Week of 6.20.22

MONDAY 6.20.22

Summer STRONG Week 3

LIFT HEAVY - Squats n Push Press - 25 Minutes to Complete 4 Sets EACH of

1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Back Squat @ 80% FS1RM

5 Push Press @ 75% 1RMPP

Athletes go back and forth between movements until they complete all 4 rounds 

Suggested warm up scheme to working sets 

1 Pause Front + 2 Back Squats @50-60-70-75%


M1) 15 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Left

M2) 15 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Right

M3) 15 Toes to Bar

M4) 12 HSPU / DB Push Press

TUESDAY 6.21.22

LIFT HEAVY - Bench Press - 12 Minutes

5x10 @ 64% 1RMBP

BREATHE HARD -  E1:30 for 24:00

A) 10 Strict Tempo Pull-ups 

B) 60' Handstand Walk

C)  25/20 Cal Row

D) AMRAP Runningman Sit-ups 


Snatch Consistency - 15 Minutes 

5-4-3-2-2-2 Squat Snatch @50-60-70-75-80-85%

Heavy Singles by feel if time 

Goal is NO MISSES. Take time and set up  perfectly for each Rep

LIFT HEAVY - Block Clean Doubles - 15 minutes

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@75% - 2@80% - 2@85%

Heavier Doubles by feel if time 

Complete both reps at each % within 20 seconds after finishing the first 

THURSDAY 6.23.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Teams of 2 Relay - AMRAP 14

7 Strict Pull-ups

7/5 Arms only Row Calories

7 Strict Dips

Athlete A performs one full round as fast as possible while B rests. Switch. Repeat.


M1) Banded Tempo Tricep Pull Down

M2) Banded Tempo Lat Press Down

M3) Seated High L Raises

Work :45 each minute

Breathe Hard 5:30pm


Terrible Stair Run

1000/900m Row

100 Double Unders

FRIDAY 6.24.22



10 Rounds Relay Style

5 Deadlift

7 Hang Power Clean

5 Thrusters 

Rx: 135/95 lb Barbell

15 minute Cap

SATURDAY 6.25.22

Teams of 2

100 American Swings

100 Dubz

100 Toes to Bar

100 Dubz

100 HSPU

100 Dubz

100 KB Box Step Ups

At 0:00 & 15:00 800m Run

30:00 Cap

SUNDAY 6.26.22

36 minute Running Clock

Buy In - Terrible Stair Run

At 5:00 complete for time

100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders

25-20-15-10-5 Burpees

At 20:00 - Terrible Stair Run

At 30:00 - Assault Bike Sprint EMOM 6

M1) 20/15 Calories 

M2) Rest

Week of 6.13.22

MONDAY 6.13.22

Summer STRONG Week 2

LIFT HEAVY - Squats n Push Press - 25 Minutes to Complete 4 Sets EACH of

1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Back Squat @ 78% FS1RM

5 Push Press @ 72% 1RMPP

Athletes go back and forth between movements until they complete all 4 rounds 

Suggested warm up scheme to working sets 

1 Pause Front + 2 Back Squats @50-60-70%


M1) 12 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Left

M2) 12 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 Right

M3) 8 Tempo Strict Pull-ups 

M4) 12 HSPU / DB Push Press

TUESDAY 6.14.22

LIFT HEAVY - Bench Press - 12 Minutes

5x10 @ 62% 1RMBP


M1) 10 Strict Ring Dips

M2) 15 Toes to Bar

M3) 18/15 Cal Row

M4) 50 Double Unders


Snatch Consistency - 15 Minutes 

10-8-6-4-2 Squat Snatch @40-50-60-70-80%

Goal is NO MISSES. Take time and set up  perfectly for each Rep

LIFT HEAVY - Block Cleans - 15 minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@75% - 2@80%

Heavy Singles by feel if time 

THURSDAY 6.16.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

For Time

10-20-30 reps each

Bentover Row 50/35 lbs

Hand Release Push-ups 

9 Minute Cap


M1) 3 Position Bicep Curl

M2) Behind the Neck Tricep Ext

M3) Banded KB Swing

M4) Arms only Rowing

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Work :45 during minutes 1-4

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Sprint Interval EMOM 24

M1) Row 25/20 calories 

M2) Rest

M3) Bike 20/15 calories 

M4) Rest

Buyout - For Time

Terrible Stair Run

50 Burpees

10 Minute Cap

FRIDAY 6.17.22


1:30 on, 1:30 off for 12:00

5 Deadlifts at 80% + 250m Row as fast as possible 


100 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65 lbs

80 HSPU / Push Press

40 Bar Muscleups or 80 Pull-ups 

At 0:00, 6:00, & 12:00 Run to 6th Floor

SATURDAY 6.18.22

Teams of 2

50 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 lbs

100 Dubz

50 Thrusters

100 Dubz

100 Ring Dips

100 Dubz

50 Burpees Over Bar

At 0:00, 10:00 & 20:00 Terrible Stair Run

32:00 Cap

SUNDAY 6.19.22

Buy In

Terrible Stair Run

Rest 1:00 after all athletes return then:

Every 2:00 for 24:00

A) Row 30/24 Cal

B) Bike 20/16 Cal

C) 20 Burpee Plate Hops


Terrible Stair Run

Week of 6.6.22

MONDAY 6.6.22

New Strength Cycle - Who Dis

LIFT HEAVY - Squats n Push Press - 20 Minutes to Complete 4 Sets EACH of

1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Back Squat @ 75% FS1RM

5 Push Press @ 70% 1RMPP

Athletes go back and forth between movements until they complete all 4 rounds 


M1) 8 Thrusters @ 50% 1RM Front Squat (from floor)

M2) 15 Toes to Bar

Squat Logistics: From Rack

Athletes perform 1 pause front squat (:02 at bottom), rerack bar, then immediately do 2 back squats 

Why: Pause Front Squat to build positional strength and confidence standing up heavy cleans 

Back Squats to train speed and explosiveness

Push Press Logistics: From Floor

Athletes power clean bar to start then perform 5 Push Press. Pause overhead :05 last rep each set.

Why: Push Press to build overhead strength and stability. Stronger push press = stronger jerks, overhead squats, snatches, and handstands 

From the floor to get athletes more comfortable with power cleans 

Cycle Progressions: 8 Weeks of Linear Building 

Squats will add 2-3% each week terminating at 90% of 1RMFS in week 8

Push Press will add 2% each week terminating at 85% 1RMPP

TUESDAY 6.7.22

LIFT HEAVY - Bench Press - 12 Minutes

5x10 @ 60% 1RMBP


A) 10 Strict Tempo Pull-ups + AMRAP Starfish V Ups

B) Row 30/24 Calories 

Athletes may use bands as needed to get full ROM and control

:02 chin above rim, :02 controlled descent


LIFT HEAVY - Hip Clean Doubles - 15 minutes


2 reps at each weight to be performed within 20 seconds of each other 


10-8-6-4-2 Touch n Go Power Snatch

40-50-60-70-80% 1RM

Perform each set unbroken 

Rest 1-2 minutes between sets 

Athletes who finish early may do heavy power snatch by feel 


Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

For Time

10-20-30 reps each

Hang Power Curl 50/35 lbs

Hand Release Push-ups 

9 Minute Cap


M1) Tempo Banded Pull Downs

M2) Tempo Banded Tricep Ext

M3) Pallof Press

M4) 16 Goblet Curtsy Lunges

M5) AMRAP Plate Sit Ups

Work :45 during minutes 1-3

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Every 6:00 for 36:00 Alternate Between

A) 1000m Row + 10 Burpees Over Rower

B) 50/40 Calorie Bike

C) Terrible Stair Run + 10 Burpee Broad Jump

Goal is to finish each piece in the 4-5 minute range and use remaining time to rest. 

