 7.11.23

Block A

Every 1:30 for 13:30 (3 rounds)

A) 15 Bench Press (50-60-70%)

B) 10 Strict Tempo Pull-Ups

C) AMRAP Runningman Situps

Block B - 9 minutes to complete

20 Ring Pushups

20 Gorilla Rows

30 Ring Pushups

20 Gorilla Rows

40 Ring Pushups

20 Gorilla Rows

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

Block C - Teams of 3

Max calories as a team in 9:00

Rotate on rower every minute

Score is total calories as a team


For Time


Power Clean

Front Squat

Lateral Burpees Over Bar

Rx: 135/95 lbs

13 minute cap

Bulgarians + Core Buyout Every 3:00 for 12:00

10 Bulgarian Split Squats Right

10 Bulgarian Split Squats Left

AMRAP Plate holding Zombie Situps until 3:00 mark each round

THURSDAY 7.13.23

Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

For Time

100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders

25-20-15-10-5 Burpees Clap overhead

13 minute cap

Steady State AMRAP 18

Terrible Stair Run (6th floor twice)

20 Lateral Medball Toss to Wall

2 Turkish Get Ups per side

:30 Hollow Rocks


10 Hammer Curls

10 BTN Tricep Ext

10 Butterfly Situps

FRIDAY 7.14.23

Team of 2 - Diane Follow the Leader Style - 16 minutes to complete

21 Deadlifts Athlete A

21 Deadlifts Athlete B

21 HSPU or DB Press Athlete A

21 HSPU or DB Press Athlete B

15 Deadlifts Athlete A

15 Deadlifts Athlete B

15 HSPU or DB Press Athlete A

15 HSPU or DB Press Athlete B

9 Deadlifts Athlete A

9 Deadlifts Athlete B

9 HSPU or DB Press Athlete A

9 HSPU or DB Press Athlete B

In remaining time max calories on Rower / Bike

Teams of 2 - Empty Barbell Arms Buy Out - 15 minutes

Teams who finish early amrap medball situp passes until 15:00


SATURDAY 7.15.23

At 0:00 Run 800m


5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 10 HR Push-ups + 20 Reverse Lunges

At 12:00 Terrible Stair Run

Then resume AMRAP

5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 10 HR Push-ups + 20 Reverse Lunges

At 22:00 Run 800m

Score 1: Total rounds + reps on amrap

Score 2: Time finishing last 800m Run

Buyout: Rowling 10 minutes

3 Tuck Ups for Every Meter above/below 100m

Week of 7.3.23

Summer Shred Test Week!

MONDAY 7.3.23 Normal Schedule

Strength: Push Press 1RM - 15 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% 1@88% - 1@95% - 1@101%

After each set below 90% do 10-15 123 Up Downs

Earn Your BBQ & Booze EMOM 20

M1) 12 HSPU or DB Push Press

M2) 12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups OR 15 Ring Rows

M3) 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

M4) Rest


7:30am Class

8:30am Class

9:30-11:45am Open Gym

12:00pm Class

Independence Pump

Every 2:00 for 32:00 (4 rounds) Alternate Between

A) 10 DB 1.25 Bench Press + 20 Gorilla Rows

B) 20 Ring Push-Ups + 20 Single KB Hammer Curls

C) Row 36/30 Calories

D) AMRAP Runningman Sit-Ups


Strength: 1RM Front Squat - 20 minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% 1@88%- 1@95% - 1@101%

After each set below 90% complete 20 zombie sit-ups

Teams of 3 Make it Hurt EMOM 12

12 Double DB Front Squats + AMRAP Assault Bike Calories until the minute ends

M1) Athlete 1

M2) Athlete 2

M3) Athlete 3

Each athlete works 1 minute at a time while the others rest

Each athlete will do 4 max effort minutes  with 2 minutes of rest between

Reset bike every time. Score is your individual total calories


Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Cardio Party Every 2:00 for 24:00 (3 rounds)

A) Row 32/26 Calories

B) 100 Double Unders OR 200 Singles + AMRAP Butterfly Sit-Ups

C) Bike 20/16 Calories

D) 2 Turkish Get Ups per side + AMRAP L raise over KB

Scoreboard: Calories + Double Unders  (no count for singles)

Bodybuilding BuyOut EMOM 9

M1) Single DB 3 Position Curls

M2) Handstand/Plank Hold

M3) L Sit on Floor

Work :30-:40 each minute

FRIDAY 7.7.23

Strength - Deadlift 1RM - 18 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% - 1@88% - 1@95% - 1@101%

