MONDAY 2.28.22
Lift Heavy - Front Squats - 15 Min
Build to Heavy Single by Feel
Breathe Hard
League of Her Own
4 Rounds for Time
2 Devil's Press
43 Double Unders
11 DB Thrusters 50/35 lbs
12:00 cap
Toni Stone was the first woman to play professional baseball in a Men's League.
She took over Hank Aaron's 2nd baseman position in the Negro Leagues in 1953.
Over her career her batting average was .243 and she could run 100m in 11 seconds
Abs for days
TUESDAY 3.1.22
Cardio Skillz
E2MOM for 32:00
A) 8-15 Bar Muscleups
B) 30/24 Cal Row
C) 20 Toes to Bar + 50’ Handstand Walk
D) 20/16 Cal Bike
A) AMRAP 10 Pull-ups/Ring Rows + 10 Dips/HR Push-ups
B) 30/24 Cal Row
C) 20 Knees to Hips + Handstand Kickup to Wall & Hold Practice
D) 20/16 Cal Bike
CrossFit Open 20.4
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
15 Clean-and-Jerks (95/65 lb)
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
15 Clean-and-Jerks (135/85 lb)
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
10 Clean-and-Jerks (185/115 lb)
30 Single-Leg Squats
10 Clean-and-Jerks (225/145 lb)
30 Single-Leg Squats
5 Clean-and-Jerks (275/175 lb)
30 Single-Leg Squats
5 Clean-and-Jerks (315/205 lb)
20 Minute Cap
Athletes may do step ups or box jumps
Athletes may Power or Squat barbell
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
15 Clean-and-Jerks (65/35 lb)
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
15 Clean-and-Jerks (95/55 lb)
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
10 Clean-and-Jerks (115/75 lb)
30 Medicine Ball Step Ups 20/14 lbs
10 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb)
30 Medicine Ball Step Ups 20/14 lbs
5 Clean-and-Jerks (155/115 lb)
30 Medicine Ball Step Ups 20/14 lbs
5 Clean-and-Jerks (185/135 lb)
THURSDAY 3.3.22 - Compare to 12.2.21
Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm
Lift Heavy - 12 Minutes - Find Heavy 2 Rep Pause Bench Press
Partner Pump
7 Deadly Sins Relay
14 Minute AMRAP
7 Strict Pullups / Ring Rows
9/7 Cal Assault Bike
11 Strict Ring Dips / HR Push-ups
Athlete A does 1 full round while B Rests
Athlete B does 1 full round while A rests
3 Minute AMRAP
Runningman Situps
Breathe Hard 5:30pm
Every 4:00 for 36:00 Alternate Between
A) Row 60/50 Calories
B) Bike 40/32 Calories
C) Run to 6th Floor + 100 Dubz
FRIDAY 3.4.22
Skill: 22.2 New Burpee Standard
MetCon EMOM 20
M1) Handstand Hold / Walk Practice
M2) 16 Alternating Bicep Curls
M3) ) 50 Double Unders
M4) Row 18/15 Cal
M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs
CrossFit Open 22.2
Deadlift 225/155
Bar Facing Burpee
SUNDAY 3.6.22
Terrible Stair Run (⬆️6th Floor⬇️Ground⬆️6th Floor⬇️Back to Gym)
10 Sit Up Get Ups
10 Alternating Cartwheels
30/24 Cal Bike
1:00 Hollow Hold
in classes bigger than 6 - half athletes start on bike.