Welcome to our Finish Summer STRONG Training Cycle!

This six weeks cycle will run us up through Labor Day and keep us on track with our body recomposition goals of building lean muscle and burning body fat.

We will be doing high volume (3x10) for the majority of the cycle on all our major lifts building up to a 10 Rep Max in the last week. Advanced athletes should follow the prescribed % each week based on their heaviest known 1RM. Goal will be 10 unbroken reps at 80% in week 6.

This will also give new athletes to the program an opportunity to work on learning the movements and building confidence regardless of the when they start whether week 1, 3, or 5. Doing sets of 10 will force athletes to temper their loading and build movement patterns.

During the Metcons athletes should take the prescribed weights and reps with a grain of salt and focus on picking subs that give them an opportunity to improve their skill and strength. Advanced Rx athletes should go full send and aim to get all the reps during interval work and go FAST on For Time workouts.

Let’s Get After It and have another STRONG week!

Coach André