Can You Get All the Reps? EMOM 12

M1) 20 Wall Balls

M2) 15 Toes to Bar


Summer Sweats

1:30 on, :30 off for 24:00 (3 rounds)

Alternate Between AMRAPs

A) Burpee Muscle Ups or Burpee Pull-Ups

B) Row Calories

C) MebBall Box Step Ups

D) Assault Bike Calories

Partner Buyout EMOM 9

M1) Medball Toss Sit Ups

M2) MedBall Back to Back Twist Pass

M3) Medball Push-up Pass

Week of 6.26.23

Week 10 Summer Shred!


MONDAY 6.26.23


Strength: Push Press 2RM - 14 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% 2@90% - 2@95%

After each set below 90% do 20 Runningman Sit-Ups

MetCon - Teams of 2 Relay - AMRAP 18

Rx: 10 HSPU + 5 Muscle Ups

Scaled: 10 DB Push Press + 10 Pull-Ups or 15 Ring Rows

Athlete A rows/bikes while Athlete B completes 1 round. Switch and Repeat.

Accumulate as many rounds and calories as possible

Score 1: Total Rounds + Reps

Score 2: Total Calories

TUESDAY 6.27.23


Strength: 2RM Front Squat - 18 minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% 2@90% - 2@95%

After each set below complete 20 zombie sit-ups

MetCon For Time


Double DB Front Rack Forward Lunges

Toes to Bar

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs

12 minute Cap

Knee must physically make contact with the floor every Lunge to count

Athletes unable to lunge may do step ups. 3 pound pad height minimum.



Push Pull Abs EMOM 12

M1) 10 Barbell 1.25 Bench Press (50-60%)

M2) 20 DB Gorilla Rows (50/35 lbs)

M3) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Hot n Heavy EMOM 16

M1) 4 D Ball Over Shoulder (150/100 lbs)

M2) 20 Ring Push-Ups OR Hand Release Push-Ups

M3) 15/12 Calories Assault Bike

M4) Rest

Score is total cleans x weight

THURSDAY 6.29.23


Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Cardio Party

Every 3:00 for 27:00 (3 rounds) Alternate Between

A) Row 48/36 Calories

B) 150 Double Unders OR 300 Singles + AMRAP Butterfly Sit-Ups

C) Bike 30/24 Calories

Bodybuilding BuyOut EMOM 9

M1) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M2) Handstand/Plank Hold :30-40

M3) 20 BTN Tricep Ext

Pride Day FRIDAY 6.30.23

Wear your rainbow colors in class and join us for a drink at the gym after the 6:30pm workout!


Strength - Deadlift 2RM - 15 Minutes

5@55% - 4@65%- 3@75%- 2@85%- 2@95%

MetCon - Teams of 2 for Time

25-20-15 Follow the Leader Style

Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)

Row Calories

18 minute cap

In classes bigger than 16, 1-2 teams will do assault bike


Partner Workout Fun

Week of 6.19.23

Week 9 Summer Shred!

MONDAY 6.19.23


Strength: 4RM Front Squats - 15 minutes 

5 sets of 4 UNBROKEN @50-60-70-80-90%

After each set complete 20 zombie sit-ups 

MetCon - Leg Ladder

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps Each

Double DB Squat Clean

Left Leg Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats 

Right Leg Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats 

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs for cleans

1 DB for split squats 

20:00 Cap

TUESDAY 6.20.23


Strength: Push Press 4RM - 14 Minutes

Build to heavy UNBROKEN set of 4 by feel (50-60-70-80-90%)

After each set do 20 Runningman Sit-Ups

Every 1:30 for 18:00 (3 Rounds)

A) 50' Handstand Walk OR 6 Wall Walks

B) Bike 15/12

C) 20 Toes to Bar

D) Row 20/16 Calories

Cap work at 1:15 each interval 



Swole Patrol EMOM 8

M1) 10 1.25 DB Bench Press (45 degree hold)

M2) 8 Tempo Pull-Ups (bands allowed)

:01 above rim, :01 control down 

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs and No Band

Functional Pump EMOM 20

M1) Heavy D Ball Bear Hug Hold (:45)

M2) 20 Ring Push-Ups

M3) 8 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Right

M4) 8 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Left

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Rx: 150/100 lb D Ball hold

50/35 lb Dumbbell

Athletes may Squat or Power Cleans

Score is total cleans x weight

THURSDAY 6.22.23


Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Double Unders

Annie 2.0 For Time

50-75-100-125-150 Double Unders

50-40-30-20-10 Butterfly Sit-Ups

Scaled: 100-150-200-250-300 Single Unders

OR 50-75-100-125-150 Jumping Jacks

20 min cap


Rowling 12 Minutes

Goal is to get 100m exactly every row

For every meter above or below 100, do 1 burpee

Pride Day FRIDAY 6.23.23

Wear your rainbow colors in class and join us for a drink at the gym after the 6:30pm workout!


