Week of 11.14.22

Test Week! Eat your wheaties ladies and gentlemen and let's smash those Personal Records!

MONDAY 11.14.22

Front Squat 1RM - 20 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80%

1@86% - 1@91% - 1@96% - 1@101%

MetCon - Teams of 2 Follow the Leader Style


Front Squat 135/95 lbs

Burpees Over Bar 

TUESDAY 11.15.22

Bench Press 1RM - 14 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80%

1@86% - 1@91% - 1@96% - 1@101%

The Sweats

1:30 on, :30 off for 18:00

Alternate Between AMRAPS

A) Bar Muscle Ups

B) Double Unders

C) Row Calories


A) 10 Pull-ups OR Ring Rows + 10 Dips OR HR Push-ups (AMRAP)

B) Double Unders, Single Unders, or Jumping Jacks

C) Row Calories

WEDNESDAY 11.16.22

Clean & Jerk 1RM - 20 Minutes

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80%

1@86% - 1@91% - 1@96% - 1@101%


Half Kalsu

50 Thrusters for Time

Starting with and EMOM do 5 Burpees

Rx: 135/95 lbs

10 Minute Cap

THURSDAY 11.17.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Back Building - 15 Min 

5x5Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows

Build to 5RM


10 Double DB Bicep Curls

10 Single DB Skull Crushers

10 Single DB Bicep Curls

:30 Plank in Push-up Position 

15 Butterfly Sit-ups 

FRIDAY 11.18.22

Sumo Deadlift 1RM - 16 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80%

1@86% - 1@91% - 1@96% - 1@101%


Hang Power Pump for Time


Double DB Hang Power Cleans

Hand Release Push-ups 

Rx: 50/35 lbs

15 min cap

SATURDAY 11.19.22

10am Class w/ Coach Cates


1:30 on, :30 off for 32:00

Alternate Between AMRAPS

A) Alternating Single DB Box Step Ups

B) Burpee Plate Hops

C) Toes to Bar or Sit-ups

D) Assault Bike Calories

Score is total reps+calories

Rx: 50/35 lb DB. Athletes may hold any way but must stand at full hip and knee extension at the top of the box each Rep 

Open Gym 11-1

SUNDAY 11.20.22

Open Gym 9-12

Week of 11.7.22

MONDAY 11.7.22

Week 7

Front Squats - 17 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% - 1@87% 1@92%

Heavy Singles by Feel

BURN: 8 Pause Front Squats + 15/12 Calorie Row

perform squats with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets


Teams of 2 Relay



Row Calories

Rx: 115/75 lbs

TUESDAY 11.8.22


4 Rounds

2 Barbell Bench Press

10 Tempo Bentover Rows

Build to heavy unbroken set by feel on Bench

Pause :02 w/DBs at ribs each Rep on Rows

Sweat-EMOM 20

M1) 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups / Ring Rows

M2) 15 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups 

M3) 50 Double Unders / 100 Single Unders

M4) 12/9 Calorie Bike 

Cap work at :45 each round

Total Possible Reps+Calories

Male 460

Female 445

Buyout: Coach Choice Abs


Clean & Pause Split Jerk - 15 min

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80% - 1@85% - 1@90% 

Heavy Single by Feel


M1) 2 Muscle Clean + 2 Front Squats  2 Push Press

M2) Hold Split Jerk Position w/PVC :25

MetCon - BurpDT

5 Rounds for Time

6 Shoulder to Overhead

9 Hang Power Clean 

12 Burpees Over Bar

Rx: 155/105 lbs

15 minute cap

THURSDAY 11.10.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Back Building - 14 Min 

5x6Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows

Alternate between movements adding weight each set to find a heavy set of 6 for each movement 


M1) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press

M2) 20 Alternating DB Gorilla Rows

M3) Single DB 3 Position Bicep Curls (:45)

M4) AMRAP Starfish V Ups

FRIDAY 11.11.22

LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min

Complete 4 sets of 2 Build to Heavy

Heavy Single by feel in remaining time 

BURN - perform sets of 2-5 with light/moderate barbell to get comfortable with technique 

Add weight if you were here last week!



M1) 20 American KB Swings

M2) 15 Toes to Bar OR Sit-ups 

M3) 18/15 Calorie Row

M4) 25 Hand Release Push-ups 

SATURDAY 11.12.22

Sweaty Surprise

Week of 10.31.22

MONDAY 10.31.22

Week 6

Front Squats - 17 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% - 2@85% - 2@90%

Heavy Singles by Feel

BURN: 8 Pause Front Squats + 15/12 Calorie Row

perform squats with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets


Teams of 2 Relay

0:00 Athlete A does 21 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

2:00 Athlete B does 21 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

4:00 Athlete A does 15 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

6:00 Athlete B does 15 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

8:00 Athlete A does 12 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

10:00 Athlete B does 12 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

12:00 Athlete A does 9 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

14:00 Athlete B does 9 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

Rx: 135/95

TUESDAY 11.1.22


4 Rounds

4 Barbell Bench Press

10 Tempo Bentover Rows

Build to heavy unbroken set by feel on Bench

Pause :02 w/DBs at ribs each Rep on Rows


3:30 WORK, :30 Rest for 24:00

Alternate between AMRAPs


A) 2 Bar Muscleups  4 HSPU + 8 American Swings 24/16kg

B) Row for Calories

C) 20 Burpees + AMRAP L Raises over KB


A) 4 Pull-ups / Ring Rows + 4 DB Push Press + 8 Swings

B) Row for Calories

C) 20 Burpees + AMRAP L Raises over KB


Total Reps + Calories + Burpees

L raises do not count for whiteboard 

WEDNESDAY 11.2.22 

Pause Split Jerks from Blocks - 15 Min

3@50% - 3@60% - 3@70% - 3@80% - 2@85% - 2@90% 

Heavy Single by Feel


M1) 4 Muscle Clean + 4 Push Press

M2) Hold Split Jerk Position w/PVC :25

MetCon - Grip don't Rip

3 Rounds for Time

15 Hang Squat Clean

25 Toes to Bar

Rx: 135/95 lbs

15:00 Cap

Modified - 3 Rounds

15 DB Hammer Curl to Squat

30 Butterfly Sit-ups 

THURSDAY 11.3.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Back Building - 14 Min 

5x8 Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows

Alternate between movements adding weight each set to find a heavy set of 8 for each movement 


M1) Tempo Banded Pull Downs

M2) Handstand/Plan Hold

M3) Arms only Assault Bike

M4) Zombie Sit-ups 

Work Nonstop :45 Each Minute

Scoreboard total Assault Bike Calories

FRIDAY 11.4.22

LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min

Complete 4 sets of 3 Build to Heavy

Heavy Single by feel in remaining time 

BURN - perform sets of 3 with light/moderate barbell to get comfortable with technique 

Add weight if you were here last week!


