Our Finish 2024 Strong Cycle will start Monday November 4.
So this week we're going to put the strength, skill and endurance you've built to the test with a week of competition style CrossFit workouts.
Buckle up.
Our Finish 2024 Strong Cycle will start Monday November 4.
So this week we're going to put the strength, skill and endurance you've built to the test with a week of competition style CrossFit workouts.
Buckle up.
Hi friends! Congrats on completing our fall strong training cycle! If you're new to the community, we just wrapped up a six week training cycle, focusing on building maximum strength on all of our major movements.
So this week in the program, we are dropping down the heavy load, but keeping the intensity high to stay on track with our body composition, goals of building, lean muscle and burning fat as we enter the winter and holiday season.
Muscular endurance, work capacity and conditioning will be the focus of our next training cycle. So get ready for some high volume strength training!
We also have our eyes only long-term goal of preparing for summer 2025. I know it might sound crazy given that it is about eight months away but imagine how great you'll feel and look if you stay consistent working out 3 to 5 times a week between now and Memorial Day
Let’s have another STRONG Week!
Hi Friends!
Over the last 5 weeks, we have been building strength, competence and confidence in all of our major lifts…
Now it’s time to see just how STRONG you can be!
In Week 6 of our Fall STRONG Training Cycle, your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to establish a new 1 Rep Max on all of our major lifts!
If you’re new to the program, focus on getting comfortable with the movements during the strength blocks instead of going super heavy.
But if you are moving well and feeling confident you’re welcome to build to a heavy single by feel to establish a benchmark for yourself that you’ll be able to reference in our next progressive overload cycle!
Hi Friends!
We are entering Week 5 of our Fall STRONG Training Cycle! If you’ve been with us the last 4 weeks following the progressive overload, chances are your muscles are sore, your bodies are tired, and you might even feel a bit mentally drained.
We’re all experiencing what is known as Central Nervous System Fatigue. Have no fear!
This is a normal occurrence in strength training.
So this week in the program we are taking a step back in our heavy lifting to give our bodies a week to recover. This doesn’t mean we’ll be taking it easy!
We’ll still be pushing hard in our metabolic conditioning and functional bodybuilding workouts to stay on track with our body recomposition goals of building lean muscle and burning body fat.
But we won’t be going as heavy on all of our major lifts everyday.
Then in Week 6, we’ll attack all of our major lifts and go for 1 Rep Maxes!
We’re also shifting to a Block format during classes to maximize efficiency, keep the training intensity high, and to keep the class experience symmetrical for all athletes throughout the day.
36 Minute Running Clock
9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80%
12:00-14:00 put barbells + away grab dumbbells
M1) 20 Alternating STRICT Overhead Press
M2) 15 Double DB Hang Power Clean
M3) :45 Farmer’s Carry
23:00-28:00 rest forearms + prepare for MetCon movements
8 Handstand Push-Ups or DB Push Press
8 Toes to Bar or Kness to Hips
8 Burpees
38:00 Running Clock
9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80%
New Athletes 4 Sets of 8 Reps to build confidence and competence with the movement.
Stretch lats and wrists btwn sets to be improve front rack position
3 Sets of 8 Reps / Leg
Build to challenging set by feel but focus on full ROM. If you’ve never done these start with empty barbell.
26:00-28:00 Rest
21-15-9 Relay Style
Back Squats 135/95 lbs
*20 Alt Jump Lunges after each set
Workout Logistics
Maria does 21 Back Squats + 20 Jump Lunges. Eddie does 21 Back Squats + 20 Jump Lunges. Maria does 15 Back Squats + 20 Jump Lunges. Etc until Eddie does 9 Back Squats + 20 Jump Lunges
Athletes should scale to a back squat weight they can do fast and unbroken. This is NOT a strength contest. Goals are Lactate threshold and intensity.