Strength - Deadlift 4RM - 15 MinutesTo

Build to HEAVY UNBROKEN set of 4 Touch n Go Reps


MetCon - For Time Teams of 2 Follow the Leader Style

40 Wall Balls Athlete A

40 Wall Balls Athlete B

40 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete A

40 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete B

30 Wall Balls Athlete A

30 Wall Balls Athlete B

30 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete A

30 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete B

20 Wall Balls Athlete A

20 Wall Balls Athlete B

20 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete A

20 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete B

Rx: 20/14 lb Ball to 10/9 foot target

50/35 lb DB

SATURDAY 6.24.23

Pride Partner Workout Fun!

Community social at Surf City 3pm!

Week of 6.12.23

Week 8 Summer Shred!

MONDAY 6.12.23


Strength: Front Squat 6RM from the rack - 14 minutes 

4 sets of 6 UNBROKEN @50-60-70-80%+

After each set complete 26 zombie sit-ups 

Grip Nasty EMOM 16

M1) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups Right

M2) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups Left

M3) 15 Hang Power Cleans

M4) 15 Toes to Bar

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs to 24/20” Box

Possible Reps: 150

TUESDAY 6.13.23


Strength: Push Press 6RM from Rack - 14 Minutes

Build to heavy UNBROKEN set of 8 by feel (55-65-75-85%

After each set do 16 123 Up Downs

Teams of 2 - 18 Minute AMRAP Relay

Rx: 25’ Handstand Walk + 10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Scaled: 3 Wall Walks + 15 Chest to Ring Row

Athlete A rows/bikes while Athlete B completes 1 round. Switch and Repeat.

Accumulate as many rounds and calories as possible

Score 1: Total Rounds + Reps

Score 2: Total Calories



Teams of 2 - Clean Intervals

Round 1 (50%)

0:00-1:00 Athlete A max rep cleans at 135/95 lbs

1:00-2:00 Athlete B max rep cleans at 135/95 lbs

2:00-3:00 Both Athletes Rest and Add weight to Bar

Round 2 (60%)

3:00-4:00 Athlete A max rep cleans at 185/115 lbs

4:00-5:00 Athlete B max rep cleans at 185/115 lbs

5:00-6:00 Both Athletes Rest and Add weight to Bar

Round 3 (70%)

6:00-7:00 Athlete A max rep cleans at 225/135 lbs

7:00-8:00 Athlete B max rep cleans at 225/135 lbs

8:00-9:00 Both Athletes Rest and Add weight to Bar

Athletes may Squat or Power Cleans

Score is total cleans x weight

Bodybuilding Dessert - EMOM 15

M1) 10 Bench Press @50-70%

M2) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) AMRAP Tuck Ups

THURSDAY 6.15.23


Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Turkish Get Up & Go EMOM 9

M1) 2 TGU Right

M2) 2 TGU Left

M3) 15 Box Jump Overs

Rx: 24/16kg KB

Athletes may use DB or KB.

Cardio Party Intervals

Every 2:00 for 24:00 (3 rounds) Alternate Between

A) Row 32/26 Calories

B) 100 Double Unders OR 200 Singles + AMRAP Butterfly Sit-Ups

C) Bike 20/16 Calories

D) 12 Burpee Box Jumps (stand up tall at top of box)

Scoreboard: Calories + Double Unders + Burpees (no count for singles)

Pride Day FRIDAY 6.16.23

Wear your rainbow colors in class and join us for a drink at the gym after the 6:30pm workout!


Strength - Deadlift 6RM - 15 MinutesToBuild to HEAVY UNBROKEN set of 6 Touch n Go Reps


MetCon - Simple & Spicy EMOM 10

M1) 20 Wall Balls

M2) 20 American KB Swings

Rx: 20/14 lb Ball to 10/9 foot target

24/16kg Kettlebell

BuyOut AMRAP 5

10 Plate Curls

10 Plate Behind the Neck tricep Ext

10 Plate Sit Ups

SATURDAY 6.17.23

Partner Workout Fun!

