MONDAY 4.11.22

SKWAATS 20 Minutes

3x8 Back Squats @55-60-65%

3x5 Front Squats @64-69-74%

2 Second Pause on FIRST & LAST Rep each set


8 KB Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats /Side

8 KB Thrusters / Side

16 Toes to Bar

Rx: Single 24/16kg Kettlebell 

TUESDAY 4.12.22

Every 1:30 for 30:00

A) 5 Bench Press + :30 Chaturanga Push-up Hold

B) 5 Tempo Pull-ups + :30 Dead Hang Knee Tuck

C) Row 21/17 Calories 

D) 50 Dubz + :30 Hollow Hold


Snatch Work From the Rack 10 Minutes

2 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS

50-60-70-80-90% 1RM Snatch

Heavy Snatch Balance Single by Feel if time 

Jerk Work from the Rack 15 Minutes

Push Press + Pause Push Jerk + Pause Split Jerk

50-60-70% 1RM Jerk

Pause in receiving position :02 each jerk

2 Pause Split Jerk


Heavy Single by Feel

From the Floor EMOM 5

:10 Clean Pull to Knee + Stand

70-80-90-100-105% Clean

Coaches count athletes through Tempo

THURSDAY 4.14.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm


M1) 16 DB Hang Reverse Lunges

M2) 16 Alternating DB Strict Press

M3) :50 Arms Only Rowing

M4) 10 Sit Up Get Ups

M5) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M6) Ukrainian Twists

Breathe Hard 5:30pm


Terrible Stair Run

20 Burpee Plate Hops

100 Double Unders

Sprint EMOM 12

M1) 25/20 Cal Row

M2) Rest

M3) 20/15 Cal Bike

M4) Rest

FRIDAY 4.15.22

German Volume Training Week 5


M1) 10 Strict Ring Dips

M2) 10 Tempo Bentover Rows

SATURDAY 4.16.22

Teams of 2

800m Run

8 Rounds Relay Style

10 DB Box Step Overs + 10 HSPU / Push Press

800m Run

8 Rounds Relay Style

5 Bar Muscle Ups + 10 Toes to Bar

Terrible Stair Run

AMRAP Burpee Box Overs until 32:00

SUNDAY 4.17.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10am-12pm


800m Run

50/40 Cal Bike

1000/900m Row

Compare to 9.26.21