9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80%
12:00-16:00 barbells away + MetCon prep
M1) 6-10 Pause Strict Pull-Ups (use bands as needed for :02 pause above rim)
M2) 15-25 Ring Dips / Ring Push-Ups / HR Pushups
M3) Row 12-18 Calories
M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs
M5) Rest
Cap work at :50 each minute
*Block Snatch Work - 15 Minutes
Block Power Snatch + Block Squat Snatch
5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70%
Heavier by feel
*Block Clean & Jerk Work - 15 Minutes Block Power Clean + Squat Clean + Pause Split Jerk
5@50% - 4@6% - 3@70%
Heavier by feel
*All Lifts today from Blocks = lift directly from 2-3 pads
Running Clock
2 Sets
8 Single Leg KB Opposite Leg Deadlift/Side
8 Box Jumps
5:00-7:00 grab barbells prep for deadlifts
9@50% - 7@60% - 5@70% - 3@80%
19:00-22:00 barbells away + MetCon prep
8 Russian Swings
8 American Swings
8/Arm Tempo Bentover Row
8/Leg Goblet Reverse Lunge
1:30 on, :30 off for 36:00
Alternate between AMRAPs
A) Burpee Muscleup / Burpee Jump Pullup
B) Box Jump Overs / StepOvers
C) 4 D Ball Over Shoulder + AMRAP Butterfly Sit-Ups
D) Assault Bike
We are entering Week 4 of our Fall STRONG Training Cycle!
The goal for athletes is to build to heavy sets of 3 on all our major lifts. Athletes who have been training consistently this cycle should aim to get 90%+ of their 1RM for their top set.
New Athletes - focus on building confidence and competence in the movements before going super heavy. Remember to take our New Member Jump Start sessions (offered Mon 7:30pm, Wed 5pm, Sat 11am) to work with our Coaches in a smaller group setting to learn our foundational movements before jumping into CrossFit class!
Hi Friends!
We’re entering Week 3 of our Fall Strength Cycle! The Goal this week is for athletes to establish a 5RM on our major lifts around 85% of their 1RM.
The suggested building scheme will be 9@55% - 7@65% - 5@75% - 5@85%+
Newer athletes can follow the same rep scheme taking time to get comfortable with technique building to a challenging set of 5 by feel.
AdvancedAthletes may go for heavy singles after but of course, not trying to force any PRs. You will likely be fatigued after the heavy 5s.
But if you can finish with a single at or above 90% that’ll be good mental and physical prep for heavier weeks to come
Progressive Overload Schedule for the Remaining Cycle:
Week 4 will be 3RM goal 90%+
Week 5 taper
Week 6 test 1RM
Let’s have another STRONG Week!
Welcome to Week 2 of our Fall STRONG Strength Cycle!
The goal this week is to build up to a heavy set of 7 reps on all our major lifts at or above 80%.
New folks follow the same rep scheme and build to challenging set of 7 by feel as you build confidence in your movement patterns.
Let’s have another STRONG week!
Welcome to Week 1 of our FALL MAX STRENGTH CYCLE! Over the next 6 weeks we’ll be building absolute strength and functional work capacity in our major lifts.
DuringWeek 1, we’ll “test in” by building to a heavy single.
The goal for experienced athletes is not necessarily to hit a PR, but to hit 90% of your known 1RM. The time domains on the LIFT HEAVY blocks this week are intentionally short to encourage athletes to build up to a heavy single without overthinking.
However, if the grease is hot… COOK!
New athletes should follow the prescribed rep scheme building to a heavy single by feel but focus on getting comfortable with the movements.
Progressive Overload Schedule for the rest of the cycle:
Week 2: heavy sets of 7 @80%+
Week 3: heavy sets of 5 @ 85%+
Week 4: heavy sets of 3 @90%+
Week 5: taper to late cns recover
Week 6: 1RM test @101%+
Our BREATHE HARD blocks will be a combination of Functional Bodybuilding, Metabolic Conditioning, Gymnastic Strength/Skill Development, and CrossFit.