Mark your calendars next Saturday June 24th community social at Surf City 3pm!

Week of 6.5.23

Week 7 Summer Shred!

MONDAY 6.5.23 Workout Briefing Video

Strength: 3x8Front Squats from the floor - 14 minutes 

3 sets of 8 UNBROKEN @55-65-75% 1RM

After each set complete 35 zombie sit-ups 

MetCon - EMOM 16

M1) 20 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats (10/leg)

M2) 8 Tempo Pull-Ups (bands allowed)

M3) 12/9 Calorie Bike

M4) 20 Ring OR Hand Release Push-Ups

TUESDAY 6.6.23 Workout Briefing Video

Strength: Push Press 8RM from Rack - 12 Minutes

Build to heavy UNBROKEN set of 8 by feel (60-70-80%)

After each set do 30 Runningman Sit-Ups

Every 2:00 for 18:00 Alternate Between

A) Row 34/28 Calories

B) 75’ Handstand Walk OR 8 Wall Walks

C) 30 Toes to Bar OR 40 Knees to Hips

WEDNESDAY 6.7.23 Workout Briefing Video

Teams of 2 - Linda Follow the Leader Style

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps Each

Deadlift  275/205 lbs

Bench Press 185/115 lbs

Squat Clean 135/95 lbs

Pair up based on strength and come to agreed upon weights for all barbells. 

Athletes. At different strength levels can change weight on bars between sets or one athlete can use dumbbells. 

Follow the leader means

Athlete A does 10 deadlift. Athlete B does 10 deadlift

Athlete A does 10 bench press. Athlete B does 10 bench press

Athlete A does 10 squat cleans. Athlete A does 10 squat cleans

Athlete A does 9 deadlift. Athlete B does 9 deadlifts

Etc until final round 

Athlete A does 1 squat clean. Athlete B does 1 squat clean 

THURSDAY 6.8.23 Workout Briefing Video

Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Turkish Get Up EMOM 9

M1) 1 TGU Right + 5 Windmills

M2) 1 TGU Left + 5 Windmills

M3) :30 L Raise over KB/DB

Rx: 24/16kg KB

Athletes may use DB or KB.

Recovery Sweat

Every 3:00 for 24:00 (2 rounds) Alternate Between

A) Row 48/36 Calories

B) 150 Double Unders OR 300 Singles + AMRAP Butterfly Sit-Ups

C) Bike 30/24 Calories

D) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls + 20 BTN Tricep Ext + AMRAP Plank in push-up position 

FRIDAY 6.9.23 Workout Briefing Video

Strength: Power Snatch 6RM - 12 Minutes

4 sets of 6 UNBROKEN Touch n Go Reps

MetCon - For Time Teams of 2 Follow the Leader Style

30 Wall Balls Athlete A

30 Wall Balls Athlete B

30 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete A

30 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete B

20 Wall Balls Athlete A

20 Wall Balls Athlete B

20 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete A

20 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete B

10 Wall Balls Athlete A

10 Wall Balls Athlete B

10 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete A

10 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete B

Rx: 20/14 lb Ball to 10/9 foot target

50/35 lb DB

SATURDAY 6.10.23

Partner Workout Fun!

Week of 5.29.23

Week 6 Summer Shred!

MONDAY 5.29.23

Closed for Memorial Day

TUESDAY 5.30.23

Strength: 3x10 Front Squats from the floor - 14 minutes 

3 sets of 10 UNBROKEN @50-60-70% 1RM

After each set complete 35 zombie sit-ups 

Scale weight as needed based on Murph soreness.

Murph Hangover Helper EMOM 16

M1) 16 Alternating DB Power Snatch

M2) 10 Sit Up Get Ups

M3) Bike 12/9 Calories

M4) L Sit on Floor / Rest

Rx: 50/35 lb DB


Strength: 3x10 Push Press from floor - 12 minutes

Build to heavy unbroken set by feel 

After each set do 30 runningman sit-ups


Teams of 2 Relay AMRAP 18

Rx: 25' Handstand Walk + 15 Toes to Bar

Scaled: 3 Wall Walks + 20 Knees to Hips

One athlete rows while the other does 1 full round. Switch. Repeat completing as many rounds and reps as possible.

