
8 Minutes to Establish 

1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk

Score is sum of heaviest successful lift by both athletes. So if Shane gets 100 lbs and Ellen gets 65 lbs, their team score is 165.

Movement Standards

Athletes will have time to warm up before their heat.

Teams share one barbell.

Barbells start empty at 3-2-1 Go

Both Athletes may work together to load the bar and can go in any order. 

Athletes may perform either style of clean (power or squat) for both cleans.

Jerk may be push or split. Athlete must complete rep with elbows locked out overhead plus knees and hips fully extended. Athlete must demonstrate control overhead for a minimum of 2 seconds until judge confirms rep. 

If an Athlete drops the bar before completing all movements, he/she gets a NO REP. There is No Partial Credit for partial complex.


Breathe Hardy Party

On a 24:00 Running Clock


Run 800m Together

Max Calorie Row in Remaining Time


Run 800m Together

Max DB Box Overs in Remaining Time


Run 1000m Together

Max Burpee Box Get Overs in Remaining Time

3 Scores for this Workout

1. Calories Rowed

2. DB Box Step Overs

3. Burpee Box Get Overs

Movement Standards

No Movements can begin until BOTH ATHLETES have returned from the run. 


One athlete rows at a time. They may switch whenever.

Box Stepovers

Athlete starts with both feet on floor and both dumbbells in hands. Athlete must step onto and over the box finishing the rep by stepping down on the opposite side with control of dumbbells. Athletes do not need to open the hips at the top of the box.

Rx Athletes use (50/35) Lb Dumbbells and can hold however

Scaled Athetes use (35/20) Lb Dumbbells and can hold however

24/20” Box

Burpee Box Get Overs

Athletes perform chest to floor burpee then get up and over box. Athletes may step up and/or use hands as needed to get over the box.

Rx Teams use 30" Box

Scaled Teams use 24"Box


12 Minutes to Complete

100 Double Unders

40 Toes to Bar

100 Double Unders

30 Handstand Push-ups 

100 Double Unders

20 Bar Muscelups

Athletes may split up reps between partners as needed 

Movement Standards

Toes to Bar:

BOTH athletes must hang from bar during sets. Athlete 1 performs toes to bar while Athlete 2 Hangs. Reps will not count unless 2nd athlete is hanging from the bar while first athlete does reps.

Athlete performing toes to bar must start from a dead hang with feet behind the plane of a pull up bar. Both feet must touch the bar at the same time and return behind the plan of the pull up bar before going into the next rep. If both feet do not pass behind the plane of the bar and if both feet do not touch the bar at the same time, the result will be a NO REP.


BOTH athletes must hold handstand against wall during sets. Athlete 1 performs HSPU while Athlete 2 holds handstand. Movement starts with athletes kicking up to wall and demonstrating control before lowering head to pound pads. Athlete must finish Rep with both heels on wall with knees hips and elbows locked out overhead . Athletes must use TWO 45 lb Plates and ONE AbMat for HSPU

Athletes feet must stay within the width of the bumper plates. Athletes butt may not rest against the wall at the top of the movement. Any deviation from the standards will result in NO REP.

Bar Muscle Up:

BOTH athletes must hang from the bar during working sets.

In the bar muscle-up, the athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the bar with arms fully extended and the feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support and glide kips are not permitted. The heels may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip.



12 Minutes to Complete

200 Single Unders

40 Knees to Hips

200 Single Unders

30 Surplus HSPU

200 Double Unders

20 Chin Over Bar Pull-ups 

Movement Standards

Knees to Hips:

BOTH athletes must hang from the pull up bar during all working sets.

Athlete performing knees to hips must start from a dead hang with feet behind the plane of a pull up bar. Both knees must break the crease of the hip the same time and feet must return behind the plan of the pull up bar before going into the next rep. If both feet do not pass behind the plane of the bar and if both knees do not go above the hip crease at the same time, the result will be a NO REP.

Surplus HSPU:

BOTH athletes must hold handstand against wall during sets. Athlete 1 performs HSPU while Athlete 2 holds handstand. Movement starts with athletes kicking up to wall and demonstrating control before lowering head to abmat. Athlete must finish Rep with both heels on wall with knees hips and elbows locked out overhead . Scaled Athletes  ONE AbMat for Surplus HSPU

Athletes feet and hands must stay within same width of rx bumper plates. Athletes butt may not rest against the wall at the top of the movement. Any deviation from the standards will result in NO REP.


BOTH Athletes must hang from the pull up bar during all working sets

Pullups start from a dead hang and elbows locked out. Athletes may perform strict, kipping, or butterfly. Chin must pass above bar each rep and elbows return to full extension at the bottom. No bands.