FRIDAY 6.10.22

Sumo Deadlift 4RM - 15 Minutes

TGIFunctional Bodybuilding EMOM 16

M1) 5 Tempo Strict Toes to Bar

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M3) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M4) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press

SATURDAY 6.11.22

Teams of 2

40 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 lbs

80 Front Rack Lunges

120 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups 

80 Burpees Over Bar

40 Thrusters

At 0:00 Run 800m

At 10:00 Terrible Stair Run

At 20:00 Run 800m

SUNDAY 6.12.22

Sprint Interval EMOM 24

M1) Row 25/20 calories 

M2) Rest

M3) Bike 20/15 calories 

M4) Rest

Buyout - For Time

Terrible Stair Run

50 Burpees

10 Minute Cap

Week of 5.30.22


7:30am & 12pm classes only - Open Gym between 

Class Workout 

LIGHT Lifting - 10 Minutes to Complete 

4x10 Back Rack Reverse Lunges

Use 30-40% Front Squat 1RM

Murph Hangover Helper EMOM 20

M1) :30 Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M2) 15 Toes to Bar

M3) 10 Sit Up Get Ups

M4) 50 Double Unders

M5) 18/15 Calorie Row

TUESDAY 5.31.22

Skill: Headstand + Toe Touch to Floor

Midline EMOM 8 

M1) Headstand Practice

M2) Hollow Hold

Work :45 each Minute

Athletes unable to invert can do L sit holding PVC or plate overhead 



2 Bar Muscleups


8 American Swings 24/16kg


4 Pull-ups Or Ring Rows

4 DB Push Press

8 Swings 


Hip Cleans - 15 minutes

5@40% - 4@50% - 3@60% - 2@70%

Singles at 75% - 80% + by feel

Power Cycling - 15 minutes 

10-8-6-4-2 Touch n Go Power Clean & Jerk

40-50-60-70-80% 1RM

Go unbroken on touchngo reps. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets. 


Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm


M1) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press

M2) 20 Alternating Gorilla Rows

M3) 16 DB Hang Reverse Lunges

M4) 16 Alternating Bicep Curls

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Running Clock

Buy In - Terrible Stair Run

At 5:00 complete for time

100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders

25-20-15-10-5 Burpees

At 20:00 - Terrible Stair Run


At 30:00 Assault Bike Sprint EMOM 6

M1) 20/15 Calories 

M2) Rest

FRIDAY 6.3.22

LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift 3RM - 15 Minutes 


Teams of 2 - 6 Rounds Relay Style

6 Bar Muscleups / 12 Pull-ups 

8 Deadlifts 275/185 lbs 

12 Burpees Over Bar

12 Minute Cap


Teams of 2

50 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 lbs

100 HSPU

200 Double Unders

100 Toes to Bar

50 Thrusters 95/65 lbs

At 0:00, 10:00, 20:00 run 800m together 

SUNDAY 6.5.22

9am Breathe Hard Class

10-12 Open Gym

Every 6:00 for 36:00 Alternate Between

A) 1000m Row + 10 Burpees Over Rower

B) 50/40 Calorie Bike

C) Terrible Stair Run + 10 Burpee Broad Jump

Goal is to finish each piece in the 4-5 minute range and use remaining time to rest.

Week of 5.23.22

MONDAY 5.23.22

Front Squat 1RM  - 20 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80%

Singles at 87% - 92% - 97% - 101%

MetCon - Fran


Thrusters 95/65 lbs


10:00 Cap

TUESDAY 5.24.22

Every 2:30 for 30:00 Alternate Between

A) 10-8-6-4-2-1 Bench Press + AMRAP Toes to Bar until 2:00

B) 36/30 Cal Row

Cap Work at two minutes each round


Bench Heavy Single

Total Toes to Bar

Total row calories 


LIFT HEAVY - 1RM Snatch - 16 Min



Hang Power Snatch 95/65 lbs

Overhead Lunges 

*50 Double Unders/100 Singles after each set 

THURSDAY 5.26.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 15 Ring Dips or HR Push-ups 

M2) 16 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) 15 BTN Tricep Extensions 

M4) Row 18/15 Calories 

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Score = total calories + 123 up downs 

Breathe Hard 5:30pm


Terrible Stair Run

1000/900m Row

100 Dubz

FRIDAY 5.27.22

LIFT HEAVY - 1RM Clean - 16 minutes 

Athletes new to lifting do EMOM 2 muscle cleans +2 front squats to practice technique 



Double Unders

Butterfly Situp

10:00 Cap

Situp Standard

Both Hands must touch ground behind head

Athlete sits up perpendicular to floor 

Both Hands Touch Toes 

SATURDAY 5.28.22


1 Community Heat at 9:30am

1 Mile Run

100 Pullups

200 Pushups

300 Squats

1 Mile Run

Michael Patrick Murphy was a United States Navy SEAL officer who was awarded the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions during the War in Afghanistan. He was the first member of the United States Navy to receive the award since the Vietnam War.

Born: May 7, 1976, Smithtown, NY

Died: June 28, 2005, Kunar, Afghanistan


Games Level Rx

Unpartitioned in 20/14# Weight Vest

20 Rounds

5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Squats

10 Rounds

10 Pullups

20 Pushups

30 Squats

5 Rounds

20 Pullups

40 Pushups

60 Squats 

Partner Version

Run together 

10 Rounds Each Relay Style

5 Ring Rows

10 Pushups

15 Squats 

M4) AMRAP Burpee Plate Hops

M5) Rest

SUNDAY 5.29.22

Closed. Rest and recover!

Week of 5.16.22

MONDAY 5.16.22

Front Squat Heavy Single Prep - 16 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80%

Singles at 86% - 91% - 95%

Heavy Walkout at 110% 1RM

Functional Bodybuilding Every 1:30 for 18:00

A) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Per Leg

B) 20 Alternating DB Strict Press + Handstand Hold until 1:15

C) AMRAP Toes to Bar until 1:15

Squat Notes:

Our official Front Squat Test Date is Monday May 23. If you feel GREAT today, feel free to go for a heavier single than prescribed but don't force it. 


Score 1: 95% Single

Score 2*: Total Toes to Bar

*To get Rx, athletes must use 50/35 lb DBs, and do full range of motion T2B

TUESDAY 5.17.22


5 Rounds for Max Unbroken Reps

Bodyweight Bench Press


25:00 Cap


1:00 Max Cal Assault Bike 

Lynne Notes:

Rest as needed between movements. Partner up for safety on bench spotting. 

Scale bench press weight to load you can do at least 10 reps unbroken round 1

No bands for pull-ups - sub Ring Rows parallel to floor 


Snatch Heavy Single 15 Minutes 

3@50% - 2@60%

Singles at 70-80-85-90-95%+

Clean & Jerk Heavy Single 15 Minutes 

2@50% - 2@60%

Singles at 70-80-85-90-95%+

Lots of time to go heavy today. If the grease is hot, cook!

