MONDAY 8.29.22
Daily Max Effort: 16 Minutes
Zercher Squat 4RM
BURN: 5 Rounds
15 Pause Goblet Squats
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
Leg Daystruction Every 1:30 for 18:00
A) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups per Leg
B) 20 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats
C) 15/12 Calorie Bike
D) Zombie Sit Ups / Rest
Rx: 50/35 lb DBs
TUESDAY 8.30.22
For Time
Lap Around Block
21 Strict HSPU
21 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
21 Ring Dips
Lap Around Block
15 Strict HSPU
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Ring Dips
Lap Around Block
9 Strict HSPU
9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Ring Dips
Lap Around Block
Daily Max Effort: 12 Minutes
4RM Touch n Go Power Snatch
Find heavy 4 Rep Unbroken in 5-6 Working Sets.
12 American Swings + 12 Goblet Squats
Barbell Hero For Time
Power Clean 185/120 lbs
Front Squat
Shoulder to Overhead
Burpees Over DB
BURN For Time
4 Rounds
10 DB Power Clean
10 Front Squat
10 Push Press
10 Burpees Over DB
Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm
Open Gym 5:30pm
Arm Superset EMOM 25
M1) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls
M2) :40 Tempo Banded Pull Downs
M3) 16-20 BTN Tricep Extensions
M4) :40 Tempo Banded Tricep Pull Downs
M5) Ukrainian Twists
Buyout 10 Minute EMOM
M1) Arms Only Rowling
M2) Plank in Push-up Position
Work :45 each minute
FRIDAY 9.2.22
Daily Max Effort: 12 Minutes
4RM Push Press
15 DB Push Press Deadlift + 12/9 Cal Bike
Strong EMOM 20
M1) 5-8 Bar Muscleups
M2) 4-8 D Ball over Box
M3) Wall Facing HS Push-ups or Shoulder Taps or Hold :30-40
M4) D Ball Hear Hug Hold :45
M5) 123 Up Downs / Rest
Rx: 150/100 lbs to 30/24" Box
BURN use 10-30 lb Med Balls
Teams of 2
800m Run
6 Rounds Relay Style
10 DB Box Step Overs
50 Double Unders
800m Run
6 Rounds Relay Style
15 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jump Overs
800m Run
AMRAP Burpee Muscle Ups until 30:00
SUNDAY 9.4.22
Closed for Labor Day
MONDAY 9.5.22
Closed for Labor Day