MONDAY 2.7.22

Fight or Flight Front Squats Week 6

Build to Heavy Single By Feel - 12 Minutes

Every 1:30 for 4 Lifts

1 Pause Front Squat @ 80-84-87-90%

2 Mississippi Count This Week

MetCon - AMRAP 12

12 Alternating Pistol Squats / Box Step Ups

12 Burpees to Plate

12 Toes to Bar

TUESDAY 2.8.22

Muscle Up Positional Strength EMOM 6

M1) 5 Tempo Pull-up 

M2) 5 Tempo Ring Dips

Same Tempo as last week. Master the ROM!

Pull-up Tempo: :02 Chin Above, :02 Controlled Descent

Dip Tempo: :02 Top of Dip, :02 Bottom of Dip


Every 3:00 for 27:00

I1) 15 Burpee Muscleups 

I2) 100' Handstand Walk + 50 Dubz

I3) 30/24 Cal Assault Bike


I1) AMRAP 5 Burpees + 5 Pull-ups/Ring Rows + 5 Dips/HR Push-ups 

I2) 10 Wall Walks + Struggle Under Practice

I3) AMRAP Bike

Cap work at 2:45 each round 


Hip Snatch Week 2 - 15 Minutes

3 @ 50% - 3 @ 60% - 3 @ 70% - 2 @ 75% -

2 @ 80% - 2 @ 85% - Heavy Single by Feel

Clean & Jerk Complex - 15 Minutes

Deadlift + Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + 2 Split Jerk

Find Heavy Unbroken Complex

Recommended Scheme based on 1RM C&J

2 @ 50% - 1 @ 60% - 1 @ 70% - 1 @ 75%

1 @ 80% - 1 @ 85% - 1 @ 90% if feeling STRONG

The double Jerk at the end will be the limiting factor for most athletes. 

Next week we will be testing CrossFit Open 21.3 which ends with a clean and jerk complex.Today is a test run. Double jerk at the end to reinforce position and how tired athletes will feel going for the jerk after doing 21.3.

THURSDAY 2.10.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups

M2) 5 Tempo Strict Toes to Bar

M3) 3 Position Bicep Curl (:40)

M4) Bottom Ring Dip or Push-up Hold (:30-:40)

M5) AMRAP Plate Zombie Sit Ups

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Compare to 11.4.21

High Ground… kinda from Proving Grounds

For Time

40 Box Jumps 24/20"

100 Double Unders 

30 Box Jumps 24/20"

100 Double Unders

20 Box Jumps 30/24"

100 Double Unders

15:00 Cap


Teams of 3

1:00 On, 2:00 Off Relay for 15:00

Max Calorie Row

Each individual count your total individual calories each interval 

FRIDAY 2.11.22

LIFT HEAVY - 5RM Deadlift 12 Minutes

Breathe Hard - 20:00 Clock


M1) 10 Strict HSPU

M2) 50 Double Unders

Right Into


M1) Handstand Hold

M2) Hollow Hold

Work :30-:45 Each Minute

SATURDAY 2.12.22


M1) 10 D Ball Squats 150/100 lbs

M2) 15/12 Cal Assault Bike

M3) 10 Strict Pull-ups

M4) 20/16 Cal Row

M5) 15-20 123 Up Downs

M6) Rest

Simple on paper but spicy in practice. Go hard on cardio elements to try and get full calories knowing there is rest built in at the end of each round. 

SUNDAY 2.13.22

Lost at Sea from Proving Grounds

10 Rounds for Time

10 Burpees Over Rower 

500m Row

Rest :30 after each round 

If class bigger than 8, athletes alternate rounds between rower and bike 

10 Burpees

25/20 Cal Bike