THURSDAY 5.19.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 2 Turkish Get Ups Right 24/16kg KB

M2) 2 Turkish Get Ups Left

M3) 20 Alternating Gorilla Rows 50/35 lb DBs

M4) 10 Situp Get Ups

M5) :20 Pallof Press per side 

M6) :30-45 High L Pulses

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Annie - compare to 2.3.22 & 5.28.21 & 10.28.21


Double Unders

Butterfly Situp

10:00 Cap

MetCon 2

Every 1:30 for 15:00

I1) 21/16 Calorie Row

12) 15 Burpee Star Jumps

Annie Situp Standard

Both Hands must touch ground behind head

Athlete sits up perpendicular to floor 

Both Hands Touch Toes 

FRIDAY 5.20.22

Push Press Heavy Single - 13 Minutes 

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% -2@80%

Singles by feel 85-90-95%+

MetCon  - AMRAP 10


Power Clean 185/125 lbs

Front Rack Lunges

Strict HSPU

Athletes without barbell experience use dumbbells 

Buyout: Abs

SATURDAY 5.21.22

Beach Day

Buy In: Run 800m


M1) 15 Ring Dips or HR Push-ups 

M2) 16 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) 15 BTN Tricep Extensions 

M4) Row 18/15 Calories 

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Buy Out: Run 800m

SUNDAY 5.22.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10-12


M1) 15/12 Cal Row

M2) 10/8 Cal Bike

M3) :45 Farmers Carry 50/35 lb DB 

M4) AMRAP Burpee Plate Hops

M5) Rest

Score is total burpees

Week of 5.9.22

MONDAY 5.9.22

Front Squat Heavy Single Prep - 15 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80%

Singles at 85% - 90% - 93%

Our official Front Squat Test Date is Monday May 23. If you feel GREAT today or next Monday, feel free to go for a heavier single than prescribed but don't force it. 

Functional Bodybuilding EMOM 16

M1) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Left

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Right

M3) 10 Strict HSPU / DB Press

M4) 20 Toes to Bar


Score 1: 93% Single

Score 2*: Total EMOM Reps (200 total possible).

*To get Rx, athletes must use 50/35 lb DBs, perform SHSPU to level surface, and do full range of motion T2B

TUESDAY 5.10.22

Skill: Kipping Ring Dip

Murph Prep AMRAP 30

Run Lap Around Block (450m)

10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

15 Ring Dips

20 Runningman Sit-ups 

Rx wear 20/14 lb Weight Vest


Snatch Work 15 Minutes 

Power Snatch + Full Snatch

1x(2+2) @ 50%

1x(2+2) @ 60%

1x(2+2) @ 70%

1x(1+1) @ 75%

2x(0+1) @80%

Heavy Snatch by Feel

Clean & Jerk Work 15 Minutes 

Power Clean + Full Clean + Split Jerk

1x(1+1+2) @ 50%

1x(1+1+2) @ 60%

1x(1+1+2) @ 70%

1x(1+1+1) @ 75%

1x(1+1+1) @ 80%

Heavy Clean & Jerk by Feel

Lots of time to go heavy today. If the grease is hot, cook!


THURSDAY 5.12.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 1 Turkish Get Up + 5 Windmills Left

M2) 1 Turkish Get Up + 5 Windmills Right

M3) 15-20 KB Hammer Curls

M4) 16-20 Goblet Reverse Lunges

M5) :30-45 L Raise over KB

Breathe Hard 5:30pm


M1) 15/12 Cal Row

M2) 10/8 Cal Bike

M3) :45 Farmers Carry 50/35 lb DB 

M4) AMRAP Burpee Plate Hops

M5) Rest

Score is total burpees 

FRIDAY 5.13.22


20 Minutes to Complete

4x5 Each Push Press & Sumo Deadlift 

50-60-70-80% respectively 

Then Single at 85% each 

5 Second Hold up top on the last Rep each set. 


Sumo Diane


Sumo Deadlift 225/155 lbs

Handstand Push-up

10 Minute Cap

SATURDAY 5.14.22

Murph Prep

800m Run

AMRAP until 10:00

5 Pull-ups 

10 Push-ups 

15 Squats

800m Run

AMRAP until 20:00

5 Pull-ups 

10 Push-ups 

15 Squats

800m Run

AMRAP until 30:00

5 Pull-ups 

10 Push-ups 

15 Squats

SUNDAY 5.15.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10am-12pm

E2MOM for 32:00 Alternate Between

A) 20/16 Calorie Bike

B) 30/25 Cal Row

C) 16 Burpee to Plate

D) AMRAP Double Unders

Scoreboard: Total Calories + Burpees + Dubz

Week of 5.2.22

Week of 5.2.22

MONDAY 5.2.22

SKWAATS 20 Minutes

4x4 Back Squats @50-60-70-80%

3x5 Front Squats @60-70-80%

2 Second Pause on FIRST & LAST Rep each set

This is our last week of Pause Volume Reps. Will shift gears to heavy single prep next week.

Functional Bodybuilding EMOM 12

M1) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Left

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Right

M3) Wall Facing Handstand Hold :30-:45

M4) AMRAP Toes to Bar


Score 1: 80% Front Squat Weight

Score 2: Total Toes to Bar

TUESDAY 5.3.22

Skill: Kipping Pull-up 

Murph Prep AMRAP 30

Terrible Stair Run

15 Pull-ups 

30 Hand Release Push-ups

Rx wear 20/14 lb Weight Vest


Snatch Work 15 Minutes 

Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Full Snatch

1x(2+2+2) @ 50%

1x(2+2+2) @ 60%

1x(1+2+2) @ 70%

1x(0+1+1) @ 75%

2x(0+0+1) @80%

Heavy Full Snatch by Feel

Clean & Jerk Work 15 Minutes 

Power Clean + Full Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

1x(1+1+2+2) @ 50%

1x(1+1+1+2) @ 60%

1x(1+1+1+2) @ 70%

1x(1+1+0+1) @ 75%

2x(1+1+0+1) @ 80%

Heavy Clean & Jerk by Feel



Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 5 Strict Tempo Toes to Bar

M2) 16 Alternating DB Bench Press

M3) 8 Tempo DB Bentover Rows

M4) AMRAP Barbell Zombie Situps

Buyout: Rowling 10 Minutes

Perform TWO 123 Up Downs for every Meter Above/Below 100m

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

E2MOM for 32:00 Alternate Between

A) 20/16 Calorie Bike

B) 30/25 Cal Row

C) 16 Burpee to Plate

D) AMRAP Double Unders

Scoreboard: Total Calories + Burpees + Dubz

FRIDAY 5.6.22


20 Minutes to Complete 4 Rounds

5 Push Press & 5 Sumo Deadlift

50-60-70-75% respectively 

Then Single at 80% each 

5 Second Hold Overhead / Control up top on the last Rep each set. 


M1) 20 American Swings 24/16kg

M2) 10 Strict HSPU / DB Strict Press

M3) L Sit on Floor 35-50 Seconds

Big Class Logistics for PUSH PULL

Athletes should partner with someone close to their strength level and set up separate push press and deadlift barbells. Go back and forth between the two movements building and changing weights as needed. 



Oly Lift Off at 5:30pm


🇺🇦For Kyiv 🇺🇦

Teams of 2 - 32 Minutes to Complete

800m Run

100 Double DB Box Step Overs 50/35 lbs

Terrible Stair Run

100 Chest to Bar Pull-ups / Ring Rows

800m Run

200 Hand Release Push-ups 

SUNDAY 5.8.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10am-12pm


M1) 15/12 Cal Row

M2) 10/8 Cal Bike

M3) :45 Farmers Carry 50/35 lb DB 

M4) 10 Burpee Broad Jumps

M5) Rest

Week of 4.25.22

Week of 4.25.22

MONDAY 4.25.22

SKWAATS 18 Minutes

3x5 Back Squats @55-65-75%

3x5 Front Squats @68-73-78%

2 Second Pause on FIRST & LAST Rep each set

Can't Feel My Legs Sarge

0:00-6:00 EMOM

M1) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Left

M2 ) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Right

7:00-16:00 Teams of 3 EMOM

M1) Max Calories Assault Bike :40

M2&3) Rest

One Athlete works each minute. 

