MONDAY 10.31.22
Week 6
Front Squats - 17 Minutes
5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% - 2@85% - 2@90%
Heavy Singles by Feel
BURN: 8 Pause Front Squats + 15/12 Calorie Row
perform squats with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets
Teams of 2 Relay
0:00 Athlete A does 21 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike
2:00 Athlete B does 21 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike
4:00 Athlete A does 15 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike
6:00 Athlete B does 15 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike
8:00 Athlete A does 12 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike
10:00 Athlete B does 12 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike
12:00 Athlete A does 9 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike
14:00 Athlete B does 9 Front Squats + AMRAP Row or Assault Bike
Rx: 135/95
TUESDAY 11.1.22
4 Rounds
4 Barbell Bench Press
10 Tempo Bentover Rows
Build to heavy unbroken set by feel on Bench
Pause :02 w/DBs at ribs each Rep on Rows
3:30 WORK, :30 Rest for 24:00
Alternate between AMRAPs
A) 2 Bar Muscleups 4 HSPU + 8 American Swings 24/16kg
B) Row for Calories
C) 20 Burpees + AMRAP L Raises over KB
A) 4 Pull-ups / Ring Rows + 4 DB Push Press + 8 Swings
B) Row for Calories
C) 20 Burpees + AMRAP L Raises over KB
Total Reps + Calories + Burpees
L raises do not count for whiteboard
Pause Split Jerks from Blocks - 15 Min
3@50% - 3@60% - 3@70% - 3@80% - 2@85% - 2@90%
Heavy Single by Feel
M1) 4 Muscle Clean + 4 Push Press
M2) Hold Split Jerk Position w/PVC :25
MetCon - Grip don't Rip
3 Rounds for Time
15 Hang Squat Clean
25 Toes to Bar
Rx: 135/95 lbs
15:00 Cap
Modified - 3 Rounds
15 DB Hammer Curl to Squat
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
THURSDAY 11.3.22
Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm
Open Gym 5:30pm
Back Building - 14 Min
5x8 Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows
Alternate between movements adding weight each set to find a heavy set of 8 for each movement
M1) Tempo Banded Pull Downs
M2) Handstand/Plan Hold
M3) Arms only Assault Bike
M4) Zombie Sit-ups
Work Nonstop :45 Each Minute
Scoreboard total Assault Bike Calories
FRIDAY 11.4.22
LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min
Complete 4 sets of 3 Build to Heavy
Heavy Single by feel in remaining time
BURN - perform sets of 3 with light/moderate barbell to get comfortable with technique
Add weight if you were here last week!
M1) 16-20 Alternating DB Power Snatch
M2) 15-20 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups
M3) 18/15 Calorie Row
M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs
SATURDAY 11.5.22
Sweaty Surprise