MONDAY 9.26.22
Front Squat Test In - 16 Minutes to find Heavy Single
This is not a PR day - goal is to hit 90%+ for a good looking single
BURN: 10 Front Squats + 10/8 Calories Bike
perform sets of 10 with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets.
MetCon - Fran Rx+
Thrusters 115/75 lbs
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 Rounds
9 Thrusters
9 Ring Rows
Use Dumbbells, Medball, or Empty Barbell
TUESDAY 9.27.22
4-5 Rounds
10 Barbell Bench Press
20 DB Gorilla Rows
Build to heavy by feel on Bench
The Sweats EMOM 20
M1) 15 Toes to Bar
M2) Bike 12/9 Cal
M3) 15 Ring Dips / HR Push-ups
M4) Row 18/15 Cal
Clean & Jerk Technique - 15 minutes
Power Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press + Pause Split Jerk
5@50% - 5@60% - 3@70% base on 1RM Clean&jerk
Clean & Jerk Singles by feel in remaining time
BURN - EMOM using empty barbell, dumbbells, or medball
3 Muscle Clean + 3 Front Squat + 3 Push Press
MetCon - 3 Rounds for Time
10 Power Snatch
20 Overhead Lunges
15 Burpees Over Bar
Rx: 95/65 lbs
3 Rounds
20 American KB Swings
20 Goblet Lunges
15 Burpees
THURSDAY 9.29.22
Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm
Open Gym 5:30pm
Teams of 2 Relay - AMRAP 15
7 Strict Pull-ups or Ring Rows
7/5 Arms only Row Calories
7 Strict Dips or HR Push-ups
Athlete A performs one full round as fast as possible while B rests. Switch. Repeat.
If class larger than 16, use ski erg and bike
M1) Banded Tempo Tricep Pull Down
M2) Banded Tempo Lat Press Down
M3) Seated High L Raises
Work :45 each minute
FRIDAY 9.30.22
LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min
Complete 4 sets of 10 @50-60-65-70%
BURN - perform sets of 10 with light barbell to get comfortable with technique
M1) 20 Alternating DB Bench Press
M2) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls
M3) 20 DB Hang Reverse Lunges
M4) Row 18/15 Calories
M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs
SATURDAY 10.1.22
Earn your Beer EMOM 25
M1) 5-8 Bar Muscle Ups or 10-15 Ring Rows
M2) 50 Dubz or 100 Singles
M3) 10 HSPU / DB Push Press
M4) 12/9 Cal Assault Bike
Coach Rom Ab Surprise