Let’s get STRONG(er)!
We just wrapped up our Finish Summer Strong Cycle where athletes built up to 10 Rep Maxes on all our major lifts.
So this week, we’re taking a deload from super heavy load before our next Strength Cycle.
This week has a healthy mix of strength, skill, and conditioning with lots of partner work to share the fun with friends!
And during our Maximum Effort Strength Cycle starting September 9th, we’ll build to 1 Rep Maxes on all the major lifts we trained during the Summer Cycle.
Let’s get back to work, and let’s get after it!
Welcome to the final week of our End Summer Strong Cycle! This week the goal is to establish a 10 Rep unbroken Max on all our major lifts.
All Athletes will do 4 sets to build up to a heavy set of 10.
New Athletes will do 4 sets of 10 building to a challenging at by feel based on their comfort and competency with the lifts.
Advanced Athletes are tasked with do
10@50% - 10@60% to warm up
5@70% as a bridge set before 80% without exerting too much energy
10 reps unbroken at 80% of their 1RM.
This will be hard. Athletes should focus on diaphragmatic breathing and treating each Rep like it’s their 1RM when chipping away at the 10 reps at 80%.
And remember, whether or not you believe you can… you are right!
Visualize yourself successfully completing all 10 reps standing strong with the barbell in your hands.
Then attack to make it happen!
You got this!
Let’s have a STRONG week!
Welcome to Week 5 of our Finish Summer STRONG Cycle!
We’re “tapering” load this week by capping our top sets of 10 reps at 60% on our major lifts.
In Week 6, athletes will be tasked with establishing a 10 rep max on all our major lifts.
The Goal for Advanced Athletes who know their 1RM is to get 10 Reps Unbroken at 80%.
So even though we’re at the end of this cycle, it’s still a great time for new athletes to enter the program and get comfortable with the movements doing respectively challenging sets of 10 reps!
Let’s have another and have a STRONG week!
Welcome to Week 4 of our Finish Summer STRONG Cycle! If you’re just joining the program, we are focused on building strength, competence, and confidence on our major lifts through volume.
LIFT HEAVY - Strength
This week we are doing 3 sets on our major lifts 12@50% - 10@65% - 8@75% of your 1RM.
If you do not know your 1RM on any given lift, start at a light to moderate weight and build to a challenging load for your top set of 8.
Focus on movement quality and full range of motion with control vs going super heavy or fast.
BREATHE HARD - Metabolic Conditioning
This week we will continue to add volume and complexity to movements in our metcons.
Most athletes should take the higher skill Rx prescribed movements and reps with a grain of salt and focus on picking substitutions that allow them to work on skill development with full range of motion.
Push the pace where you can on Monostructural movements.
But take time to improve and develop your skill and strength on gymnastics movements at the expense of getting all of the reps done as fast as possible.
Let’s have another STRONG week!
Welcome to Week 3 of our Finish Summer STRONG Cycle! If you’re just joining the program, we are focused on building strength, competence, and confidence on our major lifts through volume.
This week we are doing 4 sets of 10 reps on our major lifts at 50-60-70-70% of your 1RM. If you do not know your 1RM on any given lift, start at a light to moderate weight and build to a challenging load for your top two sets of 10.
Focus on movement quality and full range of motion with control vs going super heavy or fast.
This week we will continue to add volume and complexity to movements in our metcons.
Most athletes should take the higher skill Rx prescribed movements and reps with a grain of salt and focus on picking substitutions that allow them to work on skill development with full range of motion.
Push the pace where you can on Monostructural movements.
But take time to improve and develop your skill and strength on gymnastics movements at the expense of getting all of the reps done as fast as possible.
Let’s have another STRONG week!
Welcome to our Finish Summer STRONG Training Cycle!
This six weeks cycle will run us up through Labor Day and keep us on track with our body recomposition goals of building lean muscle and burning body fat.