M1) 16-20 Alternating DB Power Snatch

M2) 15-20 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups 

M3) 18/15 Calorie Row

M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

SATURDAY 11.5.22

Sweaty Surprise

Week of 10.24.22

MONDAY 10.24.22

Week 5

Front Squats - 17 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% - 1@85% - 1@90%

PAUSE on 1st REP EACH SET for :02

Heavy Full Speed Front Squat Single by Feel

BURN: 8 Pause Front Squats + 15/12 Calorie Row

perform squats with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets


Every 1:30 for 13:30 Alternate Between 

A) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats per Leg

B) 16 Double DB Thrusters

C) 20/16 Calorie Row

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

Athletes may use 0-1 dumbbells for split squats to get full range of motion and control

TUESDAY 10.25.22


4 Rounds

5 Barbell Bench Press

10 Tempo Bentover Rows

Build to heavy unbroken set by feel on Bench

Pause :02 w/DBs at ribs each Rep on Rows

Skills n Sweat 1:30 WORK, :30 Rest for 24:0

Alternate Between AMRAPS


A) Low Ring Muscleups 

B) Row Calories

C) Handstand Walk

D) Assault Bike Calories 


A) 5 Pull-ups or Ring Rows + 5 Dips or HR Push-ups 

B) Row Calories

C) Wall Walks

D) Assault Bike Calories 

Training Notes: athletes should practice their highest level skill movements during A and C

Advanced: practice bar muscle ups even if it means failing repeatedly 

Intermediate: practice Kipping on pull ups and dips

Beginner: Build strength with slow controlled movement on ring rows or banded pull ups

Scoreboard: total reps + calories 

Handstand Walk: 5 Ft = 1 Rep

WEDNESDAY 10.26.22

Squat Clean & Pause Split Jerk - 17 min

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80%

Heavy Single by Feel

BURN EMOM - using empty barbell, dumbbells, or medball

M1) 3 Muscle Clean + 3 Front Squat + 3 Push Press

M2) Hold Split Jerk Position w/PVC :25



Power Clean

Burpee Over Bar

Rx: 135/95 lbs

THURSDAY 10.27.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Back Building - 14 Min 

5x10 Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows

Alternate between movements adding weight each set to find a heavy set of 10 for each movement 

Single DB Pump Up Party - AMRAP 16

10 Single Arm Bicep Curl per arm

15 Behind the Neck Tricep Extension 

15 Curls with both Hands on DB

:30 Plank in pushup position 

20 Leg Raises 

FRIDAY 10.28.22

LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min

Complete 4 sets of 4 Build to Heavy

Heavy Single by feel in remaining time 

BURN - perform sets of 4 with light/moderate barbell to get comfortable with technique 

Add weight if you were here last week!


M1) 20 Alt DB Bench Press Neutral Grip

M2) 20 DB Gorilla Rows

M3) 12 Burpee to Plate

M4) 18/15 Calorie Row

M5) AMRAP Zombie Sit Ups

SATURDAY 10.29.22

Sweaty Surprise

Week of 10.17.22

MONDAY 10.17.22

Week 4

Front Squats - 16 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% - 2@85% - 2@88%

PAUSE on 1st REP EACH SET for :02

Heavy Full Speed Front Squat Single by Feel

BURN: 8 Pause Front Squats + 10/8 Calories Bike

perform squats with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets.


Teams of 3 - 13:30 Running Clock

90 seconds WORK, 3:00 Rest

Round 1: 21 Thrusters + Max Calorie Assault Bike

Round 2: 15 Thrusters + Max Calorie Assault Bike

Round 3: 9 Thrusters + Max Calorie Assault Bike

One Athlete Works at a time

Score is your total individual calories 

Rx: 115/75 lbs 

TUESDAY 10.18.22


4 Rounds

6 Barbell Bench Press

20 DB Gorilla Rows

Build to heavy unbroken set by feel on Bench

The Sweats Every 4:00 for 24:00


A) 25 Bar Muscleups 

B) Row 72/60 Calories

C) Terrible Stair Run (6th floor twice)


A) 25 Pull-ups or Ring Rows + 25 Dips or Hand Release push-ups 

B) Row 3:45

C) Stairs or Bike 3:45

WEDNESDAY 10.19.22

Clean & Jerk Work - 15 Min

Barbell Cardio EMOM 6

M1) 2 Squat Cleans

M2) 5 Power Clean & Jerk

Use 50-70% 1RM C&J for EMOM

Heavy Squat Clean & Split Jerk by feel in remaining time 

BURN - EMOM using empty barbell, dumbbells, or medball

M1) 5 Muscle Clean & Push Press

M2) 4 Muscle Clean & Front Squat

Add weight if you were here last week!

Macho Man Interval EMOM 12

M1) 3 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks

M2) 12 Burpees Over Bar

Rx: 185/115 lbs 


3 minute AMRAP Toes to Bar / Leg Raises

THURSDAY 10.20.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm


M1) 15-20 Ring Dips or HR Push-ups 

M2) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) 16-20 BTN Tricep Extensions 

M4) Row 18/15 Calories 

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Score = total calories + 123 up downs 

FRIDAY 10.21.22

LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min

Complete 4 sets of 5 @55-65-75-85%

Heavy Single by feel in remaining time 

BURN - perform sets of 5 with light/moderate barbell to get comfortable with technique 

Add weight if you were here last week!


M1) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M3) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M4) 8-10 Strict Pull-ups 

M5) AMRAP Runningman Sit-ups 

SATURDAY 10.22.22

1:30 on, :30 off for 32:00

A) AMRAP Handstand Walk or Wall Walks

B) Row for calories

C) AMRAP Toes to Bar OR Sit-ups

D) Bike for Calories

Week of 10.10.22

MONDAY 10.10.22

Week 3

Front Squats - 16 Minutes

5@50% - 5@60% - 5@70% - 3@75% - 2@80% - 2@85%

PAUSE on 1st REP EACH SET for :02

Heavy Full Speed Front Squat Single by Feel

BURN: 8 Pause Front Squats + 10/8 Calories Bike

perform squats with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets.

2:00 on, 1:00 off to complete 


Thrusters 115/75 lbs

Burpees Over Bar

Athletes should push intensity and move FAST knowing they get to rest. 

0:00 WORK

2:00 Rest

3:00 WORK

5:00 Rest

6:00 WORK

8:00 Rest

9:00 WORK until 11:00

TUESDAY 10.11.22


4 Rounds

7 Barbell Bench Press

20 DB Gorilla Rows

Build to heavy unbroken set by feel on Bench

The Sweats E2MOM 24

A) 12-15 Bar Muscleups

B) Row 30/24 Calories

C) 50-75' Handstand Walk

D) Run to 6th Floor


A) 15 Pull-ups/Ring Rows + 15 Dips/HR Push-ups 

B) Row 30/24 Calories

C) 6-10 Wall Walks

D) Bike or Run to 4th Floor

WEDNESDAY 10.12.22

Clean & Jerk Work - 15 Min

Barbell Cardio EMOM 8

M1) 5 Power Clean & Jerk

M2) 2 Squat Cleans

Use 50-70% 1RM C&J for EMOM

Heavy Squat Clean & Split Jerk by feel in remaining time 

BURN - EMOM using empty barbell, dumbbells, or medball

M1) 5 Muscle Clean & Push Press

M2) 4 Muscle Clean & Front Squat

Add weight if you were here last week!

