MONDAY 3.7.22

Lift Heavy - 2RM Thruster from the Rack - 12:00

BreAThe hard - Possible 22.3 Chipper

15 Minutes to Complete

50 Toes to Bar

100 Double Unders

40 Thrusters 95/65 lbs

100 Double Unders

30 Bar Muscleups 


50 Knees to Hips

200 Single Unders

40 Thrusters 65/45 lbs

200 Single Unders

60 Pull-ups/ Ring Rows

Triple Play Athletes without barbell experience use dumbbells

TUESDAY 3.8.22

Lift Heavy - 2RM Bench Press - 10:00

Breathe Hard


M1) 50' Handstand Walk

M2) Row 18/15 Cal

M3) 15 Ring Dips

M4) :30-:45 Hollow Hold


M1) Handstand Practice

M2) Row 18/15 Cal

M3) 15 Hand Release Push-ups 

M4) :30-:45 Hollow Hold


Snatch Consistency - 15:00

3@50% - 3@60% - 3@70%

3@75% - 3@80%

Heavy Single by Feel

Clean & Pause Split Jerk Consistency - 15:00

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70%

2@75% - 2@80%

Heavy Single by Feel

THURSDAY 3.10.22


Sprint Pump for Time

10-20-30 Reps Each

DB Bentover Rows 50/35 lbs

Hand Release Push-ups 

10:00 Cap

Hold On EMOM 20

M1) Chaturanga Push-up Hold

M2) Farmer's Carry

M3) Handstand Hold

M4) Seated L Sit

M5) Ukrainian Twists

Hold :30-:45 Each Minute



Terrible Stair Run

1000m Row

50/40 Cal Bike

Terrorless Stair Run =

Run to 6th Floor - Down to Ground Floor

Back up to 6th Floor - Down to Gym

FRIDAY 3.11.22

Skill: Kipping Pull-ups, Butterfly, Muscle Up

Test Run - 6 Minutes 

For Pacing Time & Practice

12 Pull-ups 

30 Double Unders

12 Thrusters 95/65#

8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

30 Double Unders

8 Thrusters 115/75#

4 Bar Muscleups 

30 Double Unders

4 Thrusters 135/95#


12 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

30 single-unders

12 thrusters 65/45#

8 chin-over-bar pull-ups

30 single-unders

8 thrusters 85/55#

4 chest-to-bar pull-ups

30 single-unders

4 thrusters 105/65#

GSO Buyout

Teams of 3

6 Rounds Relay Style 

20/15 Calorie Assault Bike

20 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

12:00 Cap

SATURDAY 3.12.22

CrossFit Open Workout 22.3


21 Pull-ups 

42 Double Unders

21 Thrusters 95/65#

18 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

36 Double Unders

18 Thrusters 115/75#

15 Bar Muscleups 

30 Double Unders

15 Thrusters 135/95#


21 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

42 single-unders

21 thrusters 65/45#

18 chin-over-bar pull-ups

36 single-unders

18 thrusters 85/55#

15 chest-to-bar pull-ups

30 single-unders

15 thrusters 105/65#

SUNDAY 3.13.22

Intensit-EMOM 30

M1) 20/16 Cal Assault Bike

M2) Rest

M3) 20/16 Cal Row

M4) AMRAP Butterfly Sit-ups 

M5) 16 Burpee Plate Hops

M6) Rest

Score is total calories+reps