Scoreboard: total individual calories 

TUESDAY 4.26.22

LIFT HEAVY - 12 Minutes to find 1RM Bench Press


Terrible Stair Run Buy In

AMRAP until 15:00

5 Pull-ups 

10 Hand Release Push-ups 

5 Sit Up Get Ups

At 15:00 Buyout Terrible Stair Run

Rx+ in 20/14 lb Weight Vest


1. Heavy Bench

2. Total Rounds + Reps on AMRAP


Snatch Work 15 Minutes 

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch

1x(2+2+2) @ 50%

1x(1+2+2) @ 60%

1x(0+2+2) @ 70%

1x(0+1+1) @ 75%

2x(0+0+1) @80%

Clean & Jerk Work 15 Minutes 

Power Clean + Hang Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

1x(1+1+2+2) @ 50%

1x(1+1+1+2) @ 60%

1x(1+1+1+2) @ 70%

1x(1+1+0+1) @ 75%

2x(1+1+0+1) @ 80%

THURSDAY 4.28.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 1 Turkish Get Up + 5 Windmills Right

M2) 1 Turkish Get Up + 5 Windmills Left

M3) Dead Hang Knee Tuck Hold

M4) KB Hammer Curls

M5) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M6) L Raises over KB

Work up to :45 each minute 

5:30pm Breathe Hard

5:00 on, 1:00 off for 36:00

A) Terrible Stair Run

B) 1000/900m Row

C) 40//32 Cal Bike

Max effort Double Unders after each buy in until end of interval 

Score is total Dubz

FRIDAY 4.29.22

LIFT HEAVY 20 Minutes to complete

4 sets of 5 each Push Press AND Sumo Deadlift

50-60-65-70% Respectively 

5 Second Hold up top on the last Rep each set. 


6 KB Snatch per Arm 24/16kg

12 HSPU or DB Push Press

Big Class Logistics for LIFT HEAVY

Athletes should partner with someone close to their strength level and set up separate push press and deadlift barbells. Go back and forth between the two movements building to 70% changing weights as needed. 

This is not a PR day. We will be doing these movements every Friday for the next cycle so don't be a hero. Just master the movements.

SATURDAY 4.30.22

Teams of 2

Terrible Stair Run

90 Double DB Thrusters 50/35 lbs

45 Bar Muscleups or 90 Chest to Bar 

Terrible Stair Run

80 DB Hang Lunges

160 Hand Release Push-ups 

Terrible Stair Run

AMRAP Row Calories until 32:00

SUNDAY 5.1.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10am-12pm

Running Clock


Row 2000m

Rest in Remainder


Every 3:00 for 7 Intervals

Row 250m as fast as possible 

Rest in reminder each interval 

Record 2k time and 250m splits

Week of 4.18.22

Week of 4.18.22

MONDAY 4.18.22

SKWAATS 18 Minutes

3x6 Back Squats @60-65-70%

3x5 Front Squats @66-71-76%

2 Second Pause on FIRST & LAST Rep each set

Functional Bodybuilding Intervals 16:00

0:00-1:30) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats per Leg 50/35 lbs 

1:30-3:00) 10 Strict Tempo Pull-ups 

3:00-4:00) AMRAP Zombie Sit-ups 

Athletes use bands as needed to get full range of motion on Tempo

:02 chin above bar, :02 control down 

TUESDAY 4.19.22

Every 2:30 for 25:00 Alternate Between

A) 10-8-6-4-2 Bench Press + AMRAP Toes to Bar until 2:00

B) 36/30 Cal Row

The goal is building to a heavy 2 Rep bench press. Don't blow yourself up on the preceding sets.

Buyout AMRAP 3

Double Unders

Scoreboard compare to 1.25.22

1. Heavy Bench Double

2. Total Toes to Bar + Calories

3. Total Dubz


Snatch Work 15 Minutes 

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch

3x(2+2+2) @ 50%

2x(1+2+2) @ 60%

2x(0+2+2) @ 70%

1x(0+1+1) @ 75%

Clean & Jerk Work 15 Minutes 

Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

2x(2+2+1) @ 50%

2x(1+1+2) @ 60%

2x(1+1+2) @ 70%

1x(1+0+1) @ 75%

Catch cleans high and ride down 

THURSDAY 4.21.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm

Skill: Turkish Get Up


Every 1:30 for 24:00

A) 2 Turkish Get Ups + 5-10 Windmills Right

B) 2 Turkish Get Ups + 5-10 Windmills Left

C) 20 Overhead Reverse Lunges (10 / Arm)

D) 1:15 Arms Only Rowing


Tabata L Raise Over KB

5:30pm Breathe Hard

10 Rounds

500/400m Row

50 Double Unders

35:00 Cap

Compare to 4.29.21

FRIDAY 4.22.22

German Volume Training Week 6


M1) 10 Barbell Bench Press

M2) 10 DB Bentover Rows

M3) 10 123 Up Downs

Athletes should keep weight in the 50-60% range for bench

Be sure to never use clamps when benching alone 

SATURDAY 4.23.22

Teams of 2

800m Run

80 Front Rack DB Lunges 

80 Toes to Bar

Terrible Stair Run

80 Thrusters 

40 Bar Muscleups or 80 Chest to Bar 

800m Run

AMRAP Devils Press until 32:00

SUNDAY 4.24.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10am-12pm

3 Rounds

1000/800m Row or 50/40 Cal Bike

100 Dubz / 200 Singles

800m Run

35 min Cap

Compare to 5.6.21

Week of 4.11.22

Week of 4.11.22

MONDAY 4.11.22

SKWAATS 20 Minutes

3x8 Back Squats @55-60-65%

3x5 Front Squats @64-69-74%

2 Second Pause on FIRST & LAST Rep each set


8 KB Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats /Side

8 KB Thrusters / Side

16 Toes to Bar

Rx: Single 24/16kg Kettlebell 

TUESDAY 4.12.22

Every 1:30 for 30:00

A) 5 Bench Press + :30 Chaturanga Push-up Hold

B) 5 Tempo Pull-ups + :30 Dead Hang Knee Tuck

C) Row 21/17 Calories 

D) 50 Dubz + :30 Hollow Hold


Snatch Work From the Rack 10 Minutes

2 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS

50-60-70-80-90% 1RM Snatch

Heavy Snatch Balance Single by Feel if time 

Jerk Work from the Rack 15 Minutes

Push Press + Pause Push Jerk + Pause Split Jerk

50-60-70% 1RM Jerk

Pause in receiving position :02 each jerk

2 Pause Split Jerk


Heavy Single by Feel

From the Floor EMOM 5

:10 Clean Pull to Knee + Stand

70-80-90-100-105% Clean

Coaches count athletes through Tempo

THURSDAY 4.14.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 16 DB Hang Reverse Lunges