MetCon EMOM 12

M1) 10 Double DB Power Snatch

M2) 12 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M3) 12 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M4) 18 Toes to Bar

THURSDAY 10.13.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm


M1) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls 

M2) 16-20 Single DB Skull Crushers

M3) :40 Farmers Carry

M4) :40 Handstand/Plank Hold

M5) :45 Row Arms Only

M6) AMRAP Zombie Sit-ups 

FRIDAY 10.14.22

LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min

Complete 4 sets of 6 @50-60-70-80%

Heavy Single by feel in remaining time 

BURN - perform sets of 6 with light/moderate barbell to get comfortable with technique 

Add weight if you were here last week!

Pump Up Party EMOM 20

M1) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press

M2) 8-10 Strict Pull-ups 

M3) AMRAP BTN Tricep Extensions

M4) AMRAP Banded KB Swings

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs 

SATURDAY 10.15.22

5:00 on, 2:00 off Alternate Between AMRAPS

A) Terrible Stair Run + Max Burpee Muscleups 

B) 1000m Row + Max HSPU

C) :30 Farmers Hold + :30 L Sit on Floor

D) 200 Double Unders + Max Devils Press


A) Terrible Stair Run or 4:00 Bike + Max Burpee Pull-ups/Ring Rows

B) Row 4:00 + Max DB Push Press

C) :30 Farmers Hold + :30 L Sit on Floor

D) 400 Single Unders + Max Devils Press

Week of 10.3.22

MONDAY 10.3.22

Fall Squats Week 2

Pause Front Squats - 15 Minutes

5@50% - 5@60% - 5@70% - 3@75% - 2@80% 

Heavy Single by Feel

BURN: 8 Pause Front Squats + 10/8 Calories Bike

perform squats with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets.

LegDayStruction Intervals

Every 1:30 for 18:00 (3 rounds)

A) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats per leg

B) 22 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

C) 15/12 Calorie Bike

D) 20 Toes to Bar

TUESDAY 10.4.22


4 Rounds

8 Barbell Bench Press

20 DB Gorilla Rows

Build to heavy unbroken set of 8 by feel on Bench

The Sweats EMOM 20

M1) 15 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups 

M2) 10 Strict Pull-ups 

M3) 12 Burpees to Plate

M4) Row 18/15 Calories


Clean & Jerk Technique  15 minutes 


M1) 2 Power Cleans + 1 Squat Clean

M2) Power Clean + Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

Heavy Clean & Jerk by feel in remaining time 

BURN - EMOM using empty barbell, dumbbells, or medball

M1) 4 Muscle Clean + 4 Front Squats

M2) 8 Push Press

Add weight if you were here last week!


Partner AMRAP 15 min Relay Juan Special

5 Squat Snatch 95/65 lbs

5 Overhead Squats

5 Burpees Over Bar


Partner AMRAP 15 min Relay

10 American Swings

10 Goblet Squats

5 Burpees

THURSDAY 10.5.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Speed pump 3 For Time

10-20-30 reps each

Hang Power Curl 50/35 lbs

Hand Release Push-ups 

9 Minute Cap


M1) Tempo Banded Pull Downs

M2) Tempo Banded Tricep Ext

M3) Pallof Press (:20/side)

M4) 16 Goblet Curtsy Lunges

M5) AMRAP Plate Sit Ups

Work :45 during minutes 1-3

FRIDAY 10.6.22

LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min

Complete 3 sets of 8 @55-65-75%

BURN - perform sets of 8 with light barbell to get comfortable with technique 

Add weight if you were here last week!

MetCon -  Teams of 2 - Diane Relay

Athlete A does 21 Deadlift + 21 HSPU or DB Push Press

Athlete B does 21 Deadlift + 21 HSPU or DB Push Press

Athlete A does 15 Deadlift + 15 HSPU or DB Push Press

Athlete B does 15 Deadlift + 15 HSPU or DB Push Press

Athlete A does 9 Deadlift + 9 HSPU or DB Push Press

Athlete B does 9 Deadlift + 9 HSPU or DB Push Press

SATURDAY 10.8.22

Skills 4 Bills EMOM 25

M1) 7 Bar Muscleups 

M2) 12 Burpees to Plate

M3) 15 Box Jump Overs

M4) 25' Handstand Walk

M5)12/9 Calorie Bike


M1) 15 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

M2) 12 Burpees to Plate

M3) 15 Box Step Overs

M4) 3 Wall Walks

M5) 12/9 Calorie Bike

Week of 9.26.22

MONDAY 9.26.22

Front Squat Test In - 16 Minutes to find Heavy Single

This is not a PR day - goal is to hit 90%+ for a good looking single 

BURN: 10 Front Squats + 10/8 Calories Bike

perform sets of 10 with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets.

MetCon - Fran Rx+


Thrusters 115/75 lbs

Chest to Bar Pull Ups


5 Rounds

9 Thrusters

9 Ring Rows

Use Dumbbells, Medball, or Empty Barbell

TUESDAY 9.27.22


4-5 Rounds

10 Barbell Bench Press

20 DB Gorilla Rows

Build to heavy by feel on Bench

The Sweats EMOM 20

M1) 15 Toes to Bar

M2) Bike 12/9 Cal

M3) 15 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups 

M4) Row 18/15 Cal


Clean & Jerk Technique  - 15 minutes 

Power Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press + Pause Split Jerk

5@50% - 5@60% - 3@70% base on 1RM Clean&jerk 

Clean & Jerk Singles by feel in remaining time

BURN - EMOM using empty barbell, dumbbells, or medball

3 Muscle Clean + 3 Front Squat + 3 Push Press

MetCon - 3 Rounds for Time

10 Power Snatch 

20 Overhead Lunges

15 Burpees Over Bar

Rx: 95/65 lbs


3 Rounds

20 American KB Swings

20 Goblet Lunges

15 Burpees

THURSDAY 9.29.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Teams of 2 Relay - AMRAP 15

7 Strict Pull-ups or Ring Rows

7/5 Arms only Row Calories

7 Strict Dips or HR Push-ups 

Athlete A performs one full round as fast as possible while B rests. Switch. Repeat.