Score 1: total rounds as a team 

Score 2: total calories on rower


Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Turkish Get Up EMOM 9

M1) 2 TGU Right

M2) 2 TGU Left

M3) :30 L Raise over KB/DB

Rx: 24/16kg KB

Athletes may use DB or KB.

Recovery Sweat

Every 2:00 for 24:00 Alternate Between

A) Row 30/24 Calories

B) :45 per side Lateral Medball Throw to Wall

C) Bike 20/16 Calories

D) 100 Double Unders OR 200 Single Unders + AMRAP sit-ups 

Count Row, Bike, and Dubz Only

Male: 450, Female: 420

FRIDAY 6.2.23

Strength: Conventional Deadlift - 12 Minutes

4 sets of 7 Reps Build to Heavy UNBROKEN set by Feel


Teams of 2 Relay AMRAP 15

5 Double DB Power Cleans

10 DB Front Rack Lunges

5 Bar Muscleups OR 10 Pull-Ups OR 15 Ring Rows

Rx: two 50/35 lb DBs


Beach Bodybuilding w/ Coach André


Week 5 Summer Shred! Big ticket item this week is Murph on Saturday!

MONDAY 5.22.23

Strength - Front Squats from the Floor - 14 Minutes

3 Sets of 10 Reps @ 50-58-65% 1RM Front Squat

After each set do 35 Zombie Sit-Ups

Athletes may power clean or squat clean bar to shoulders to start each set. Squat clean counts as 1 Rep of 12.

Athletes should partner together and share barbell. 

Newbies stretch wrists and lats between sets to get more comfortable with front rack position 

Every 2:00 for 18:00

A) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups EACH Leg with controlled descent

B) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press + 10 Sit-Up Get Ups

C) 30 Toes to Bar

TUESDAY 5.23.23

Strength: Bench Press 6RM

12 Minutes to Complete

4 sets of 6 Reps UNBROKEN @ 50-65–75-80%+

Complete 20 123 Up Downs after each set

Athletes may go heavier than prescribed percentages if feeling strong but remember it does NOT count unless you do all 6 reps unbroken. 

Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay 18

20 Ring/HR Push-Ups + 15 Box Jump Overs

One Athlete Rows/Bikes while the other does 1 round. Switch. Repeat.

Score 1: Total Rounds as Team

Score 2: Total Calories

In classes bigger than 16, 1-2 teams will have to do bike instead of row 


Weightlifting Skill: Clean Complex - 15 minutes 

Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean

2x(1+1)@50% - 2x(1+1)@60% - 2x(1+1)@70%

1x(1+1)@75% - 1x(1+1)@80%

Heavy Clean by feel in remaining time

MetCon - Teams of 2 -15 Minutes to Complete 

8 Rounds Relay Style

9 Power Cleans

6 Shoulder to Overhead

12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

After 8 rounds max burpees over bar until 15:00

Rx: 155/105 lbs 

Score 1: finishing time

Score 2: total burpees

Logistic Notes: Cap each individual partner's round time to 2:00 so both athletes have a chance to complete 4 rounds each. Fitter athlete should go first. 

THURSDAY 5.25.23

Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Handstand Practice EMOM 6

Options for each minute based on skill level: 

2-4 Wall Walks

8-10 Alternating Kickups to Wall

25' Handstand Walk

Active Recovery 

Every 2:00 for 24:00 (4 rounds)

A) Row 30/24 calories 

B) Bike 20/16 Calories

C) 30 Alternating Cossack Squats + AMRAP Russian Twistd

Scoreboard: count calories only 

Male: 200, Female 160

FRIDAY 5.26.23

Strength - Conventional Deadlift - 12 Minutes

3 Sets of 8 Reps UNBROKEN

Teams of 2 Relay - AMRAP 14

10 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 lbs

50 Double Unders or 100 Single Unders

Cap each round at 2:00/athlete


AMRAP 4 - Medball Sit-Ups

SATURDAY 5.27.23

Murph - 1 Community Heat at 10am

One community heat at 10am! After Murph the gym will closed for Memorial Day weekend until Tuesday morning 5:30am

1 Mile Run

100 Pullups

200 Pushups

300 Squats

1 Mile Run

Michael Patrick Murphy was a United States Navy SEAL officer who was awarded the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions during the War in Afghanistan. He was the first member of the United States Navy to receive the award since the Vietnam War.