M2) 16 Alternating DB Strict Press

M3) :50 Arms Only Rowing

M4) 10 Sit Up Get Ups

M5) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M6) Ukrainian Twists

Breathe Hard 5:30pm


Terrible Stair Run

20 Burpee Plate Hops

100 Double Unders

Sprint EMOM 12

M1) 25/20 Cal Row

M2) Rest

M3) 20/15 Cal Bike

M4) Rest

FRIDAY 4.15.22

German Volume Training Week 5


M1) 10 Strict Ring Dips

M2) 10 Tempo Bentover Rows

SATURDAY 4.16.22

Teams of 2

800m Run

8 Rounds Relay Style

10 DB Box Step Overs + 10 HSPU / Push Press

800m Run

8 Rounds Relay Style

5 Bar Muscle Ups + 10 Toes to Bar

Terrible Stair Run

AMRAP Burpee Box Overs until 32:00

SUNDAY 4.17.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10am-12pm


800m Run

50/40 Cal Bike

1000/900m Row

Compare to 9.26.21

Week of 4.4.22

Week of 4.4.22

MONDAY 4.4.22

Squats 20 Minutes

3x10 Back Squats @50-55-60%

3x5 Front Squats @62-67-72%

Tempo on FIRST and LAST Squat EACH SET

Tempo = :02 Down, Pause :02, Fast Up

BootyBuilding AMRAP 13

10 Front Rack KB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

10 Front Rack KB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

10 Left Arm KB Snatch

10 Right Arm KB Snatch

30 L Raises over KB

Rx: Single KB 24/16kg

TUESDAY 4.5.22

Every 3:00 for 30:00 Alternate Between 

A) 10-8-6-4-2 Bench Press to Heavy

After each set

10 Strict Tempo Pull-ups 

B) 500m row

AMRAP runningman sit-ups in remaining time

Pull-up Tempo- :02 above rim, :02 control down

Use bands as needed to get full ROM and control each rep. 


Snatch Work From the Rack 10 Minutes

2 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS

50-60-70-75-80% 1RM Snatch

Jerk Work from the Rack 15 Minutes

Push Press + Pause Push Jerk + Pause Split Jerk @ 50-60-65-70% 1RM Jerk

Pause Split Jerk @ 75-80-85%-90%

Pause in receiving position :02 each jerk

From the Floor EMOM 5

:10 Clean Pull to Knee + Stand @ 50-60-70-75-80% 1RM Clean

Coaches count athletes through Tempo


Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm


M1) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M2) 3 Position Barbell Bicep Curls

M3) Barbell Zombie Sit Ups

M4) Arms Only Rowing

M5) Sit Up Get Ups

Work :45 each minute 

Scoreboard total row calories 

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

3 Rounds

1000m/800m Row

40 Burpees over Rower

100 Double Unders

32 min cap

Compare to 4.25.21

FRIDAY 4.8.22

German Volume Training Week 4 EMOM 20

M1) 10 Reverse Grip Bench Press

M2) 10 Toes to Bar


Stand with Ukraine

Teams of 2

Terrible Stair Run

80 DB Box Step Overs 50/35 lbs

80 DB Power Cleans

Run to 6th Floor

60 DB Thrusters 50/35 lbs

60 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Terrible Stair Run

40 Burpees over Box

40 Cal Assault Bike

SUNDAY 4.10.22

Compare to 10.3.21

Week of 3.28.22

MONDAY 3.28.22

20 Minutes to Complete

4x8 Tempo HIGH BAR Back Squats @50-50-50%

3x5 Front Squats @60-65-70%

Tempo on reps 1&5 each set 

Tempo = :02 Down, Pause :02, Fast Up

Functional Bodybuilding

Every 1:30 for 13:30 Alternate Between

A) 10 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats EACH Leg

B) 15 Strict HSPU / DB Strict Press

C) AMRAP Toes to Bar

TUESDAY 3.29.22

Lift Heavy EMOM 10

M1) 5 Bench Press

M2) 5 Strict Tempo Pull-ups 

:02 chin above bar, :02 control down 

Athletes may use bands for pull-ups to get full ROM with control.

Advanced Athletes May do weighted pull-ups 

Hypertrophy Work EMOM 18

M1) 50' Handstand Walk / 5 Wall Walks

M2) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M3) 15 Ring Rows Parallel to Floor

M4) Pull-up Bar Knee Tuck Hang

M5) Runningman Sit-ups 

M6) Row 18/15


Snatch Work

0:00-6:00 EMOM

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Snatch Balance

6:00-9:00 Build to 70%

9:00-15:00 DON'T MISS

1 Full Snatch Every :30

Clean & Jerk Work

0:00-6:00 EMOM

:03 to Knee, Pause into Power Clean + Thruster


Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

2@60% - 2@70% - 2@76% - 2@80%

THURSDAY 3.31.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Hard Core EMOM 30

M1) 5 Strict Tempo Toes to Bar

M2) :30-45 Wall Facing Handstand

M3) 16 Alternating Bicep Curls

M4) :45 Arms Only Row

M5)  :30-45 Banded Plank

Score = total row calories 

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

E2MOM for 32:00 Alternate Between

A) 25/20 Calorie Bike

B) 30/25 Cal Row

C) 16 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"

D) AMRAP Double Unders

Score is Total Dubz

Compare to 9.23.21

FRIDAY 4.1.22

German Volume Training Week 3 EMOM 30

M1) 10 Strict Ring Dips / DB Bench Press

M2) 10 Tempo Banded Pull Downs

M3) 10 123 Up Downs


CrossFit Games Quarterfinals 22.1

50 dumbbell lunges

30 handstand push-ups

40 front-rack lunges

20 deficit handstand push-ups

30 overhead lunges

10 strict handstand push-ups

Rx: 2 x 50/35 lb dumbbells for all lunges, 3.5-in deficit

Games cap =  15

SUNDAY 4.3.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10-12

Cardio Recovery


30/24 Cal Row

20 Cossack Squats

10 Alternating Cartwheels

20/16 Calorie Bike

30 Ukrainian Twists + Kick

Week of 3.21.22

Summer is Coming Week 2

MONDAY 3.21.22

For time 21-15-9-6-3

Front Squat from Floor 195/125 lbs 

Strict HSPU

15 Toes to Bar after each set


Front Squat (use 10RM weight from last week)

DB Strict Press

15 Knees to Hips after each set

Buyout EMOM 9

M1) 10 Tempo Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M2) 10 Tempo Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M3) AMRAP Zombie Sit Ups

TUESDAY 3.22.22

5 Rounds - 30:00 Clock - Alternate Between 


10-8-6-4-2 Bench Press to Heavy

10 Strict Tempo Pull-ups 


500m row


AMRAP runningman sit-ups 

Pull-up Tempo- :02 above rim, :02 control down

Use bands as needed to get full ROM and control each rep. 


