Welcome to Week 4 of our Finish Summer STRONG Cycle! If you’re just joining the program, we are focused on building strength, competence, and confidence on our major lifts through volume.

LIFT HEAVY - Strength

This week we are doing 3 sets on our major lifts 12@50% - 10@65% - 8@75% of your 1RM.

If you do not know your 1RM on any given lift, start at a light to moderate weight and build to a challenging load for your top set of 8.

Focus on movement quality and full range of motion with control vs going super heavy or fast.

BREATHE HARD - Metabolic Conditioning

This week we will continue to add volume and complexity to movements in our metcons.

Most athletes should take the higher skill Rx prescribed movements and reps with a grain of salt and focus on picking substitutions that allow them to work on skill development with full range of motion.

Push the pace where you can on Monostructural movements.

But take time to improve and develop your skill and strength on gymnastics movements at the expense of getting all of the reps done as fast as possible.

Let’s have another STRONG week!

Coach André