Born: May 7, 1976, Smithtown, NY

Died: June 28, 2005, Kunar, Afghanistan


Games Level Rx

Unpartitioned in 20/14# Weight Vest

20 Rounds

5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Squats

10 Rounds

10 Pullups

20 Pushups

30 Squats

5 Rounds

20 Pullups

40 Pushups

60 Squats 

Partner Version

Run together 

10 Rounds Each Relay Style

5 Ring Rows

10 Pushups

15 Squats

Week of 5.15.23

Week 4 Summer Shred! Training wheels are coming off a bit this week. Time to put our barbell cycling skills to work

MONDAY 5.15.23

Strength - Front Squats from the Floor - 14 Minutes

3 Sets of 12 Reps @ 50-55-60% 1RM Front Squat

After each set do 35 Zombie Sit-Ups

Athletes may power clean or squat clean bar to shoulders to start each set. Squat clean counts as 1 Rep of 12.

Athletes should partner together and share barbell. 

Newbies stretch wrists and lats between sets to get more comfortable with front rack position 

MetCon - Teams of 2 Relay 

12-9-6-3 Power Clean & Press

12 Burpees after each set

Rx: 135/95 lbs

Athletes may push press or Jerk as long as they stand tall with bar overhead with knees hips and elbows locked out 

Workout flow:

Athlete A does 12 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete B cheers

Athlete B does 12 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete A Rests

Athlete A does 9 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete B rests

Athlete B does 10 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete A Rests

Etc until last round

Athlete B does 3 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete A Rests

TUESDAY 5.16.23

Strength: Bench Press 8RM

12 Minutes to Complete

3 sets of 8 Reps UNBROKEN @ 50-65-75%

After each set complete 25 123 Up Downs 

Every 1:30 for 18:00 (3 Rounds)

A) 30 Ring Push-Ups

B) 20 Box Jump Overs

C) 10 Tempo Pull-Ups / bands allowed

D) Row 20/16 Calories

Cap work at 1:15 each interval 


Weightlifting Skill: Clean Complex - 15 minutes 

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean

2x(1+1+1)@50% - 2x(1+1+1)60% - 2x(1+1+1)@70% - 1x(2+1)@75%

Heavy Clean by feel in remaining time 

Base all % on 1RM Squat Clean

Teams of 2 - 15 minutes to complete

10 Rounds Relay Style

5 Hang Power Cleans

10 Front Rack Forward Lunges

15 Toes to Bar

In remaining time max thrusters 

Rx: 115/75 lbs

Score 1: finishing time

Score 2: total thrusters

THURSDAY 5.18.23

Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Active Recovery Intervals

Every 3:00 for 27:00

A) Row 45/36 Calories

B) 30 Shoulder Taps + AMRAP Double Unders

C) Bike 30/24 Calories


Teams of 2 - AMRAP 4

Medball Partner Sit Ups

FRIDAY 5.19.23

Strength - Conventional Deadlift - 12 Minutes

3 Sets of 10 Reps UNBROKEN


1:00 Plank in Push-Up Position after each set

Teams of 2 Chipper - 18 Minutes to Complete

20 Power Snatch

30 Burpees Over Bar

40 Hand Release Push-Ups

50 Deadlifts

40 Hand Release Push-Ups

30 Burpees Over Bar

20 Power Snatch

Rx: 135/95 lbs 

SATURDAY 5.20.23

Final Murph Prep 

Bring Running Shoes!


148 1st Street (across the street from Gym)

Week of 5.8.23

Week 3 Summer Shred! Now that we have had two weeks to practice the movements, the goal is to hit a HEAVY 10 Rep Max on our major lifts this week (power clean + push press, 1.25 bench, and power snatch). You'll notice slightly longer time domain + the building percentages are lower to save your maximum effort for the top set. 

MONDAY 5.8.23

Strength: Power Clean + Push Press 10RM

15 Minutes to Complete

Complete 3 Sets of 10 UNBROKEN

40-55-70% of 1RM Push Press

After each set do 25 123 Up Downs

Push Pull Sweat EMOM 15

M1) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press

M2) 20 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats

M3) 20 Alternating Gorilla Row

M4) 12/9 Calorie Assault Bike

M5) Zombie Sit Ups (No Count)

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs

TUESDAY 5.9.23

Strength: 1.25 Bench Press - 10RM

14 Minutes to Complete

3 sets of 10 Reps UNBROKEN @ 50-60-70%

After each set complete 34 Runningman Sit-Ups

Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay 18

20 Ring/HR Push-Ups + 15 Toes to Bar

One Athlete Rows/Bikes while the other does 1 round. Switch. Repeat.