Snatch Work - 15 Min

0:00-8:00 EMOM @50-65%

:03 to Knee, Pause, into Power Snatch + 2 OHS

Full Snatches in remaining time

2 @ 70% - 2 @ 75% - 2 @ 80%

Clean & Jerk Work - 15 min

Hang Power Grace EMOM 6

5 Hang Power Clean & Jerk 135/95 lbs (scale to 50%)

Power Clean + Push Jerk + Pause Split Jerk in remaining time

2@60% - 2@70% - 2@75% - 1@80%

THURSDAY 3.24.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Superset EMOM 30

M1) 3-5 Wall Walks

M2) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M3) 16-20 Bicep Curls

M4) Pull-up Bar Dead Hang

M5) Seated High L Raises

Hold :30-60 on Static Movements

Scoreboard is total Pull-up Bar Hang Time

Breathe Hard 5:30pm


50-75-100-125-150 Double Unders

50-40-30-20-10 Abmat Sit-ups 

20:00 Cap

Buyout: Assault Bike Relay - 12 Minutes

4 Rounds

:30 Sprint

Rest 2:30

Score is total calories 

Gangster Target: 80/64 calories 

FRIDAY 3.25.22

GVT Week 2 EMOM 20


M2) Bentover rows



123 Up Downs for every meter off 100

SATURDAY 3.26.22


M1) 10 Left Arm DB Power Clean & Push Press (50/35 lb)

M2) 10 Right Arm DB Power Clean & Push Press (50/35 lb)

M3) 18/15 Cal Row

M4) 50 Double Unders

M5) 50' Handstand Walk


ABs! (annnnnd Assault Bike Surprise)

SUNDAY 3.27.22

4:00 on, 1:00 off for 30:00

A) Terrible Stair Run 

B) 30/24 Cal Assault Bike

C) 30 Burpee Plate Hops
AMRAP Double Unders after Buy In each interval

Week of 3.14.22

Summer is Coming Hypertrophy Cycle

The CrossFit Open was fun! Many of you stepped out of your comfort zones and tried movements and weights you'd never tried in class! Hopefully you were inspired to learn some new skills and get stronger in the coming year!

But this summer when you're at the beach, no one will ask how many reps you got on 22.2. 

It's time to take a step back from going as fast as possible. 

And take a big step into adding lean muscle mass, improving movement patterns, and getting STRONG!

We will continue to do metabolic conditioning workouts (MetCons) but the focus will be less about doing as many reps as possible or as fast as possible and MORE For Quality, Power Output and/or Load.

MONDAY 3.14.22

Lift Heavy Daily Max Effort - 10:00

10RM Front Squat from the Floor

Athletes have 10 minutes to find a heavy unbroken set of 10 front squats. Plan to do 2-3 warmup sets of 10 and send it on the last set. 

Athletes unable to do cleans may squat from the rack. 

Feel free to partner up on barbells to save time 

Hypertrophy EMOM 20

M1) 10 Strict HSPU / DB Press

M2) 10 Tempo Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M3) 10 Tempo Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

No abmats for HSPU. Head must be on same level as hands. 

Choose load that is challenging for 10 reps but you should be able to do all 10 each minute.

TUESDAY 3.15.22

Lift Heavy EMOM 10

M1) 5 Bench Press 60-70-75-80-80%

M2) 5 Strict Tempo Pull-ups 

:02 chin above bar, :02 control down 

Athletes may use bands for pull-ups to get full ROM with control.

Advanced Athletes May do weighted pull-ups 

Building Work Every 2:30 for 22:30

A) 20 Alt DB Bench Press + 20 DB Gorilla Row + Max Plank Hold

B) 1:00 Straight Arm Banded Press Downs + AMRAP Runningman Sit-up

C) Row 500/400m Row @ 1:45/1:59 Pace


Snatch Positional Work EMOM 8

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat @50-60%

Heavy Snatch by Feel until 15:00

Nacho Man Complex EMOM

3 Hang Power Clean + 3 Push Jerk + 3 Front Squats

0:00-5:00 @ 135/85 lbs

5:00-10:00 @ 165/105 lbs

10:00-15:00 @ 185/120 lbs

THURSDAY 3.17.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm


M1) Handstand Hold

M2) 3 Position Bicep Curl

M3) Slow Seated High L Raises

M4) Row Arms Only

M5) Zombie Sit-ups 

Work :30-45 each minute 

Scoreboard total zombies 

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Every 5:00 for 30:00

A) Terrible Stair Run

B) 30/24 Cal Assault Bike

C) 50/40 Calorie Row

The intent today is for athletes to go HARD on these movements and aim to get them done in 2-3 minutes and use remaining time to rest.

FRIDAY 3.18.22

German Volume Training Week 1


M1) 10 Strict Ring Dips or DB Bench Press Neutral Grip 

M2) 10 Double DB Front Squats

Banded Buyout

:45 on, :15 off for 12:00

Banded Chest Fly

Banded Tempo Row

Ukrainian Twist

SATURDAY 3.19.22

0:00-10:00 EMOM

M1) 10 Strict Pull-ups 

M2) 50 Double Unders
10:00-12:00 Rest

12:00-22:00 EMOM

M1) 50' Handstand Walk or Practice

M2) 15 Toes to Bar

22:00-25:00 Rest

25:00-34:00 Relay EMOM

Teams of 3 - One Athlete Works per minute 

20/15 Cal Assault Bike Sprint Relay

Goal is for athletes to redline each round 

Move well lift heavy week 1


Three attempts for snatch

Three attempts for Clean & jerk

Positional Strength Work

4 rounds

8 Tempo Back Squats @50%

8 Strict DB Press/Side from Split Position

8 Strict Pull-ups

10 Zombie Sit-ups with Barbell or Plate

Back squat tempo- :02 down, :02 just below parallel, fast on the way up

SUNDAY 3.20.22


800m Run

1000m Row

50/40 Cal Bike

800m Route


Be sure athletes go through side door and NOT through lobby when entering and exiting building