If class larger than 16, use ski erg and bike


M1) Banded Tempo Tricep Pull Down

M2) Banded Tempo Lat Press Down

M3) Seated High L Raises

Work :45 each minute

FRIDAY 9.30.22

LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min

Complete 4 sets of 10 @50-60-65-70%

BURN - perform sets of 10 with light barbell to get comfortable with technique 


M1) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press

M2) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) 20 DB Hang Reverse Lunges

M4) Row 18/15 Calories

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

SATURDAY 10.1.22

Earn your Beer EMOM 25

M1) 5-8 Bar Muscle Ups or 10-15 Ring Rows

M2) 50 Dubz or 100 Singles

M3) 10 HSPU / DB Push Press

M4) 12/9 Cal Assault Bike


Coach Rom Ab Surprise

Week of 9.19.22

MONDAY 9.19.12

Daily Max Effort - 1RM Zercher Squat - 17 Minutes 

BURN - AMRAP for Quality and to build confidence using barbell 

10 Empty Barbell Front Squat + 10 Calorie Bike + :30 Lat Stretch on Bench 

MetCon Sneaky Hard EMOM 12

M2) 15 Thusters

M2) 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups or Ring Rows

M3) 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike 

M4) Rest

Rx: 115/75 lbs

BURN: Dumbbells 

TUESDAY 9.20.22

Daily Max Effort - 1RM Bench Press - 14 Min

BURN: AMRAP 10 DB Floor Press+ 15/12 Calorie Row

PUSH PULL Cardio Party

Every 2:00 for 18:00 Alternate Between

A) 20-35 Ring Dips

B) 20 DB Gorilla Rows + AMRAP 123 Up Downs

C) Row 24/20 Calories


A) 20-35  Hand Release Push-ups 

B) 20 DB Gorilla Rows + AMRAP 123 Up Downs

C) Row 1:45


LIFT HEAVY - 1RM Clean - 16 Minutes 


5 Muscle Clean + 5 Front Squats 

practice with empty barbell, Dumbbells, or medball

MetCon: 3 Rounds For Time

5 Hang Power Clean

5 Front Squat

5 Shoulder to Overhead

15 Burpees over Bar

Rx: 205/135 lbs


3 Rounds For Time

10 Hang Power Clean

10 Front Squat

10 Shoulder to Overhead

15 Burpees over Bar

Use dumbbells or Medball

THURSDAY 9.22.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Reverse Speed Pump


Double DB Bentover Rows

Hand Release Push-ups 

10:00 Cap


M1) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M2) 15-20 BTN Tricep Extensions

M3) 16-20 Goblet Curtsy Lunges

M4) DB Front Rack Overhead Hold (:20/aide)

M5) Seated L Sit Hold

FRIDAY 9.23.22

Daily Max Effort 14 Minutes - Deadlift 2RM

BURN Athletes perform sets of 5 Deadlifts at light weight get comfortable with Barbell mechanics. Can also use kettlebells and do sets of 10!

MetCon EMOM 20

M1) 5-8 Bar Muscleups 

M2) 4-8 D Ball over Box

M3) 20 Alternating DB Press

M4) 12/9 Calorie Bike

M5) AMRAP Runningman Sit-ups 

Rx: 150/100 lbs Heavy Ball 

SATURDAY 9.24.22

Buy In: Run 800m or Bike 50/40 Calories 

5:00-25:00 EMOM

M1) Handstand Walk or Wall Walks

M2) 15-18 Toes to Bar

M3) 15 Box Jump Overs

M4) Row 18/15 Calories

@25:00 Run 800m or Bike 50/40 Calories 

SUNDAY 9.25.22

Open gym 9-12

Week of 9.12.22

Heavy Doubles Week

MONDAY 9.12.22

Daily Max Effort - 2RM Zercher Squat - 15 Minutes 

BURN - AMRAP for Quality and to build confidence using barbell 

10 Empty Barbell Front Squat + 15 Calorie Row + :30 Lat Stretch on Bench



Teams of 2 Relay

0:00 Athlete A does 21 Thrusters + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

2:00 Athlete B does 21 Thrusters + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

4:00 Athlete A does 15 Thrusters + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

6:00 Athlete B does 15 Thrusters + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

8:00 Athlete A does 12 Thrusters + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

10:00 Athlete B does 12 Thrusters + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

12:00 Athlete A does 9 Thrusters + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

14:00 Athlete B does 9 Thrusters + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike

Rx: 115/75 lbs

BURN: Dumbbells 

TUESDAY 9.13.22

Daily Max Effort - 2RM Bench Press - 12 Min

PUSH PULL Cardio Party

Every 2:00 for 24:00 Alternate Between

A) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press + Alternating DB Gorilla Rows

B) Bike 15/12 Calories

C) 8-12 Bar Muscleups

D) Row 20/16 Calories


CrossFit Open Workout 16.2/19.2 Kinda

30 Minutes to Complete 

5 Rounds

25 Toes-to-Bars

50 Double-Unders

Block Squat Clean Ladder

Round 1 - 15 Block Cleans (135/85# or 50%)

Round 2 - 13 Block Cleans (185/115# or 60%)

Round 3 - 11 Block Cleans (225/145# or 70%)

Round 4 - 9 Block Cleans (275/175# or 80%)

Round 5 - 7 Block Cleans (315/205# or 90%)

Compare to 7.27.22


5 Rounds

25 Leg Raises

100 Single Unders

15 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean to Squat

THURSDAY 9.15.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

SuperSet Every 1:30 for 24:00 (4 Rounds)

Alternate Between

A) 15 Single KB Hammer Curls + AMRAP Tempo Banded Pull Downs

B) :30 Handstand or PlankHold + AMRAP Single DB Lying Skull Crushers 

C) 15 Ukrainian Swings + AMRAP Glute Bridges 

D) 15 Zombie Sit-ups + AMRAP L Raise over KB

Work until 1:15 each interval 

Buyout: Arms Only Rowling 8 minutes 

2 Hand Release Push-ups for every Meter Over/Under 100

FRIDAY 9.16.22

Daily Max Effort: 12 Minutes

Power Clean + 2 Push Press

Experienced Athletes partner up and share barbell. Build to heavy. 

