Monday Quads Like Mossman Week 3
Back Squat 10@60% 8@70% 6@75% 4@80%
front squat 3x5 @ 60-70-70%
20 DB Front Rack Forward Lunges 50/35
20 Toes to Bar
Monday Quads Like Mossman Week 3
Back Squat 10@60% 8@70% 6@75% 4@80%
front squat 3x5 @ 60-70-70%
20 DB Front Rack Forward Lunges 50/35
20 Toes to Bar
Breathe Hard:
2:30 work/ 2:30 Rest x 6 Rounds
12/9 Cal Assault Bike (sprint)
18/15 Cal Row
Max Burpees in Remaining Time
Juneteenth commemorates the official ending of slavery in the United States. Despite Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, some parts of the south still kept black slaves in bondage. It wasn’t until June 19, 1865, when Union General Granger rode into Galveston, Texas to announce that the Civil War had ended, and slaves had been freed.
Partner Juneteenth Workout
6 RFT:
19 Chest to Bar Pullups
18 Double DB Box Step Overs 50/35#
650m Row
35 min cap
Buyout Abs Abs Abs Abs
Clean & Jerk Work
0:00-5:00 EMOM: Power Clean + Hang Clean + Push Press + Jerk
Start at 55% C&J 1RM
5:00-17:00 Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (Pause :03 on Split Jerk)
2 @ 70%
1 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
1 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
MetCon - AMRAP 10:
10 Deadlifts
20 Ring Dips / HR Pushups
Use 1RM Clean for Deadlift Weight
Broga 7:30am
Breathe Hard 5:30pm
Tabata Party
Alternate Between Tabatas
A) Row
B) Double Unders
C) Burpees
D) Assault Bike
Rest 2:00 Between Movements
At the 30:00 Mark - Teams of 3:
100 Calories Assault Bike for time
Snatch Work
0:00-5:00 EMOM: Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + OHS
5:00-17:00 - Full Snatch Consistency Work
2 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
1 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
Heavy Single by Feel if Time. But follow the two miss rule.
MetCon - 2:00 On, 1:00 Off for 3 Rounds:
10 Power Snatch 115/75 lbs
10 Overhead Squats
Max Effort Burpees Over Bar
*Score is total Burpees
Scale to 60% 1RM Snatch
Partner MetCon
10 Rounds Relay Style - For Time:
15 HSPU / Push Press
15 Toes to Bar
Partner A does 1 Round while Partner B Rows
Score 1: Total Time to Complete 10 Rounds
Score 2: Total Row Calories Accumulated
(20 Minute Cap)
Buyout - 4:00 to Accumulate Max Handstand Hold
20 min- Back Squat
10 @ 50%
8 @ 55%
8 @ 60%
8 @ 65%
Front Squats
3x5 @ 50/60/65%
MetCon 9 Minute EMOM:
M1) 15 DB Front Squats 50/35#
M2) 30 Jumping Lunges
M3) 15 Chest to Bar Pullups / Ring Rows
3 min Max Effort Row
Record Average Split Time
-rest 3 min-
6 x 2min on/2min off
For max distance
*Keep split times on rower higher or equal to 3 min Max Effort Test
Partner WOD:
100 DB Power Clean 50/35#
1000m Row
100 DB Push Press
1000m Row
100 Burpee Box Jump Over
1000m Row
[35 min cap]
Buyout: Summa Six Pack
Clean & Jerk Work
0:00-5:00 EMOM: Power Clean + Hang Clean + Push Press + Jerk (Start at 50% C&J 1RM)
5:00-17:00 Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (Pause :03 on Each Jerk)
MetCon - Proving Grounds "Bulls On Parade"
4 Minute AMRAP:
1 Deadlift (155/105#)1 Power Clean
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder to OH
Proving Grounds challenge is to complete 12 Rounds.
Scale to 50% 1RM C&J to man/womanhandle the bar. It's only 4 minutes. You should not rest.
Buyout — 3 Minute AMRAP:
Hand Release Pushups
Broga 7:30am
Breathe Hard 5:30pm
800m Run
1000m Row
50 Runningman Situps
Snatch Work
0:00-5:00 EMOM - Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Full Snatch
Start at 50% 1RM Snatch. THESE ARE NOT TOUCH AND GO REPS. Take time to set up perfectly for each lift
5:00-15:00 Full Snatch Singles
Goal is zero misses
MetCon — 30-20-10:
Alt DB Snatch 50/35 lbs
100 Dubz after each round
(10:00 Cap)
Midline EMOM 9
M1) Wall Facing Handstand Hold
M2) Hollow Hold
M3) L Hang or Sit on Floor
Hold :35 for each movement
Partner MetCon:
10 Rounds Relay Style:
3 Wall Walks
12 Chest to Bar Pullups
Then 10 Rounds Relay Style:
10 Toes to Bar
10 HSPU / Push Press
(20 Minute Cap)
Week 1 (20 min) Back Squats
10 @ 50%
8 @ 60%
6 @ 65%
4 @ 70%
if remaining time
Front Squat
3x5 @ 50/55/60
MetCon - 8 Minute AMRAP:
16 American Swings 55/35 lbs
16 Goblet Forward Lunges
6 RFT:
25/20 cal Row
20/15 cal Assault Bike
15 Burpees
40 min cap
Partner WOD
800m Run
8 Rounds Relay Style
10 Pistols / High Box Step Ups
10 Pullups
800m Run
8 Rounds Relay Style
10 HSPU / DB Push Press
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"
AMRAP Row until 30:00 if teams finish early
Buyout: Summa Six Pack Machine
Clean & Jerk Work
0:00-6:00 EMOM
Power Clean + Hang Clean + Push Press + Jerk
Start at 50% C&J 1RM
6:00-15:00 - Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (Pause :03 on Each Jerk)
MetCon - AMRAP 8:
5 Hang Power Cleans @60% 1RM Clean
10 Ring Dips or HR Pushups
Broga 7:30am
Breathe Hard 5:30pm
5:00 on, 1:00 off for 36:00
A) AMRAP Row Cal
B) AMRAP Bike Cal
C) Run 800m + AMRAP Dubz
Snatch Work
0:00-6:00 EMOM - Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Full Snatch
Start at 50% 1RM Snatch
Take time to set up perfectly for each lift
6:00-15:00 Full Snatch Singles
Goal is zero misses
MetCon - 3 RFT:
15 Overhead Squats 95/65 lbs
15 Chest to Bar Pullups
(9:00 Cap)