Wednesday 9.29.21

Wednesday 9.29.21

Oly Day


Power Clean + Hang Clean + Split Jerk

50% - 60% - 65% - 70% - 75% - 80%

Base % on 1RM Clean & Jerk

Heavy Clean & Jerk by Feel in remaining time 


From the Rack

Behind The Neck Split Jerk + 5 OHS

50% - 60% - 65% - 70% - 75% 

Base % on 1RM Jerk 

Heavy Overhead Squat Single by Feel in remaining time 

Tuesday 9.28.21

Tuesday 9.28.21

Muscleup Temp Strength


M1) 4 Tempo Pullups

M2) 4 Tempo Ring Dips



12 Burpee Box Jump Overs

12 Chest to Bar Pullups

12 Ring Dips

60 Double Unders

Monday 9.27.21

Monday 9.27.21

Bulletproof Torso Squats Week 3

18 Minutes to Complete

5 Zombies @ 50% - 5 Zombies @ 60% - 5 Zombies @ 65% - 5 Zombies @ 68%

1 Pause Front Squat

@ 75 - 80 - 83%


4 Rounds

20 DB Front Rack Lunges 50/35#

20 Toes to Bar

Sunday 9.26.21


Breathe Hard


800m Run

50/40 Cal Bike

1000/900m Row

Saturday 9.25.21

Beach Day


10 HSPU / Push Press

20 Alternating Bicep Curls

15 Behind the Neck Tricep Extensions

15 1-2-3 Up Downs

250M Row

Friday 9.24.21


Lift Heavy 20 Minutes to Complete

5x5 Push Press & 5x5 Sumo Deadlift

Recommended percentages 


Breathe Hard

Dumbbell Diane Walks

21-15-9 Deadlift 50/35 lbs

50' Handstand Walk After each Round


21-15-9 Deadlift 35/20 lbs

5 Wall Walks After Each Set

Thursday 9.23.21


Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Strength - 3RM PAUSE Bench Press 

12 Minutes - Pause at chest :02 each rep


M1) 5 Strict Tempo Toes to Bar

M2) 16 Alternating DB Bench Press

M3) 8 Tempo DB Bentover Rows

M4) AMRAP Barbell Zombie Situps

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

E2MOM for 32:00 Alternate Between

A) 25/20 Calorie Bike

B) 30/25 Cal Row

"C) 16 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"""

D) AMRAP Double Unders

Score is Total Dubz

Wednesday 9.22.21


Oly Day


From the Rack

2 Behind The Neck Split Jerks + 3 OHS

50% - 60% - 65% - 70% - 75% - 80%

Base % on 1RM Jerk 


Power Clean + Hang Clean

50% - 60% - 65% - 70% - 75% - 80%

Base % on 1RM Clean

Tuesday 9.21.21

Muscleup Temp Strength EMOM 6

M1) 5 Tempo Pullups

M2) 5 Tempo Ring Dips

Same Tempo as last week. Master the ROM!


Every 7:00 for 21:00

800m Run - 1000/800m Row - 50/40 Calorie Row

AMRAP in remaining time

10 C2B Pullups + 10 Ring Dips

Switch Cardio Buy In each round.

Pick up where you left off and count total AMRAP rounds + reps

Monday 9.20.21

Bullet Proof Torso Front Squat Cycle - Week 2

18 minutes to complete

5 Zombies @ 50% - 5 Zombies @ 60%

5 Zombies @ 65% - 5 Zombies @ 65%

1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat

@ 70-75-80% 


12 Minute EMOM

M1) 12 Double DB Box Step Ups

M2) 12-15 Toes to Bar

Sunday 9.19.21

Breathe Hard

1. 15 Burpees or 15/10 cal ski

2. 16/12 cal Assault Bike

3. 18/15 cal Row

4. Rest

Saturday 9.18.21

Partner Coughy Chalk-Late Chip from GSO

Teams of 2

60 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35 lbs

60 C2B Pullups

60 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35 lbs


60 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35 lbs

30 Bar Muscleups OR 60 C2B

25 Min Cap

Buyout: Sarah's Six Pack Sauce

Friday 9.17.21

Lift Heavy

Deadlift 1RM - 18 Minutes

5 @ 50%

4 @ 60%

3 @ 70%

2 @ 80%

1 @ 90%

1 @ 96%

1 @ 101%+

Breathe Hard - AMRAP 9:

12 American Swings 24/16kg

12 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups

Thursday 9.16.21

Functional Bodybuilding

Strength - Bench Press 3RM

12 Minutes to find Heavy Triple

Hypertrophy Work - EMOM 16:

M1) :20-30 Bottom of Ring Dip/Push-up Hold

M2) 5 Strict Tempo Toes to Bar

M3) 15 Behind the Neck Tricep Extension

M4) 3 Position Bicep Curls

Breathe Hard


Assault Bike Calories

Row Calories

*50 Double Unders after each set

**Female Calories: 40-32-24-16-8

Wednesday 9.15.21

Oly Day - Position Work


Find Heavy 3 Position Snatch


Find Heavy 3 Position Clean

Suggested Percentage Based Attempts for Each


3 Positions:

Floor - Below the Knee - Above the Knee

All Snatches/Cleans are SQUAT

Tuesday 9.14.21

Muscleup Temp Strength


M1) 5 Tempo Pullups

M2) 5 Tempo Ring Dips

MetCon - AMRAP 20:

Lap Around the Block

15 Chest to Bar Pullups

15 Ring Dips

Monday 9.13.21

Zombie Squat Cycle

18 minutes to complete

5 Zombies @ 50%

5 Zombies @ 55%

5 Zombies @ 60%

5 Zombies @ 60%

Heavy Pause Front Squat Singles

@ 70-75-80%

MetCon - EMOM 12:

M1) 12 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M2) 12 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M3) 12 HSPU / Push Press

M4) 15 Toes to Bar

Sunday 9.12.21

30 min AMRAP:

1600m Assault Bike

1000m Row

800m Run

*Aerobic Training, keep effort btw 60-75% throughout

Saturday 9.11.21

9/11 Hero Workout for Brian Baso's fallen Brothers in arms


9 Rounds:

1 D Ball to Shoulder + Squat 150/100 lbs

20 Double Unders

10 Toes to Bar

LCPL Christopher "Blake" Rogers of Bravo Company 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines was killed September 1, 2010

20 Minute Cap

At 20:00, Immediately start buyout

5 Minute AMRAP: Max HSPU / Push Press

Friday 9.10.21

Partner Linda

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Each

Bay Rx

Deadlift 275/195 lbs

Bench Press 185/115 lbs

Squat Clean 135/95 lbs


Deadlift 185/115 lbs

Bench Press 115/75 lbs

Squat Clean 95/65 lbs

Regionals 2018 Rx

Deadlifts (295/220 lb)

Bench Presses (195/135 lb)

Squat Cleans (145/105 lb)

30 Min Cap