Friday 4.2.21

Clean & Jerk Day

28 Minute Running Clock

Jerk Werrk - From The Rack

0:00-3:00 EMOM: 5 Strict Press from Split Position

Pause Overhead :05 on last Rep

Then Recover: Front Leg, Back Leg, Front LegStart Empty Barbell

3:00-5:00 Add Weight

5:00-12:00 EMOM - Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

Pause :03 in Catch on both jerks

Start at 50% Jerk 1RM

12:00-15:00 Transition to Ground

Clean Werrk

15:00-23:00 - EMOM 8:

Power Clean (Pause in Catch, Ride Down to Squat) + Hang Clean

Start at 50% Clean 1RM add 2-5% E2M

23:00-28:00 Clean + Hang Clean (70-75-80%)

Thursday 4.1.21

Broga Mobility 7:30am

Open Gym 9:30am

Breathe Hard 5:30pm


50/40 Calorie Row

50 Double Unders

25 Hollow Rocks

:30 Side Plank Right

:30 Side Plank Left

Wednesday 3.31.21

Snatch Werrk

12:00 Running Clock

0:00-3:00 EMOM

40 Second Empty Barbell SnatchPause at Shins, Below Knee, Above Knee, Midthigh, Stand & Shrug, Quarter OHS, Half OHS, Bucket OHS

3:00-5:00 Add Weight

5:00-12:00 EMOM: Power Snatch Pause in Catch :02, Ride Down to OHS + 2 Snatch Balance

Start at 55% 1RM Snatch

Build by feel but don't miss. Fail = 6 burpees

MetCon - 3 RFT:

15 Power Snatch 75/55 lbs

15 Overhead Squats

(9:00 Cap)

Tuesday 3.30.21

Murph Strength

6 Minute EMOM

1) 5 Tempo Pullups / Banded

2) 5 Tempo Dips / Ring Pushups / Knee Pushups

Pullup Tempo- Fast Up, :02 Chin Above, :02 Controlled Descent

Dip Temo- :02 Hold Locked Out, Fast Down, :02 Hold At Chest

MetCon - AMRAP 18:

800m Run

15 Chest to Bar Pullups

15 Ring Dips / HR Pushups

(Advanced Athletes Wear 20/14 lb Vest)

Monday 3.29.21

Hypertrophy Strength

16 Minutes to Complete

4 Sets @40-50-60-65% Each

8 Front Squats - Pause Bottom on last rep :03

8 Push Press - Pause Overhead last rep :05

Heavy Single FS by Feel if Time

This is Week 1 so don't be a hero on weight. We will follow linear progression adding 2-3% each week.

If you don't know your Push Press 1RM, start light and add by feel.

MetCon - EMOM 12:

M1) 10 Back Rack Reverse Lunges

M2) 30 Jump Squats

M3) 10 Strict HSPU / Strict Press

M4) :30 Handstand Hold

(Use 30% Front Squat for Barbell)

Sunday 3.28.21

Breathe Hard

33 min AMRAP:

18/15 cal row

25/20 cal assault bike

Saturday 3.27.21

“AAPI AI” from Proving Grounds

8 RFT:

8 Hand Release Push Ups

8 Single DB Devil’s Press (50/35)

8 Pistols

AAPI = Asian American Pacific Islander
ÀI = Love in Mandarin
A Message from Proving Grounds: We are deeply saddened by the Atlanta shootings that took place this past week, and our hearts break for the families of the victims. We not only want to speak out against such hate, but we want to create a better future.

Friday 3.26.21

CrossFit Open Workout 21.3

For time:

15 Front Squats, 95/65 lbs

30 Toes-to-bars

15 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs

Rest 1 min

15 Front Squats, 95/65 lbs

30 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

15 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs

Rest 1 min

15 Front Squats, 95/65 lbs

30 Bar Muscle-ups

15 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs

Time cap: 15 mins

CrossFit Open 21.4

Deadlift + Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk

Immediately following the 15 min cap of 21.3, build to the heaviest load of this unbroken complex.

Time cap: 7 mins

Thursday 3.25.21

Broga Mobility Flow 7:30am

9:30 Open Gym / Free Intro

5:30pm Breathe Hard

10 RFT:

500m/400m Row

10 Burpees Over Rower

(35 Min Cap)

Wednesday 3.24.21

Snatch Werrk 12:00 Running Clock

0:00-3:00 EMOM:

40 Second Empty Barbell SnatchPause at Shins, Below Knee, Above Knee, Midthigh, Stand & Shrug, Quarter OHS, Half OHS, Bucket OHS

3:00-5:00 Add Weight

5:00-12:00 EMOMPower Snatch Pause in Catch :02, Ride Down to OHS + 2 Snatch Balance

*Start at 50% 1RM Overhead Squat

Build by feel but don't miss. Fail = 6 burpees

MetCon -5 RFT:

12 OHS 95/65 lbs

48 Double Unders

(12 Min Cap)

Tuesday 3.23.21

Cardio JT:


Handstand Pushups

Ring Dips

Chest to Floor Pushups

*Start with Running Lap Around Block. Run Lap after each full round. Workout ends with Lap.