BURN Athletes perform sets of 5 Push Press from the Rack to get comfortable with Barbell mechanics

Teams of 2 Partner AMRAP Intervals Every 2:00 for 24:00

A) Heavy Ball to Shoulder + Squat

B) Burpee Bar Muscleup / Pull-up / Ring Row

C) Assault Bike Calories

D)Medball Situp Pass

One partner works at a time back and forth. Accumulate as many reps as possible 

Rx: 150/100 lbs Heavy Ball 

20/14 lb MedBall

SATURDAY 9.17.22

Teams of 2

800m Run

100 American KB Swings

100 HSPU / DB Push Press

800m Run

100 Toes to Bar

100 Single Arm KB Thrusters

AMRAP Row until 30:00

SUNDAY 9.18.22

Open gym 9am-12pm

Week of 9.5.22

MONDAY 9.5.22

Closed for Labor Day

TUESDAY 9.6.22


M1) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press

M2) 20 Alternating DB Gorilla Rows

THE SWEATS every 2:00 for 18:00 alternate between AMRAPs

A) Burpee Muscleups 

B) 10 Box Jump Overs + 10 HR Push-ups 

C) Row Calories

Work 1:45 each interval to accumulate as many reps as possible. On B pick up where you left off each round


Daily Max Effort - 3RM Zercher Squat - 15 Minutes 


AMRAP 12 Goblet Squats + 12 Cal Assault Bike


3 Rounds for Time

10 Power Cleans

10 Thrusters

20 Front Rack Lunges

20 Toes to Bar

Rx: 115/75 lb Barbell

BURN: use DBs


Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Sprint Pump for Time

10-20-30 Reps Each

DB Bentover Rows 50/35 lbs

Hand Release Push-ups 

10:00 Cap


M1) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M2) Farmer's Carry Hold :45

M3) 16-20 Lying Down Skull Crushers

M4) Handstand or Plank Hold :30-45

M5) AMRAP Plate Zombie Sit-ups 

Hold :30-:45 Each Minute

FRIDAY 9.9.22

Daily Max Effort: 12 Minutes

3RM Deadlift 


15 Swings + 15/12 Cal

Strong EMOM 20

M1) 4-10 Heavy Ball to Shoulder

M2) 5-8 Bar Muscleups 

M3) 20 Alternating DB Press

M4) Row 18/15 Calories 

M5) Seated L Sit :30-45

Rx: 150/100 lbs


M1) 4-10 Ball to Shoulder you choose weight

M2) 10-15 Pull-ups/ Ring Rows

M3) 20 Alternating DB Press

M4) Row 18/15 Calories 

M5) Seated L Sit :30-45

SATURDAY 9.10.22

@0:00 Run 800m

EMOM 5:00-25:00

M1) 10 Strict HSPU

M2) 12 DB Box Step Ups

M3) 14 C2B Pull-ups 

M4) 16 Alt DB Snatch

M5) 25' Handstand Walk

@25:00 Run 800m


@0:00 Assault Bike


M1) 10 DB Push Press

M2) 12 Box Step Ups

M3) 14 Ring Rows

M4) 16 Alt DB Snatch

M5) 3 Wall Walks

Sunday 9.11.22

Open Gym 9am-12pm

Week of 8.29.22

MONDAY 8.29.22

Daily Max Effort: 16 Minutes

Zercher Squat 4RM

BURN: 5 Rounds

15 Pause Goblet Squats

15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

Leg Daystruction Every 1:30 for 18:00

A) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups per Leg

B) 20 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

C) 15/12 Calorie Bike

D) Zombie Sit Ups / Rest

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

TUESDAY 8.30.22

For Time

Lap Around Block

21 Strict HSPU 

21 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

21 Ring Dips

Lap Around Block

15 Strict HSPU

15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

15 Ring Dips

Lap Around Block

9 Strict HSPU

9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

9 Ring Dips

Lap Around Block


Daily Max Effort: 12 Minutes

4RM Touch n Go Power Snatch

Find heavy 4 Rep Unbroken in 5-6 Working Sets.


12 American Swings + 12 Goblet Squats

Barbell Hero For Time


Power Clean 185/120 lbs

Front Squat

Shoulder to Overhead

Burpees Over DB

BURN For Time

4 Rounds

10 DB Power Clean

10 Front Squat

10 Push Press

10 Burpees Over DB


Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Arm Superset EMOM 25

M1) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M2) :40 Tempo Banded Pull Downs

M3) 16-20 BTN Tricep Extensions

M4) :40 Tempo Banded Tricep Pull Downs

M5) Ukrainian Twists

Buyout 10 Minute EMOM

M1) Arms Only Rowling 

M2) Plank in Push-up Position

Work :45 each minute 

FRIDAY 9.2.22

Daily Max Effort: 12 Minutes

4RM Push Press


15 DB Push Press Deadlift + 12/9 Cal Bike

Strong EMOM 20

M1) 5-8 Bar Muscleups 

M2) 4-8 D Ball over Box

M3) Wall Facing HS Push-ups or Shoulder Taps or Hold :30-40

M4) D Ball Hear Hug Hold :45

M5) 123 Up Downs / Rest

Rx: 150/100 lbs to 30/24" Box 

BURN use 10-30 lb Med Balls


Teams of 2

800m Run

6 Rounds Relay Style

10 DB Box Step Overs 

50 Double Unders 

800m Run

6 Rounds Relay Style

15 Toes to Bar

15 Box Jump Overs

800m Run

AMRAP Burpee Muscle Ups until 30:00

SUNDAY 9.4.22

Closed for Labor Day

MONDAY 9.5.22

Closed for Labor Day

Week of 8.22.22

MONDAY 8.22.22

Daily Max Effort: 16 Minutes

Zercher Squat 5RM

BURN: 5 Rounds

10 Pause DB Front Squats

15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

Choose your Destiny EMOM 16

M1) 10-15 Double DB Box Step Ups Right

M2) 10-15 Double DB Box Step Ups Left

M3) 10-15 DB Thrusters

M4) AMRAP Toes to Bar

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

TUESDAY 8.23.22

Cardio Lynne - performed as EMOM 30

M1) Max Reps Bench Press

M2) Max Reps Kipping Pull-ups or Ring Rows

M3) 15 Box Jump Overs

M4-5) Run to 6th Floor

M6) Rest

Prescribed WeighTs

Rx Men Bodyweight Bench Press

Rx Female 3/4 Bodyweight Bench Press

Scale to 65% 1RM

BURN use Dumbbells

Athletes goal is to hit 10+ reps of bench and pull-ups each round so modify weight and position on ring rows as needed. 


Daily Max Effort: 12 Minutes

5RM Touch n Go Power Snatch

Find heavy 5 Rep Unbroken in 5-6 Working Sets.


12 American Swings + 12 Goblet Squats

Heavy Cardio EMOM 16

M1) 3 Power Clean + 3 Hang Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats 185/125 lbs

M2) 12 Strict HSPU

M3) 15 Burpees over Bar

M4) Rest


M1) 9 DB Power Clean + 9 Front Squats

M2) 12 DB Push Press

M3) 15 Burpees over DB

M4) Rest

THURSDAY 8.25.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm


M1)10-16 Renegade Rows

M2) :40 Banded Tricep Pull Overs

M3) 16 Alt DB Hammer Curls

M4) DB Front Rack Overhead Hold (:20/arm)

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

Buyout 10 Minutes: Arms Only Rowling 100m

Every Meter above/below 100 perform 3 Hand Release Push-ups 

FRIDAY 8.26.22

Daily Max Effort: 12 Minutes

5RM Deadlift 


10 KB Deadlift + 10 Russian Swings + 12/9 Cal Bike

MetCon: 2-2-2-3 Intervals to Complete

30 Deadlift

25 Chest to Bar Pull-up Or Ring Row

20 Burpees Over Bar

15 Power Cleans

10 Bar Muscleups or Unassisted Pull-up 

5 Shoulder to Overhead

Prescribed Weights

Rx: 205/125 lbs

Scaled: 135/95 lbs

Masters: 155/105 lbs 


30 Double DB Deadlift

30 Ring Rows

20 Burpees over DB

20 DB Power Clean

20 Ring Rows

20 DB Push Press

Workout Logistics

0:00-2:00 Athletes Work

2:00-3:00 Rest

3:00-5:00 Work

5:00-6:00 Rest

6:00-8:00 Work

8:00-9:00 Rest

9:00-12:00 Final 3 Minutes to complete workout 

Athletes should push the pace to try and finish the workout as quickly as possible knowing they get rest every 2:00. 