Week of 3.7.22

MONDAY 3.7.22

Lift Heavy - 2RM Thruster from the Rack - 12:00

BreAThe hard - Possible 22.3 Chipper

15 Minutes to Complete

50 Toes to Bar

100 Double Unders

40 Thrusters 95/65 lbs

100 Double Unders

30 Bar Muscleups 


50 Knees to Hips

200 Single Unders

40 Thrusters 65/45 lbs

200 Single Unders

60 Pull-ups/ Ring Rows

Triple Play Athletes without barbell experience use dumbbells

TUESDAY 3.8.22

Lift Heavy - 2RM Bench Press - 10:00

Breathe Hard


M1) 50' Handstand Walk

M2) Row 18/15 Cal

M3) 15 Ring Dips

M4) :30-:45 Hollow Hold


M1) Handstand Practice

M2) Row 18/15 Cal

M3) 15 Hand Release Push-ups 

M4) :30-:45 Hollow Hold


Snatch Consistency - 15:00

3@50% - 3@60% - 3@70%

3@75% - 3@80%

Heavy Single by Feel

Clean & Pause Split Jerk Consistency - 15:00

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70%

2@75% - 2@80%

Heavy Single by Feel

THURSDAY 3.10.22


Sprint Pump for Time

10-20-30 Reps Each

DB Bentover Rows 50/35 lbs

Hand Release Push-ups 

10:00 Cap

Hold On EMOM 20

M1) Chaturanga Push-up Hold

M2) Farmer's Carry

M3) Handstand Hold

M4) Seated L Sit

M5) Ukrainian Twists

Hold :30-:45 Each Minute



Terrible Stair Run

1000m Row

50/40 Cal Bike

Terrorless Stair Run =

Run to 6th Floor - Down to Ground Floor

Back up to 6th Floor - Down to Gym

FRIDAY 3.11.22

Skill: Kipping Pull-ups, Butterfly, Muscle Up

Test Run - 6 Minutes 

For Pacing Time & Practice

12 Pull-ups 

30 Double Unders

12 Thrusters 95/65#

8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

30 Double Unders

8 Thrusters 115/75#

4 Bar Muscleups 

30 Double Unders

4 Thrusters 135/95#


12 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

30 single-unders

12 thrusters 65/45#

8 chin-over-bar pull-ups

30 single-unders

8 thrusters 85/55#

4 chest-to-bar pull-ups

30 single-unders

4 thrusters 105/65#

GSO Buyout

Teams of 3

6 Rounds Relay Style 

20/15 Calorie Assault Bike

20 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

12:00 Cap

SATURDAY 3.12.22

CrossFit Open Workout 22.3


21 Pull-ups 

42 Double Unders

21 Thrusters 95/65#

18 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

36 Double Unders

18 Thrusters 115/75#

15 Bar Muscleups 

30 Double Unders

15 Thrusters 135/95#


21 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

42 single-unders

21 thrusters 65/45#

18 chin-over-bar pull-ups

36 single-unders

18 thrusters 85/55#

15 chest-to-bar pull-ups

30 single-unders

15 thrusters 105/65#

SUNDAY 3.13.22

Intensit-EMOM 30

M1) 20/16 Cal Assault Bike

M2) Rest

M3) 20/16 Cal Row

M4) AMRAP Butterfly Sit-ups 

M5) 16 Burpee Plate Hops

M6) Rest

Score is total calories+reps

Week of 2.28.22

MONDAY 2.28.22

Lift Heavy - Front Squats - 15 Min

Build to Heavy Single by Feel 

Breathe Hard

League of Her Own

4 Rounds for Time

2 Devil's Press

43 Double Unders

11 DB Thrusters 50/35 lbs 

12:00 cap

Toni Stone was the first woman to play professional baseball in a Men's League.

She took over Hank Aaron's 2nd baseman position in the Negro Leagues in 1953.

Over her career her batting average was .243 and she could run 100m in 11 seconds


Abs for days 

TUESDAY 3.1.22

Cardio Skillz

E2MOM for 32:00

A) 8-15 Bar Muscleups

B) 30/24 Cal Row

C) 20 Toes to Bar + 50’ Handstand Walk

D) 20/16 Cal Bike


A) AMRAP 10 Pull-ups/Ring Rows + 10 Dips/HR Push-ups 

B) 30/24 Cal Row

C) 20 Knees to Hips + Handstand Kickup to Wall & Hold Practice

D) 20/16 Cal Bike


CrossFit Open 20.4

30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

15 Clean-and-Jerks (95/65 lb)

30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

15 Clean-and-Jerks (135/85 lb)

30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

10 Clean-and-Jerks (185/115 lb)

30 Single-Leg Squats

10 Clean-and-Jerks (225/145 lb)

30 Single-Leg Squats

5 Clean-and-Jerks (275/175 lb)

30 Single-Leg Squats

5 Clean-and-Jerks (315/205 lb)

20 Minute Cap

Athletes may do step ups or box jumps

Athletes may Power or Squat barbell


30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

15 Clean-and-Jerks (65/35 lb)

30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

15 Clean-and-Jerks (95/55 lb)

30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

10 Clean-and-Jerks (115/75 lb)

30 Medicine Ball Step Ups 20/14 lbs

10 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb)

30 Medicine Ball Step Ups 20/14 lbs

5 Clean-and-Jerks (155/115 lb)

30 Medicine Ball Step Ups 20/14 lbs

5 Clean-and-Jerks (185/135 lb)

THURSDAY 3.3.22 - Compare to 12.2.21

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Lift Heavy - 12 Minutes - Find Heavy 2 Rep Pause Bench Press

Partner Pump

7 Deadly Sins Relay

14 Minute AMRAP

7 Strict Pullups / Ring Rows

9/7 Cal Assault Bike

11 Strict Ring Dips / HR Push-ups 

Athlete A does 1 full round while B Rests

Athlete B does 1 full round while A rests



3 Minute AMRAP

Runningman Situps

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Every 4:00 for 36:00 Alternate Between

A) Row 60/50 Calories

B) Bike 40/32 Calories

C) Run to 6th Floor + 100 Dubz

FRIDAY 3.4.22

Skill: 22.2 New Burpee Standard

MetCon EMOM 20

M1) Handstand Hold / Walk Practice

M2) 16 Alternating Bicep Curls
M3) ) 50 Double Unders

M4) Row 18/15 Cal

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs


CrossFit Open 22.2

Deadlift 225/155

Bar Facing Burpee

SUNDAY 3.6.22


Terrible Stair Run (⬆️6th Floor⬇️Ground⬆️6th Floor⬇️Back to Gym)

10 Sit Up Get Ups

10 Alternating Cartwheels

30/24 Cal Bike

1:00 Hollow Hold

in classes bigger than 6 - half athletes start on bike.

Week of 2.21.22

MONDAY 2.21.22

Fight or Flight Front Squats Week 8

TEST WEEK! 20 Minutes to Eat a Couple of Peanuts

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@75%

Singles at 81 - 86 - 91 - 96 - 101%


Jackie Robinson -For Total Time

42 Alternating Pistol Squats Buy In


4 Rounds

15 Toes to Bar

47 Double Unders

12:00 Cap

Jackie Robinson was the first black player in Major League Baseball. He made his debut on the Dodgers April 15, 1947. He played in 6 World Series and won one in 1955. His number 42 was retired in 1997.

TUESDAY 2.22.22

Tempo Strength EMOM 6

M1) 5 Tempo Pull-ups 

M2) 5 Tempo Dips

Tempo Counts

Pull-ups: :03 Above the Rim, :02 Controlled Descent

Dips: :02 Elbows Locked Out, :03 At Chest

MetCon - Fight of the Century


7 Bar Muscleups 

40' Handstand Walk

10/8 Calorie Assault Bike


7 Pull-ups/ Ring Rows

7 Dips / HR Push-ups 

4 Wall Walks

10/8 Calorie Assault Bike

In July 4, 1910 Jack Johnson also known as the Galveston Giant knocked out undefeated white boxer James Jeffries in the 15th Round. Johnson became the first Black Heavyweight Boxing Champion. 


Snatch Consistency -  12 Minutes 

5@50%- 4@60%- 3@70% - 2@80%

Singles at 85 & 90%

MetCon - Grand Slam

5 Rounds

26 Goblet Lunges 50/35 lbs

:56 Wall Sit

11 Burpees Over DB

We will do this interval style to keep intensity high. Athlete goal is to keep pace and accumulate AMRAP. 

17:30 Running Clock

0:00-1:30 to complete 26 Lunges

1:30-2:30 to complete Wall Sit

2:30-3:30 to complete 11 Burpees

Althea Gibson was the first African American woman to win a Grand Slam at the French Championships on May 26, 1956. Over the course of her career Althea won 11 Grand Slams

THURSDAY 2.24.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm


M1) :30-:45 Handstand Hold

M2) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) :30 Bottom of Dip or Push-up Hold

M4) 10-15 Sit Up Get Ups

M5) :30-:45 Hollow Hold

Buyout -10 Minutes of Rowling

Goal is to hit 100m as fast as possible.

Athletes do 2 Hand Release Push-ups for every meter over/under 100m



Every 3:00 for 45:00

A) Row 45/36 calories

B) Bike 30/24 calories

C) 10 Burpees to Plate + 100 Double Unders

Jesse Owens won 4 Track & Field Gold Medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. But the year prior, at the Big Ten Collegiate Track Conference he set 5 world records and tied two others - all within 45 minutes!!!

FRIDAY 2.25.22

CrossFit Open 22.1 Skill and Movement Prep


M1) Handstand Practice

M2) 20/16 Cal Row

M3) 60 Dubz

M4) 15/12 Cal Bike



SATURDAY 2.26.22

CrossFit Open 22.1


3 Wall Walks

12 DB Snatch

15 Box Jump Overs

Heats with peer judging based on workout duration

SUNDAY 2.27.22

Recovery Cardio based on 22.1

Week of 2.14.22

MONDAY 2.14.22

Fight or Flight Front Squats Week 7

20:00 Clock

0:00-9:00 to Build

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80%

@10:00 Heavy Single Waves every 1:30

85% - 90% - 88% - 93%

IFF 93% feels easy, athletes may go for 1-2 more attempts until 20:00 (97-101%)

But don’t force it. We’ll have a full 20 minutes to PR next week. 