Rx+ Strict


DB Push Press / Pike Pushups

Banded Dips or Ring Pushups

Kipping Pushups

Monday 3.22.21

Heavy Thrusters - 13 Minutes

Using your 1RM Front Squat as Percentages






Heavy Singles by Feel

MetCon: 9-15-21 Reps of:

DB Thrusters 50/35

Strict Pullups

(12 Minute Cap)

Sunday 3.21.21

Every 6 min for 36 min:

25/20 cal Assault Bike

500m Row

50 double unders

*Hit Every effort hard! Aim for 1 min rest, but earn that rest time! Scale Row in 100m increments and double unders based on skill level as needed to have minimum 35sec rest.

Friday 3.19.21

Open Workout 21.2

10 dumbbell snatches 50/35 lbs

15 burpee box jump-overs 24/20" box

20 dumbbell snatches

15 burpee box jump-overs

30 dumbbell snatches

15 burpee box jump-overs

40 dumbbell snatches

15 burpee box jump-overs

50 dumbbell snatches

15 burpee box jump-overs

(20 min cap)

POWER LUNCH with Sarah

E3M for 21 Minutes:

2 rounds of

30 Jumping Jacks

10 Burpees

*if possible, add 10 Jumping Jacks and 2 burpees each round

Thursday 3.18.21

BroGa at 7:30am with André

Breathe Hard at 5:30pm with Chris

Active Recovery on 30 Minute Clock

0:00-3:00 Row or Bike

3:00-6:00 AMRAP

10 Alt Cartwheels

20 Cossack Squats

30 Russian Twists

Score is total Row Calories or Bike Calories x 1.5

Online Programming: 150x Home Workout Episode 20

Wednesday 3.17.21

Snatch Werrk

12:00 Running Clock

0:00-3:00 EMOM: 40 Second Empty Barbell SnatchPause at Shins, Below Knee, Above Knee, Midthigh, Stand & Shrug, Quarter OHS, Half OHS, Bucket OHS

3:00-5:00 Add Weight

5:00-12:00 EMOM: Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + 2 OHS

Start at 50% 1RM Overhead Squat

Build by feel but don't miss. Fail = 6 burpees

MetCon: “Buckshot” from Proving Grounds


Double DB Power Snatch 50/35 lbs

Burpees Over DB

Compare to June 24, 2020 150x

12 Min Cap

André 8:16

Sarah 8:44

POWER LUNCH with Sarah

Musical Warm Up

20 min EMOM:

1. 10-15 Burpees

2. 30 Air Squats

3. 20 Alt Lunges

4. 20 Runningman Sit Ups

Tuesday 3.16.21

Every 5:00 for 20:00

15 Chest to Bar Pullups / Banded

15 Ring Dips / HR Pushups

10 DB Box Stepovers 50/35 lbs

50 Double Unders / 100 Singles

Rx+ = 10 Ring Muscleups to Start Each Round

Complete Each Round as Fast as Possible OR

Treat as Gymnasty Skill Session and work on getting stronger

Rest in Remaining Time. But cap all work at 4:00.

Buyout: Abdominal Fiesta

Online Programming: 150x Home Workout Episode 19

Monday 3.15.21

Hypertrophy EMOM 30

M1) 8 Tempo Front Squat

M2) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats/Leg

M3) Change Weight

M4) 10 Strict Press

M5) :30 Handstand Hold

M6) Change Weight

Barbells add weight each Round30-40-50-60-65% of 1RM

If you don't know you're strict press one rep max, add by feel

Athletes may do 10 V Ups during Rest Minutes if they have time

POWER LUNCH with André

Living Room Fight Gone Bad

3 Rounds

1:00 Each Of

1) Jumping Jacks

2) Lunges

3) HR Pushups

4) Jump Squats

5) Burpees

1:00 Rest

Sunday 3.14.21

For Time:

450/400 cal Assault Bike

*E4M perform 10 burpees + 15 hollow rocks

(Should take athletes 1:00-1:15 -scale work as needed)

-44 min cap-