Hi Friends!
We’re entering Week 3 of our Fall Strength Cycle! The Goal this week is for athletes to establish a 5RM on our major lifts around 85% of their 1RM.
The suggested building scheme will be 9@55% - 7@65% - 5@75% - 5@85%+
Newer athletes can follow the same rep scheme taking time to get comfortable with technique building to a challenging set of 5 by feel.
AdvancedAthletes may go for heavy singles after but of course, not trying to force any PRs. You will likely be fatigued after the heavy 5s.
But if you can finish with a single at or above 90% that’ll be good mental and physical prep for heavier weeks to come
Progressive Overload Schedule for the Remaining Cycle:
Week 4 will be 3RM goal 90%+
Week 5 taper
Week 6 test 1RM
Let’s have another STRONG Week!