Breathe Hard

12-9-6-3 Devil's Press 50/35 lbs

*12 Alternating Pistols after each round 

10 Minute Cap

TUESDAY 2.15.22

Lift Heavy - Bench Press Heavy Single

12 Minutes to move some weight

Breathe Hard

E2MOM for 18:00

A) Row 30/24 Cal

B) 100' Handstand Walk

C) Bike 20/16 Cal


A) Row 1:50

B) Handstand Practice/ Wall Walks / Kick Ups

C) Bike 1:50


CrossFit Open Workout 21.3

For total time:

15 front squats

30 toes-to-bars

15 thrusters

Rest 1:00 THEN

15 front squats

30 chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 thrusters

Rest 1:00 THEN

15 front squats

30 bar muscle-ups

15 thrusters

15:00 Cap

Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.

Rx: 95/65 lb Barbell


7 Minutes to Find Heavy Complex

Deadlift + Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk


15 front squats

30 hanging knee-raises

15 thrusters

Rest 1:00 THEN

15 front squats

30 chin-over-bar pull-ups

15 thrusters

Rest 1:00 THEN

15 front squats

30 chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 thrusters

65/45 lb Barbell

For class purposes of getting a good workout, scaling athletes may do ring rows. But in the Open scaled athletes will have to do unassisted pull-ups 

THURSDAY 2.17.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

E2MOM for 32:00

A) 20 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats (10/side)

B) 20 Strict Ring Dips / HR Push-ups 

C) Row 20/16 Calories only using ARMS

D) 1:30 Pallof Press (:45/side)



M1) Row 17/14 Cal

M2) Bike 11/9 Cal

M3) 60 Double Unders


50 Burpees Over Barbell for Time

5:00 Cap

FRIDAY 2.18.22

CrossFit Open 15.4

AMRAP in 8 minutes

3 Handstand Push-Ups

3 Power Cleans (185/125 lb)

6 Handstand Push-Ups

3 Cleans (185/125 lb)

9 Handstand Push-Ups

3 Cleans (185/125 lb)

12 Handstand Push-Ups

6 Cleans (185/125 lb)

15 Handstand Push-Ups

6 Cleans (185/125 lb)

18 Handstand Push-Ups

6 Cleans (185/125 lb)

21 Handstand Push-Ups

9 Cleans (185/125 lb)

Etc., following same pattern adding 3 HSPU every round and 3 Power Cleans every 3 Rounds until time is up

Peer Judging in two heats following this HSPU Open Standard


Athletes without barbell experience use Dumbbells 

Tempo Strength Buyout


M1) 5 Tempo Pull-ups 

M2) 5 Tempo Dips

Tempo Counts

Pull-ups: :03 Above the Rim, :02 Controlled Descent

Dips: :02 Elbows Locked Out, :03 At Chest

SATURDAY 2.19.22

27:00 Running Clock 

0:00-7:00 AMRAP

5 Bar Muscleups / 10 Pull-ups 

15 American Swings 24/16kg

7:00-10:00 Rest

10:00-17:00 AMRAP

25' Handstand Walk / 3 Wall Walks

50 Double Unders

17:00-20:00 Rest

20:00-27:00 EMOM

15/12 Calorie Assault Bike Sprint

Athletes unable to complete 15/12 Cal AB should cap "sprint" at :35 for max calories 


3:00 Abs

SUNDAY 2.20.22


M1) Bike 10/8 Cal

M2) 50 Double Unders

M3) Row 15/12 Cal

M4) 10 Burpee Plate Hops

Week of 2.7.22

MONDAY 2.7.22

Fight or Flight Front Squats Week 6

Build to Heavy Single By Feel - 12 Minutes

Every 1:30 for 4 Lifts

1 Pause Front Squat @ 80-84-87-90%

2 Mississippi Count This Week

MetCon - AMRAP 12

12 Alternating Pistol Squats / Box Step Ups

12 Burpees to Plate

12 Toes to Bar

TUESDAY 2.8.22

Muscle Up Positional Strength EMOM 6

M1) 5 Tempo Pull-up 

M2) 5 Tempo Ring Dips

Same Tempo as last week. Master the ROM!

Pull-up Tempo: :02 Chin Above, :02 Controlled Descent

Dip Tempo: :02 Top of Dip, :02 Bottom of Dip


Every 3:00 for 27:00

I1) 15 Burpee Muscleups 

I2) 100' Handstand Walk + 50 Dubz

I3) 30/24 Cal Assault Bike


I1) AMRAP 5 Burpees + 5 Pull-ups/Ring Rows + 5 Dips/HR Push-ups 

I2) 10 Wall Walks + Struggle Under Practice

I3) AMRAP Bike

Cap work at 2:45 each round 


Hip Snatch Week 2 - 15 Minutes

3 @ 50% - 3 @ 60% - 3 @ 70% - 2 @ 75% -

2 @ 80% - 2 @ 85% - Heavy Single by Feel

Clean & Jerk Complex - 15 Minutes

Deadlift + Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + 2 Split Jerk

Find Heavy Unbroken Complex

Recommended Scheme based on 1RM C&J

2 @ 50% - 1 @ 60% - 1 @ 70% - 1 @ 75%

1 @ 80% - 1 @ 85% - 1 @ 90% if feeling STRONG

The double Jerk at the end will be the limiting factor for most athletes. 

Next week we will be testing CrossFit Open 21.3 which ends with a clean and jerk complex.Today is a test run. Double jerk at the end to reinforce position and how tired athletes will feel going for the jerk after doing 21.3.

THURSDAY 2.10.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups

M2) 5 Tempo Strict Toes to Bar

M3) 3 Position Bicep Curl (:40)

M4) Bottom Ring Dip or Push-up Hold (:30-:40)

M5) AMRAP Plate Zombie Sit Ups

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Compare to 11.4.21

High Ground… kinda from Proving Grounds

For Time

40 Box Jumps 24/20"

100 Double Unders 

30 Box Jumps 24/20"

100 Double Unders

20 Box Jumps 30/24"

100 Double Unders

15:00 Cap


Teams of 3

1:00 On, 2:00 Off Relay for 15:00

Max Calorie Row

Each individual count your total individual calories each interval 

FRIDAY 2.11.22

LIFT HEAVY - 5RM Deadlift 12 Minutes

Breathe Hard - 20:00 Clock


M1) 10 Strict HSPU

M2) 50 Double Unders

Right Into


M1) Handstand Hold

M2) Hollow Hold

Work :30-:45 Each Minute

SATURDAY 2.12.22


M1) 10 D Ball Squats 150/100 lbs

M2) 15/12 Cal Assault Bike

M3) 10 Strict Pull-ups

M4) 20/16 Cal Row

M5) 15-20 123 Up Downs

M6) Rest

Simple on paper but spicy in practice. Go hard on cardio elements to try and get full calories knowing there is rest built in at the end of each round. 

SUNDAY 2.13.22

Lost at Sea from Proving Grounds

10 Rounds for Time

10 Burpees Over Rower 

500m Row

Rest :30 after each round 

If class bigger than 8, athletes alternate rounds between rower and bike 

10 Burpees

25/20 Cal Bike