Score 1: Total Rounds as Team

Score 2: Total Calories

Compare to 4.12.23


Weightlifting Skill: Clean Complex - 15 minutes 

2 Power Cleans + 1 Hang Squat Clean

2x(2+1)@50% - 2x(2+1)60% - 2x(2+1)@70% - 1x(2+1)@75%

Heavy Clean by feel in remaining time 

Base all % on 1RM Squat Clean

Teams of 2 - 15 minutes to complete

10 Rounds Relay Style

5 Power Cleans

10 Front Rack Forward Lunges

12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups OR 15 Ring Rows

In remaining time max burpees over bar

Rx: 135/95 lbs

Score 1: finishing time

Score 2: total burpees over bar


Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Wall Facing Shoulder Taps

Skill EMOM 8

M1) :30 Shoulder Taps (scale to push-up position)

M2) :40 AMRAP Double Unders

Active Recovery Intervals

Every 2:00 for 18:00

A) Row 30/24 Calories

B) Bike 20/16 Calories

C) 10 Sit Up Get Ups + AMRAP Russian Twists

FRIDAY 5.12.23

Barbell Cardio - Power Snatch 10RM

12 Minutes to complete

3 Sets of 10 UNBROKEN Touch n Go Reps 



M1) 20 Alternating DB Power Snatch

M2) 15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

M3) 12/9 Calorie Bike

M4) AMRAP Tuck Ups (no count)

SATURDAY 5.13.23

Murph Prep

At 0:00 Run 800m


10 Bar Pull-ups + 20 Hand Release Push-ups + 30 Air Squats

At 12:00 Terrible Stair Run

Then Resume AMRAP 

10 Bar Pull-ups + 20 Hand Release Push-ups + 30 Air Squats

At 22:00 Run 800m

Week of 5.1.23

MONDAY 5.1.23

Strength: Power Clean + Push Press 12 Minutes 

Complete 3 Sets of 10 Unbroken

50-58-65% of 1RM Push Press

After each set do 22 123 Up Downs

Push Pull Sweat EMOM 9

M1) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press

M2) 8 Tempo Pull-Ups (bands allowed)

M3) 12/9 Calorie Assault Bike

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs

Buyout - Death by Bulgarians

6 minute EMOM

M1) 5 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats EACH LEG

M2) 6/leg

M3) 7/leg

M4) 8/leg

M5) 9/leg

M6) 10/leg

Goal is to survive and get all 90 reps over 6 minutes. 

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs

TUESDAY 5.2.23

Strength: 1.25 Bench Press

12 Minutes to Complete

3 sets of 10 Reps @ 50-58-65%

After each set complete 32 Runningman Sit-Ups

Sweaty Pump EMOM 20

M1) Row 18/15 Calories

M2) 20 Ring Push-Ups

M3) 20 Box Jump Overs

M4) :30 L Sit on Floor

Cap work at :45 each minute 


Weightlifting Skill: Cleans from Blocks - 15 minutes 

Power Clean + Squat Clean

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80% - 2@85%

Heavy Clean from blocks by feel in remaining time 

Teams of 2 - 15 minutes to complete

10 Rounds Relay Style

5 Hang Power Cleans

10 Front Squats

15 Toes to Bar

In remaining time max burpees over barbell

Rx: 135/95 lbs 

Score 1: finishing time

Score 2: total burpees over bar


Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Pike around Box


Shoulder Burn EMOM 8

M1) 2-4 Pike around Box

M2) Max Double Unders

Work :40 each minute 


M1) Sit Up Get Ups

M2) Banded Tempo Lat Pull Downs

M3) Banded Tempo Tricep Overhead Pull Downs

M4) Alternating DB Bicep Curls

M5) Russian Twists 

Work :40 each minute 

FRIDAY 5.5.23

Barbell Cardio - Power Snatch - 10 Minutes

3 Sets of 10 UNBROKEN Touch n Go Reps



M1) 20 Alternating DB Gorilla Rows

M2) 15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

M3) 12/9 Calorie Bike

M4) AMRAP Zombie Sit Ups (plate optional)


