MONDAY 2.14.22
Fight or Flight Front Squats Week 7
20:00 Clock
0:00-9:00 to Build
5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80%
@10:00 Heavy Single Waves every 1:30
85% - 90% - 88% - 93%
IFF 93% feels easy, athletes may go for 1-2 more attempts until 20:00 (97-101%)
But don’t force it. We’ll have a full 20 minutes to PR next week.
Breathe Hard
12-9-6-3 Devil's Press 50/35 lbs
*12 Alternating Pistols after each round
10 Minute Cap
TUESDAY 2.15.22
Lift Heavy - Bench Press Heavy Single
12 Minutes to move some weight
Breathe Hard
E2MOM for 18:00
A) Row 30/24 Cal
B) 100' Handstand Walk
C) Bike 20/16 Cal
A) Row 1:50
B) Handstand Practice/ Wall Walks / Kick Ups
C) Bike 1:50
CrossFit Open Workout 21.3
For total time:
15 front squats
30 toes-to-bars
15 thrusters
Rest 1:00 THEN
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Rest 1:00 THEN
15 front squats
30 bar muscle-ups
15 thrusters
15:00 Cap
Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.
Rx: 95/65 lb Barbell
7 Minutes to Find Heavy Complex
Deadlift + Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk
15 front squats
30 hanging knee-raises
15 thrusters
Rest 1:00 THEN
15 front squats
30 chin-over-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Rest 1:00 THEN
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
65/45 lb Barbell
For class purposes of getting a good workout, scaling athletes may do ring rows. But in the Open scaled athletes will have to do unassisted pull-ups
THURSDAY 2.17.22
Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm
E2MOM for 32:00
A) 20 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats (10/side)
B) 20 Strict Ring Dips / HR Push-ups
C) Row 20/16 Calories only using ARMS
D) 1:30 Pallof Press (:45/side)
M1) Row 17/14 Cal
M2) Bike 11/9 Cal
M3) 60 Double Unders
50 Burpees Over Barbell for Time
5:00 Cap
FRIDAY 2.18.22
CrossFit Open 15.4
AMRAP in 8 minutes
3 Handstand Push-Ups
3 Power Cleans (185/125 lb)
6 Handstand Push-Ups
3 Cleans (185/125 lb)
9 Handstand Push-Ups
3 Cleans (185/125 lb)
12 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Cleans (185/125 lb)
15 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Cleans (185/125 lb)
18 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Cleans (185/125 lb)
21 Handstand Push-Ups
9 Cleans (185/125 lb)
Etc., following same pattern adding 3 HSPU every round and 3 Power Cleans every 3 Rounds until time is up
Peer Judging in two heats following this HSPU Open Standard
Athletes without barbell experience use Dumbbells
Tempo Strength Buyout
M1) 5 Tempo Pull-ups
M2) 5 Tempo Dips
Tempo Counts
Pull-ups: :03 Above the Rim, :02 Controlled Descent
Dips: :02 Elbows Locked Out, :03 At Chest
SATURDAY 2.19.22
27:00 Running Clock
0:00-7:00 AMRAP
5 Bar Muscleups / 10 Pull-ups
15 American Swings 24/16kg
7:00-10:00 Rest
10:00-17:00 AMRAP
25' Handstand Walk / 3 Wall Walks
50 Double Unders
17:00-20:00 Rest
20:00-27:00 EMOM
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike Sprint
Athletes unable to complete 15/12 Cal AB should cap "sprint" at :35 for max calories
3:00 Abs
SUNDAY 2.20.22
M1) Bike 10/8 Cal
M2) 50 Double Unders
M3) Row 15/12 Cal
M4) 10 Burpee Plate Hops