Summer is Coming Hypertrophy Cycle

The CrossFit Open was fun! Many of you stepped out of your comfort zones and tried movements and weights you'd never tried in class! Hopefully you were inspired to learn some new skills and get stronger in the coming year!

But this summer when you're at the beach, no one will ask how many reps you got on 22.2. 

It's time to take a step back from going as fast as possible. 

And take a big step into adding lean muscle mass, improving movement patterns, and getting STRONG!

We will continue to do metabolic conditioning workouts (MetCons) but the focus will be less about doing as many reps as possible or as fast as possible and MORE For Quality, Power Output and/or Load.

MONDAY 3.14.22

Lift Heavy Daily Max Effort - 10:00

10RM Front Squat from the Floor

Athletes have 10 minutes to find a heavy unbroken set of 10 front squats. Plan to do 2-3 warmup sets of 10 and send it on the last set. 

Athletes unable to do cleans may squat from the rack. 

Feel free to partner up on barbells to save time 

Hypertrophy EMOM 20

M1) 10 Strict HSPU / DB Press

M2) 10 Tempo Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M3) 10 Tempo Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

No abmats for HSPU. Head must be on same level as hands. 

Choose load that is challenging for 10 reps but you should be able to do all 10 each minute.

TUESDAY 3.15.22

Lift Heavy EMOM 10

M1) 5 Bench Press 60-70-75-80-80%

M2) 5 Strict Tempo Pull-ups 

:02 chin above bar, :02 control down 

Athletes may use bands for pull-ups to get full ROM with control.

Advanced Athletes May do weighted pull-ups 

Building Work Every 2:30 for 22:30

A) 20 Alt DB Bench Press + 20 DB Gorilla Row + Max Plank Hold

B) 1:00 Straight Arm Banded Press Downs + AMRAP Runningman Sit-up

C) Row 500/400m Row @ 1:45/1:59 Pace


Snatch Positional Work EMOM 8

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat @50-60%

Heavy Snatch by Feel until 15:00

Nacho Man Complex EMOM

3 Hang Power Clean + 3 Push Jerk + 3 Front Squats

0:00-5:00 @ 135/85 lbs

5:00-10:00 @ 165/105 lbs

10:00-15:00 @ 185/120 lbs

THURSDAY 3.17.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm


M1) Handstand Hold

M2) 3 Position Bicep Curl

M3) Slow Seated High L Raises

M4) Row Arms Only

M5) Zombie Sit-ups 

Work :30-45 each minute 

Scoreboard total zombies 

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Every 5:00 for 30:00

A) Terrible Stair Run

B) 30/24 Cal Assault Bike

C) 50/40 Calorie Row

The intent today is for athletes to go HARD on these movements and aim to get them done in 2-3 minutes and use remaining time to rest.

FRIDAY 3.18.22

German Volume Training Week 1


M1) 10 Strict Ring Dips or DB Bench Press Neutral Grip 

M2) 10 Double DB Front Squats

Banded Buyout

:45 on, :15 off for 12:00

Banded Chest Fly

Banded Tempo Row

Ukrainian Twist

SATURDAY 3.19.22

0:00-10:00 EMOM

M1) 10 Strict Pull-ups 

M2) 50 Double Unders
10:00-12:00 Rest

12:00-22:00 EMOM

M1) 50' Handstand Walk or Practice

M2) 15 Toes to Bar

22:00-25:00 Rest

25:00-34:00 Relay EMOM

Teams of 3 - One Athlete Works per minute 

20/15 Cal Assault Bike Sprint Relay

Goal is for athletes to redline each round 

Move well lift heavy week 1


Three attempts for snatch

Three attempts for Clean & jerk

Positional Strength Work

4 rounds

8 Tempo Back Squats @50%

8 Strict DB Press/Side from Split Position

8 Strict Pull-ups

10 Zombie Sit-ups with Barbell or Plate

Back squat tempo- :02 down, :02 just below parallel, fast on the way up

SUNDAY 3.20.22


800m Run

1000m Row

50/40 Cal Bike

800m Route

Be sure athletes go through side door and NOT through lobby when entering and exiting building