SATURDAY 8.27.22

Skill: Pistol Squat


@0:00 Run 800m

AMRAP until 25:00

10 Pistol Squats

25' Handstand Walk

5 Bar Muscle Ups

@25:00 Run 800m


10 High Box Controlled Descent Step Ups

3 Wall Walks

10 Pull-ups or Ring Rows

10 Ring Dips or Hand Release Push-ups

Week of 8.8.22

Welcome new athletes! Our "BURN" options for all Barbell movements throughout the week are designed to give athletes without lifting experience to get a kick butt workout without having to go super heavy or high skill on movements like Front Squats and Snatches!

MONDAY 8.8,22

Summer STRONG Week 10 

Front Squat Heavy Single Prep - 17 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% 

1@86% - 1@92% - Heavy Single by Feel

Next week is the real test date so if 92% feels super heavy, back off for today and save it for next week. 

BURN Version

5 Rounds with Two Dumbbells

10 Front Squats

20 Butterfly Sit Ups

10/8 calorie Assault Bike

MetCon Teams of 3 Relay EMOM 9

12 Thrusters 95/65 + Max Cal Assault Bike until 1:00

One athlete works while other two rest. 3 rounds total. Score is total calories. 

Buyout: Abs

TUESDAY 8.9.22

LIFT HEAVY - 2RM Bench Press - 12 Minutes

BURN Version

5 Rounds

10 DB Bench Press

Row 250 meters 


M1) 10-15 Strict Ring Dips or HR Push-ups 

M2) 8-10 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

M3) :35 Wall Facing Handstand Hold

M4) Row 18/15 Cal

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs


Power Snatch + Snatch + OHS - 15 Minutes 

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80%

Heavy Snatch by Feel in remaining time 

BURN Version

Every 3:00 for 15:00

15 American KB Swings + 15 Goblet Squats + :30 L Raise over KB

Partner Grace with a Kick

Teams of 2 For Time

60 Power Clean & Jerks 135/95 lbs

*Starting with and E2MOM do 6 Thrusters

BURN Version

5 Rounds

5 DB Thrusters

10 DB Hang Power Clean & Press

10 Burpees over DB

THURSDAY 8.11.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Shoulder n Abs EMOM 10

M1) 5 Strict Seated Barbell Press build to HEAVY

M2) :40 Seated High L Raises

4 Rounds for Quality

10 DB Curl to Overhead Press

20 DB Hang Reverse Lunges

25 Hand Release Push-ups 

FRIDAY 8.12.22

Lift Heavy - 12 Minutes

4x4 Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows

Find a heavy set of 4 for each movement 

Beach Pump EMOM 25

M1) 20 Alt DB Bench Press

M2) 20 Alt Gorilla Rows

M3) :40 Banded Tricep Pull Downs

M4) :40 Banded Lat Pull Downs

M5) AMRAP Runningman Sit-ups

SATURDAY 8.13.22

Teams of 2 CrossFit Games Ish

800m Run

80 Toes to Bar

40 D Ball to Shoulder + Squat

Terrible Stair Run

80 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

800m Run

SUNDAY 8.7.22

Open Gym 9-12

Week of 8.1.22

Effective this week, we will offer "BURN" options for all Barbell movements throughout the week to give athletes without lifting experience to get a kick but workout without having to go super heavy or high skill on movements like Front Squats and Snatches!

MONDAY 8.1.22

Summer STRONG Week 9 - 26 Minutes

1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Back Squats

@50-60-70-80-85-90% (base on 1RM Front Squat)

5 Push Press @50-60-70-75-80-85%

Athletes go back and forth between movements until they complete all working sets 

BURN Version

6 Rounds with Two Dumbbells

10 Front Squats

10 Push Press

10/8 calorie Assault Bike

MetCon AMRAP 10

8 Double DB Front Rack Lunges

8 Double DB Thrusters

16 Toes to Bar or V Ups

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

TUESDAY 8.2.22

LIFT HEAVY SuperSet - 14 Minutes

4 Sets

6 Bench Press @76%

6 Barbell Bentover Rows build to heavy 

BURN Version

4 Rounds

10 DB Bench Press

10 DB Rows

CardioPump E2MOM 18:00 (3 Rounds)

A) 10 Strict Pull-ups + 10 Ring Dips

B) 20/16 Cal Assault Bike

C) 100 Double Unders + AMRAP Zombie Sit-ups 


Snatch Cardio

Every 2:00 for 12:00

4 Power Snatch + 4 OHS

Start at 50% add weight each round

BURN Version

Every 2:00 for 12:00

10 American KB Swings + 10 Goblet Squats

Touch n Go Power Clean & Jerk Work

18 Minutes

10-8-6-4-2 @ 50-60-70-80-90%

Rest as needed between sets 

Heavy Power Clean & Jerk by Feel in remaining time 

BURN Version

6 Rounds

10 Double Dumbbell Power Clean + Push Press

10 Burpees Over DB

Be sure to double up on Drop Pads for all sets when dropping barbells. Let's keep our neighbors happy:)


Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm


M1) 6 Strict Seated Barbell Press build to HEAVY

M2) :40 Tempo Banded Pull Downs


M1) 16 Alternating DB Hammer Curls

M2) 16 Goblet Curtsy Lunges

M3) 16 BTN Tricep Extension 

M4) Row Calories Arms Only

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

FRIDAY 8.5.22

Lift Heavy - 12 Minutes

4x5 Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows

Find a heavy set of 6 for each movement 

Breathe Hard Teams of 2

Run to 6th Floor 

30 Sumo Deadlift High Pull

30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups or Ring Rows

Run to 6th Floor

30 Front Squats


Run to 6th Floor

30 Thrusters

AMRAP Bar Muscleups or Row until 18:00

Rx: 95/65 lb Barbell

Athletes without lifting experience may use Kettlebell for all movements 


Gym Closed for Weightlifting Seminar


SUNDAY 8.7.22

Open Gym 9-12

Week of 7.25.22

MONDAY 7.25.22

Summer STRONG Week 8 - 26 Minutes

1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Back Squats

@50-60-70-80-84-88-88% (base on 1RM Front Squat)

5 Push Press


Top two sets are not a typo. Two sets at 88% on squats. Two sets at 83% on press.