We will be doing high volume (3x10) for the majority of the cycle on all our major lifts building up to a 10 Rep Max in the last week. Advanced athletes should follow the prescribed % each week based on their heaviest known 1RM. Goal will be 10 unbroken reps at 80% in week 6.
This will also give new athletes to the program an opportunity to work on learning the movements and building confidence regardless of the when they start whether week 1, 3, or 5. Doing sets of 10 will force athletes to temper their loading and build movement patterns.
During the Metcons athletes should take the prescribed weights and reps with a grain of salt and focus on picking subs that give them an opportunity to improve their skill and strength. Advanced Rx athletes should go full send and aim to get all the reps during interval work and go FAST on For Time workouts.
Let’s Get After It and have another STRONG week!
Final Week of our RPE based programming! Let’s finish strong!
Welcome to Week 5 of the Summer Shred!
We’re dropping down volume on our major lifts this week so the goal is to increase load and intensity!
New folks in the program focus on getting comfortable and competent the movements before going heavy!
Welcome to Week 4 of our Summer Shred Cycle! We’ll continue to add complexity and load to the movements we’ve been training so buckle up!
New folks, focus on getting comfortable and competent in your technique before loading up! And if you’re completely new to CrossFit, remember to take advantage of our New Member Jump Start classes offered throughout the week!
Let’s Get After It!
Week 3 Summer Shred!
We’re building upon the foundation we’ve set over the last two weeks and adding some complexity to movements!
Let’s have another STRONG Week!
In case you missed the cycle description in week 1, during this cycle, we'll cover some familiar exercises in a different way. The main two concepts this cycle will be tempo and Rate of Perceived Exertion, or RPE.
Almost all strength portions will be done at a pre-planned tempo, which will force you to check your ego at the door. The weights may seem light compared to your usual maxes, but no less daunting. Using tempo will allow us to upgrade our muscular strength gains at the same time as building strength in our ligaments and tendons, which grow at a much slower rate than our muscles. This has the added benefit of decreased risk of injury. Also, tempo allows us to really focus on our form due to time and submax loads.
The tempo works hand in hand with RPE, so let's discuss. In simple terms, your RPE refers to how hard you think you’re pushing yourself during exercise. It’s subjective, which means that you decide how hard you feel you’re working during physical activity. For example, if you're doing a set of 5 at an RPE of 7, your set should feel difficult, but not killer. A set of 5 at RPE 10 would be the max set you could do for 5. If it's easier to think of in percentages, you should be fine, but the benefit of RPE is it allows for days when you don't feel 100% to ease off, or days when you feel great, to kick it up a notch.
Week 2 Summer Shred!
In case you missed the cycle description last week, during this cycle, we'll cover some familiar exercises in a different way. The main two concepts this cycle will be tempo and Rate of Perceived Exertion, or RPE.
Almost all strength portions will be done at a pre-planned tempo, which will force you to check your ego at the door. The weights may seem light compared to your usual maxes, but no less daunting. Using tempo will allow us to upgrade our muscular strength gains at the same time as building strength in our ligaments and tendons, which grow at a much slower rate than our muscles. This has the added benefit of decreased risk of injury. Also, tempo allows us to really focus on our form due to time and submax loads.
The tempo works hand in hand with RPE, so let's discuss. In simple terms, your RPE refers to how hard you think you’re pushing yourself during exercise. It’s subjective, which means that you decide how hard you feel you’re working during physical activity. For example, if you're doing a set of 5 at an RPE of 7, your set should feel difficult, but not killer. A set of 5 at RPE 10 would be the max set you could do for 5. If it's easier to think of in percentages, you should be fine, but the benefit of RPE is it allows for days when you don't feel 100% to ease off, or days when you feel great, to kick it up a notch.
Here are this week’s workouts in the same format you’ll see on the tv screen in class!
Let’s have a STRONG week!