Murph Prep

At 0:00 Run 1 Mile


10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 10 HSPU + 30 Lunges

At 20:00 Run 800m

Week of 4.24.23

MONDAY 4.24.23

Strength: Power Clean + Push Press 12 Minutes 

Complete 3 Sets of 10 Unbroken

50-55-60% of 1RM Push Press

After each set do 20 123 Up Downs

Functional Bodybuilding EMOM 9

M1) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press

M2) 20 Alternating Gorilla Rows

M3) 20 Bulgarian Split Squats

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs


:30 Max Calorie Assault Bike

TUESDAY 4.25.23

Strength: 1.25 Bench Press

12 Minutes to Complete

3 sets of 10 Reps @ 50-55-60%

After each set complete 30 Runningman Sit-Ups

Sweaty Pump EMOM 20

M1) Row 18/15 Calories

M2) 20 Ring Push-Ups

M3) 18 Toes to Bar

M4) Bike 12/9 Calories

M5) Rest

Cap work at :45 each minute 


Weightlifting Skill: Cleans from Blocks - 15 minutes 

Power Clean + Squat Clean

3@50% - 3@60% - 2@70% - 2@80%

Heavy Clean from blocks by feel in remaining time 

Teams of 2 Follow the Leader Style


Front Squats 195/125 lbs

Burpees over Bar

THURSDAY 4.27.23

Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Headstand + Toe Touch to Floor

Skill EMOM 8

M1) Headstand Toe Touch to Floor

M2) Max Double Unders

Work :40 each minute 


M1) 10 Sit Up Get Ups

M2) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) :30-:40 Handstand Hold / DB overhead hold

M4) Arms only Row :45

M5) Zombie Sit-Ups (plate optional)

FRIDAY 4.28.23

Barbell Cardio - Power Snatch - 10 Minutes

3 Sets of 10 Unbroken Touch n Go Reps


M1) 8 Tempo Pull-Ups (bands allowed)

M2) 15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

M3) 18/15 Calorie Row

M4) :30-:40 Russian Twists + Kick

SATURDAY 4.29.23

Skill: Turkish Get Up


M1) 2 Reps Right

M2) 2 Reps Left 

Murph Prep

At 0:00 Run 800m


5 Pull-ups + 10 HR Push-ups + 15 Squats

At 10:00 Terrible Stair Run


5 Pull-ups + 10 HR Push-ups + 15 Squats

At 20:00 Run 800m

Week of 4.17.23

Post cycle Deload Week - nothing super heavy but shifting gears into summer shred higher volume

MONDAY 4.17.23

Kickstart my Heart

4 Rounds for Time

8 Hang Power Cleans

8 Thrusters

8 Strict Pull-ups or 16 Ring Rows (no bands allowed today)

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs

10 minute Cap

Functional Bodybuilding EMOM 16

M1) 20 Alt Overhead DB Press

M2) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats

M3) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats

M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs

TUESDAY 4.18.23

Skill: Turkish Get Up

Get Up & Go EMOM 9

M1) 2 Turkish Get Ups Right

M2) 2 Turkish Get Ups Left

M3) 15 Box Jump Overs

Teams of 2 Relay

10-8-6-4-2 Power Snatch 135/95 lbs

10 Burpees Over Bar After Each Round

Athlete A does 10 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete B rests

Athlete B does 10 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete A rests

Athlete A does 8 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete B rests

Athlete B does 8 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete A rests

Etc until final round

Athlete A does 2 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete B rests

Athlete B does 2 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete A rests


Strength/Skill: Cleans from Blocks - 15 minutes

Power Clean + Squat Clean

5@50% - 5@60% - 5@70%

Heavy Clean by Feel in remaining Time

Teams of 2 - AMRAP Relay 15

4 Power Cleans

8 Front Rack Forward Lunges

12 Toes to Bar

Rx: 115/75 lbs

THURSDAY 4.20.23

Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Kickup to Handstand or Walking

8 minutes to play around & practice

Every 2:00 for 18:00 (3 rounds)

Alternate Between

A) Row 30/24 Calories

B) :30 Handstand Hold + 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

C) 100 Double Unders OR 200 Singles + AMRAP Butterfly Sit-Ups

FRIDAY 4.21.23

Lynne Diesel

25 Minutes to Complete

5 Rounds for Maximum Reps

Unbroken Bench Press

Unbroken Pull-Ups or Ring Rows


Bodyweight Bench Press for Men

3/4 Bodyweight for Women

Scale to 60% 1RM

This is NOT for time. So take plenty of rest between sets and spot each other.

Use this flowM1) BenchM2) RestM3) Pull-UpsM4) Rest

Take longer rest in latter sets as needed

Buyout Tabata L Sit

SATURDAY 4.22.23Murph Prep

Bring weight vest if you have one