Athletes go back and forth between movements until they complete all working sets 

Deuces Athletes scale percentages by feel based on how your body feels after Saturday's competition.

Functional Strength AMRAP 10

8 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

8 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

8 Hang Power Cleans

12 Alternating Overhead Press

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

TUESDAY 7.26.22

LIFT HEAVY SuperSet - 12 Minutes - 3 Sets

8 Bench Press @74%

8 Barbell Bentover Rows build to heavy 

CardioPump EMOM 20

M1) 8-10 Strict Pull-ups 

M2) 10/8 Cal Assault Bike

M3) 10-15 Ring Dips

M4) 18/15 Cal Row

M5) AMRAP Starfish V Ups


CrossFit Open Workout 16.2/19.2 Kinda


25 Toes-to-Bars

50 Double-Unders

15 Block Cleans (135/85# or 50%)

25 Toes-to-Bars

50 Double-Unders

13 Block Cleans (185/115# or 60%)

25 Toes-to-Bars

50 Double-Unders

11 Block Cleans (225/145# or 70%)

25 Toes-to-Bars

50 Double-Unders

9 Block Cleans (275/175# or 80%)

25 Toes-to-Bars

50 Double-Unders

7 Block Cleans (315/205# or 90%)

All are SQUAT Cleans. Use % 1RM Clean for all sets.

The actual open workoUt was a 20 MiNute time cap. Goal is To FInish or at least get to last barBell.

THURSDAY 7.28.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm


M1) 8 Strict Seated Barbell Press

M2) :40 Tempo Banded Seated Rows


M1) 16 Alternating DB Bicep Curls

M2) 16 Hang DB Reverse Lunges

M3) Front Rack + Overhead Hold Right

M4) Front Rack + Overhead Hold Left

M5) AMRAP Plate Zombie Sit-ups 

FRIDAY 7.29.22

Lift Heavy - 12 Minutes

4 sets of 6 Reps Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows

Go back and forth between movements finding a heavy set of 6 for each. Use two separate barbells.

Beach Pump EMOM 20

M1) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press

M2) 20 Alternating DB Gorilla Rows

M3) :40 Banded Bicep Curls

M4) :40 Banded Tricep Pull Downs

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

SATURDAY 7.30.22

10am Class + Open Gym 11-1

Teams of 2 - AMRAP 30

Terrible Stair Run

40 DB Power Cleans 50/35#

40 HSPU or DB Push Press

20 Bar Muscleups or 40 Pull-ups/ Ring Rows

SUNDAY 7.31.22

Open Gym 9-12

Week of 7.18.22

MONDAY 7.18.22

Summer STRONG Week 7 - 25 Minutes

3 Sets each

1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Back Squat @ 86% FS1RM/

5 Push Press @ 81% 1RMPP

Athletes go back and forth between movements until they complete all 4 rounds

Functional Strength Intervals 

Every 4:00 for 12:00

10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats per leg

10 Thrusters

15 Strict Pull-ups

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

TUESDAY 7.19.22


12 Minutes to Complete 4 sets 

8 Bench Press @72%

20 DB Gorilla Rows

GymnastiPump EMOM 20

M1) 5 Tempo Ring Dips

M2) 5 Strict Tempo Toes to Bar

M3) :35 Handstand Hold 

M4) 18/15 Calorie Row


Snatch Work- 16 Minutes

E2MOM for 10:00

5 Power Snatch + 5 OHS

Start at 50% 1RM Snatch. Add by feel

Heavy Snatch by feel in remaining time

Heavy Clean Doubles from Blocks - 16 minutes


Perform 2nd rep within :30 of finishing 1st

THURSDAY 7.21.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm


M1) 10 Strict Seated Barbell Press

M2) :40 Tempo Banded Pull Downs 

Every 4:00 for 20:00 Unbroken Complex

10 Barbell Bicep Curls

10 Right Leg Barbell Deadlifts

10 Left Leg Barbell Deadlift

10 Reverse Curl to Press

10 Back Rack Curtsy Lunges

FRIDAY 7.22.22

Lift Heavy - 12 Minutes

3x8 Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows

Find a heavy set of 8 for each movement 

BuildHard EMOM 20

M1) 12-16 Renegade Rows

M2) :40 3 Position Bicep Curls

M3) :40 BTN Tricep Extensions

M4) :40 Banded KB Swings

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

SATURDAY 7.23.22

No Classes

Deuces Wild Partner Competition 

Athlete Briefing starts 9:30am

First workout heat starts 10am

SUNDAY 7.24.22

Open Gym 9-12

Week of 7.11.22

MONDAY 7.11.22

Summer STRONG Week 6

LIFT HEAVY - Squats n Push Press - 25 Minutes to Complete 4 Sets EACH of

1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Back Squat @ 84%

5 Push Press @ 79%

Functional Strength EMOM 16

M1) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Right

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 50/35 lbs Left

M3) 10 Strict HSPU / DB Press

M4) 8 Tempo Pull-ups 

TUESDAY 7.12.22

LIFT HEAVY - Bench Press - 12 Minutes

4x10@ 70% 1RMBP

Cardio Pump EMOM 20

M1) 15 Ring Dips or HR Push-ups 

M2) 50 Double Unders

M3) 15 Toes to Bar

M4) 18/15 Calorie Row


Snatch Consistency - 16 Minutes

Snatch + Hang Snatch

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80%

Heavy Complex by Feel

Deuces Complex - 16 minutes

Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80%

Heavy Complex by Feel

Base on 1RM Clean & Jerk

THURSDAY 7.14.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm


M1) 10 Strict Seated Barbell Press

M2) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

EMOM  20

M1) 16 Alternating DB Bicep Curls

M2) 16 Goblet Curtsy Lunge

M3) Front Rack + Overhead Hold Right

M4) Front Rack + Overhead Hold Left

M5) Banded Tricep Extensions


Block A: Silverback Block - 4 Rounds

5 Heavy Barbell Bentover Rows

10 DB Gorilla Rows

15 Banded Pull Downs

250m Row

Block B: Booty Block - 4 Rounds

5 Heavy Hip Thrusts

10 Romanian Deadlifts

:30 Banded X Walks

30 Ukrainian Swings

Perform 1 Round every 4:00

Rest between sets. Increase weight on Rows & Hip Thrusts. 

SATURDAY 7.16.22

10am Class Only. Open Gym 11am-1pm

Teams of 2


20 Double DB Thrusters 50/35 lbs

40 Chest to Bar Pull-ups or Ring Rows

20 Burpees Over Rower

40 Calorie Row

SUNDAY 7.17.22

Open Gym 9-12

Deuces Wild July 23 Partner Comp


8 Minutes to Establish 

1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk

Score is sum of heaviest successful lift by both athletes. So if Shane gets 100 lbs and Ellen gets 65 lbs, their team score is 165.

