MONDAY 3.28.22

20 Minutes to Complete

4x8 Tempo HIGH BAR Back Squats @50-50-50%

3x5 Front Squats @60-65-70%

Tempo on reps 1&5 each set 

Tempo = :02 Down, Pause :02, Fast Up

Functional Bodybuilding

Every 1:30 for 13:30 Alternate Between

A) 10 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats EACH Leg

B) 15 Strict HSPU / DB Strict Press

C) AMRAP Toes to Bar

TUESDAY 3.29.22

Lift Heavy EMOM 10

M1) 5 Bench Press

M2) 5 Strict Tempo Pull-ups 

:02 chin above bar, :02 control down 

Athletes may use bands for pull-ups to get full ROM with control.

Advanced Athletes May do weighted pull-ups 

Hypertrophy Work EMOM 18

M1) 50' Handstand Walk / 5 Wall Walks

M2) Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M3) 15 Ring Rows Parallel to Floor

M4) Pull-up Bar Knee Tuck Hang

M5) Runningman Sit-ups 

M6) Row 18/15


Snatch Work

0:00-6:00 EMOM

Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Snatch Balance

6:00-9:00 Build to 70%

9:00-15:00 DON'T MISS

1 Full Snatch Every :30

Clean & Jerk Work

0:00-6:00 EMOM

:03 to Knee, Pause into Power Clean + Thruster


Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

2@60% - 2@70% - 2@76% - 2@80%

THURSDAY 3.31.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Hard Core EMOM 30

M1) 5 Strict Tempo Toes to Bar

M2) :30-45 Wall Facing Handstand

M3) 16 Alternating Bicep Curls

M4) :45 Arms Only Row

M5)  :30-45 Banded Plank

Score = total row calories 

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

E2MOM for 32:00 Alternate Between

A) 25/20 Calorie Bike

B) 30/25 Cal Row

C) 16 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"

D) AMRAP Double Unders

Score is Total Dubz

Compare to 9.23.21

FRIDAY 4.1.22

German Volume Training Week 3 EMOM 30

M1) 10 Strict Ring Dips / DB Bench Press

M2) 10 Tempo Banded Pull Downs

M3) 10 123 Up Downs


CrossFit Games Quarterfinals 22.1

50 dumbbell lunges

30 handstand push-ups

40 front-rack lunges

20 deficit handstand push-ups

30 overhead lunges

10 strict handstand push-ups

Rx: 2 x 50/35 lb dumbbells for all lunges, 3.5-in deficit

Games cap =  15

SUNDAY 4.3.22

Breathe Hard Class 9am

Open Gym 10-12

Cardio Recovery


30/24 Cal Row

20 Cossack Squats

10 Alternating Cartwheels

20/16 Calorie Bike

30 Ukrainian Twists + Kick