Welcome to the final week of our End Summer Strong Cycle! This week the goal is to establish a 10 Rep unbroken Max on all our major lifts.

All Athletes will do 4 sets to build up to a heavy set of 10.

New Athletes will do 4 sets of 10 building to a challenging at by feel based on their comfort and competency with the lifts.

Advanced Athletes are tasked with do

10@50% - 10@60% to warm up

5@70% as a bridge set before 80% without exerting too much energy


10 reps unbroken at 80% of their 1RM.

This will be hard. Athletes should focus on diaphragmatic breathing and treating each Rep like it’s their 1RM when chipping away at the 10 reps at 80%.

And remember, whether or not you believe you can… you are right!

Visualize yourself successfully completing all 10 reps standing strong with the barbell in your hands.

Then attack to make it happen!

You got this!

Let’s have a STRONG week!

Coach André