Movement Standards

Athletes will have time to warm up before their heat.

Teams share one barbell.

Barbells start empty at 3-2-1 Go

Both Athletes may work together to load the bar and can go in any order. 

Athletes may perform either style of clean (power or squat) for both cleans.

Jerk may be push or split. Athlete must complete rep with elbows locked out overhead plus knees and hips fully extended. Athlete must demonstrate control overhead for a minimum of 2 seconds until judge confirms rep. 

If an Athlete drops the bar before completing all movements, he/she gets a NO REP. There is No Partial Credit for partial complex.


Breathe Hardy Party

On a 24:00 Running Clock


Run 800m Together

Max Calorie Row in Remaining Time


Run 800m Together

Max DB Box Overs in Remaining Time


Run 1000m Together

Max Burpee Box Get Overs in Remaining Time

3 Scores for this Workout

1. Calories Rowed

2. DB Box Step Overs

3. Burpee Box Get Overs

Movement Standards

No Movements can begin until BOTH ATHLETES have returned from the run. 


One athlete rows at a time. They may switch whenever.

Box Stepovers

Athlete starts with both feet on floor and both dumbbells in hands. Athlete must step onto and over the box finishing the rep by stepping down on the opposite side with control of dumbbells. Athletes do not need to open the hips at the top of the box.

Rx Athletes use (50/35) Lb Dumbbells and can hold however

Scaled Athetes use (35/20) Lb Dumbbells and can hold however

24/20” Box

Burpee Box Get Overs

Athletes perform chest to floor burpee then get up and over box. Athletes may step up and/or use hands as needed to get over the box.

Rx Teams use 30" Box

Scaled Teams use 24"Box


12 Minutes to Complete

100 Double Unders

40 Toes to Bar

100 Double Unders

30 Handstand Push-ups 

100 Double Unders

20 Bar Muscelups

Athletes may split up reps between partners as needed 

Movement Standards

Toes to Bar:

BOTH athletes must hang from bar during sets. Athlete 1 performs toes to bar while Athlete 2 Hangs. Reps will not count unless 2nd athlete is hanging from the bar while first athlete does reps.

Athlete performing toes to bar must start from a dead hang with feet behind the plane of a pull up bar. Both feet must touch the bar at the same time and return behind the plan of the pull up bar before going into the next rep. If both feet do not pass behind the plane of the bar and if both feet do not touch the bar at the same time, the result will be a NO REP.


BOTH athletes must hold handstand against wall during sets. Athlete 1 performs HSPU while Athlete 2 holds handstand. Movement starts with athletes kicking up to wall and demonstrating control before lowering head to pound pads. Athlete must finish Rep with both heels on wall with knees hips and elbows locked out overhead . Athletes must use TWO 45 lb Plates and ONE AbMat for HSPU

Athletes feet must stay within the width of the bumper plates. Athletes butt may not rest against the wall at the top of the movement. Any deviation from the standards will result in NO REP.

Bar Muscle Up:

BOTH athletes must hang from the bar during working sets.

In the bar muscle-up, the athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the bar with arms fully extended and the feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support and glide kips are not permitted. The heels may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip.



12 Minutes to Complete

200 Single Unders

40 Knees to Hips

200 Single Unders

30 Surplus HSPU

200 Double Unders

20 Chin Over Bar Pull-ups 

Movement Standards

Knees to Hips:

BOTH athletes must hang from the pull up bar during all working sets.

Athlete performing knees to hips must start from a dead hang with feet behind the plane of a pull up bar. Both knees must break the crease of the hip the same time and feet must return behind the plan of the pull up bar before going into the next rep. If both feet do not pass behind the plane of the bar and if both knees do not go above the hip crease at the same time, the result will be a NO REP.

Surplus HSPU:

BOTH athletes must hold handstand against wall during sets. Athlete 1 performs HSPU while Athlete 2 holds handstand. Movement starts with athletes kicking up to wall and demonstrating control before lowering head to abmat. Athlete must finish Rep with both heels on wall with knees hips and elbows locked out overhead . Scaled Athletes  ONE AbMat for Surplus HSPU

Athletes feet and hands must stay within same width of rx bumper plates. Athletes butt may not rest against the wall at the top of the movement. Any deviation from the standards will result in NO REP.


BOTH Athletes must hang from the pull up bar during all working sets

Pullups start from a dead hang and elbows locked out. Athletes may perform strict, kipping, or butterfly. Chin must pass above bar each rep and elbows return to full extension at the bottom. No bands.

Week of 6.27.22

MONDAY 6.27.22

Summer STRONG Week 4

LIFT HEAVY - Squats n Push Press - 25 Minutes to Complete 4 Sets EACH of

1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Back Squat @ 80% FS1RM

5 Push Press @ 75% 1RMPP

Athletes go back and forth between movements until they complete all 4 rounds 

Suggested warm up scheme to working sets 

1 Pause Front + 2 Back Squats @50-60-70-75%

Breathe Hard Partner WOD

3 Rounds

Athlete  A: 15 Thrusters 95/65 lbs 

Athlete B: 15 Thrusters 95/65 lbs 

Athlete  A: 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Athlete B: 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

12 Minute Cap

TUESDAY 6.28.22

LIFT HEAVY - Bench Press - 12 Minutes

5x10@ 66% 1RMBP

BREATHE HARD -  E2MOM for 24:00

A) Row 30/24 Calories

B) 75’ Handstand Walk or 8 Wall Walks

C)  25 Toes to Bar


Snatch Consistency - 15 Minutes 

Snatch + Hang Snatch

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80%

Heavy Complex by Feel

Heavy Clean Complex - 15 minutes 

Clean + Hang Clean

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80%

Heavy Complex by Feel

THURSDAY 6.30.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm


M1) 5 Strict Tempo Toes to Bar

M2) 16 Alternating DB Bicep Curls

M3) 16 DB Reverse Lunges

M4) :40 Pallof Press

Buyout: Rowling 10 Minutes

Perform TWO 123 Up Downs for every Meter Above/Below 100m

FRIDAY 7.1.22

LIFT HEAVY - Bench Press 2RM - 12 Minutes


M1) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press

M2) 20 Alternating Gorilla Rows

Empty Barbell Partner Buyout

Up and Down the River

10 Bicep Curls

10 Standing Chest Press

10 Overhead Press

10 Bentover Rows

10 Reverse Curls


10am clAss only Helton Hero WORKOUT 

3 Rounds

800m Run

30 DB Squat Cleans 50/35 lbs 

30 Burpees

Open Gym 11am-1pm

SUNDAY 7.3.22


MONDAY 7.4.22


Happy Independence Day!