MONDAY 5.9.22

Front Squat Heavy Single Prep - 15 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80%

Singles at 85% - 90% - 93%

Our official Front Squat Test Date is Monday May 23. If you feel GREAT today or next Monday, feel free to go for a heavier single than prescribed but don't force it. 

Functional Bodybuilding EMOM 16

M1) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Left

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Right

M3) 10 Strict HSPU / DB Press

M4) 20 Toes to Bar


Score 1: 93% Single

Score 2*: Total EMOM Reps (200 total possible).

*To get Rx, athletes must use 50/35 lb DBs, perform SHSPU to level surface, and do full range of motion T2B

TUESDAY 5.10.22

Skill: Kipping Ring Dip

Murph Prep AMRAP 30

Run Lap Around Block (450m)

10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

15 Ring Dips

20 Runningman Sit-ups 

Rx wear 20/14 lb Weight Vest


Snatch Work 15 Minutes 

Power Snatch + Full Snatch

1x(2+2) @ 50%

1x(2+2) @ 60%

1x(2+2) @ 70%

1x(1+1) @ 75%

2x(0+1) @80%

Heavy Snatch by Feel

Clean & Jerk Work 15 Minutes 

Power Clean + Full Clean + Split Jerk

1x(1+1+2) @ 50%

1x(1+1+2) @ 60%

1x(1+1+2) @ 70%

1x(1+1+1) @ 75%

1x(1+1+1) @ 80%

Heavy Clean & Jerk by Feel

Lots of time to go heavy today. If the grease is hot, cook!


THURSDAY 5.12.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 1 Turkish Get Up + 5 Windmills Left

M2) 1 Turkish Get Up + 5 Windmills Right

M3) 15-20 KB Hammer Curls

M4) 16-20 Goblet Reverse Lunges

M5) :30-45 L Raise over KB

Breathe Hard 5:30pm


M1) 15/12 Cal Row

M2) 10/8 Cal Bike

M3) :45 Farmers Carry 50/35 lb DB 

M4) AMRAP Burpee Plate Hops

M5) Rest

Score is total burpees 

FRIDAY 5.13.22


20 Minutes to Complete

4x5 Each Push Press & Sumo Deadlift 

50-60-70-80% respectively 

Then Single at 85% each 

5 Second Hold up top on the last Rep each set. 


Sumo Diane


Sumo Deadlift 225/155 lbs

Handstand Push-up

10 Minute Cap

SATURDAY 5.14.22

Murph Prep

800m Run

AMRAP until 10:00

5 Pull-ups 

10 Push-ups 

15 Squats

800m Run

AMRAP until 20:00

5 Pull-ups 

10 Push-ups 

15 Squats

800m Run

AMRAP until 30:00

5 Pull-ups 

10 Push-ups 

15 Squats

SUNDAY 5.15.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10am-12pm

E2MOM for 32:00 Alternate Between

A) 20/16 Calorie Bike

B) 30/25 Cal Row

C) 16 Burpee to Plate

D) AMRAP Double Unders

Scoreboard: Total Calories + Burpees + Dubz