Tuesday 6.01.21

Skill: Wall Facing Handstand

Midline EMOM 9

M1) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M2) Hollow Hold

M3) L Hang or Sit on FloorHold :30 for each movement

MetCon - 2:00 on, 1:00 off for 18:00

A) 25 Toes to Bar + AMRAP HSPU

B) 20/16 Cal Row + AMRAP Burpees Over Rower

C) AMRAP Double Unders

Saturday 5.29.21


1 Community Heat at 9am:

1 Mile Run

100 Pullups

200 Pushups

300 Squats

1 Mile Run

Michael Patrick Murphy was a United States Navy SEAL officer who was awarded the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions during the War in Afghanistan. He was the first member of the United States Navy to receive the award since the Vietnam War.

Born: May 7, 1976, Smithtown, NYDied: June 28, 2005, Kunar, Afghanistan


1) Games Level Rx - Unpartitioned in 20/14# Weight Vest

2) 20 Rounds:

5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Squats

3) 10 Rounds:

10 Pullups

20 Pushups

30 Squats

4) 5 Rounds:

20 Pullups

40 Pushups

60 Squats

5) Partner Version

Run together

10 Rounds Each Relay Style:

5 Ring Rows

10 Pushups

15 Squats

Friday 5.28.21

Clean & Jerk Complex

Deadlift + Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk

Build to Heavy in 15 Minutes

MetCon “Annie”


Double Unders

Butterfly Situp

10:00 Cap

Situp Standard

Both Hands must touch ground behind head

Athlete sits up perpendicular to floor

Both Hands Touch Toes

Thursday 5.27.21

Broga 7:30am

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Every 6:00 for 36:00

Rotate Between:

A) 1000/800m Row

B) 50/40 Cal Bike

C) 100 Dubz + 25 Burpees

Perform each component as quickly as possible. Rest in remaining time.

Wednesday 5.26.21

Full Snatch

16 Minutes to Find Heavy







Heavy Singles by Feel

MetCon 22-16-10:

Single Arm OHS 50/35 lbs

Burpee Over DB

9:00 Cap

(Athletes unable to physically do SAOHS scale to PVC or Banded OHS)

Tuesday 5.25.21

5 RFT:

450M Run

10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Wall Walks

20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 4 Pullups

30 Minute Cap

Monday 5.24.21

1RM Front Squat - 20 Minutes

This is what we’ve been training for! Stay tight and FIGHT for that PR!









MetCon - Fort Time (8 min Cap):


DB Hang Lunges 50/35#

Hand Release Pushups

Sunday 5.23.21

Breathe Hard

28 min EMOM

1. 50 Double Unders

2. 13/9 cal assault bike

3. 15-20 hollow rocks

4.15/11 Row Cals

Saturday 5.22.21

Partner Beach Pump

35 Min AMRAP:

100 HSPU

100 Hollow Rocks

1000m Row

100 Ring Dips or HR Push-ups

100 “Running Man Situps”

1000m Row

100 Bicep Curls

100 V Ups

AMRAP Row Until 35 if team finishes

Friday 5.21.21

Clean&Jerk 1RM

20 minutes build to Heavy

MetCon - 5 Minute AMRAP:

5 Deadlifts

5 Burpees Over Bar

Used 1RM clean and jerk for deadlifts

Thursday 5.20.21

7:30am Broga

5:30pm Breathe Hard - AMRAP 35:

800m Run

1000/800m Row

50/40 Cal Bike

Wednesday 5.19.21

Hang Snatch 1RM

15 Minutes Build to Heavy by Feel

If you fail more than once, strip weight down and finish on high note.

MetCon - For Time:

30-20-10 Alternating Hang Power Snatch 50/35 lbs

150-100-50 Double Unders

10:00 Cap

Tuesday 5.18.21

Tuesday 4 Rounds for Time:

800m Run

15 Pullups

25 Pushups

15 1-2-3 Up Downs

(35 min cap

*Rx+ Wear Weight Vest

**Scaling — 800m Run = 50/40 Cal Bike & Sub Ring Rows for Pullups

Monday 5.17.21

Front Squats by Feel - 17 Minutes

2 Weeks Left including today.






Heavy Singles by Feel

Suggested Jumps: 91-96-101%

MetCon - AMRAP 10:


DB Front Squat 50/35 lbs

Strict HSPU

Sunday 5.16.21

For Max Calories

3 min on/2 min off x 6 rounds:

Run 450m

Max Assault Bike Cals in remaining time

*score is calories each round

Saturday 5.15.21

Partner Chipper - For Time:

800m Run Together

80 Toes to Bar


800m Run

80 Pullups

80 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"

(34 Min Cap)

Friday 5.14.21

Clean & Jerk - 18 Minutes

Build to Heavy by Feel

MetCon - AMRAP 8:

8 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 lbs

8 Shoulder to Overhead

Thursday 5.13.21

Broga 7:30am

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

4:00 ON, 1:00 Off for 30:00 - Alternate Between AMRAPs

1) Row Calories

2) Bike Calorie - Reverse Tabata Function

3) 75 Double Unders + 25 Hollow Rocks