MONDAY 9.19.12
Daily Max Effort - 1RM Zercher Squat - 17 Minutes
BURN - AMRAP for Quality and to build confidence using barbell
10 Empty Barbell Front Squat + 10 Calorie Bike + :30 Lat Stretch on Bench
MetCon Sneaky Hard EMOM 12
M2) 15 Thusters
M2) 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups or Ring Rows
M3) 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
M4) Rest
Rx: 115/75 lbs
BURN: Dumbbells
TUESDAY 9.20.22
Daily Max Effort - 1RM Bench Press - 14 Min
BURN: AMRAP 10 DB Floor Press+ 15/12 Calorie Row
PUSH PULL Cardio Party
Every 2:00 for 18:00 Alternate Between
A) 20-35 Ring Dips
B) 20 DB Gorilla Rows + AMRAP 123 Up Downs
C) Row 24/20 Calories
A) 20-35 Hand Release Push-ups
B) 20 DB Gorilla Rows + AMRAP 123 Up Downs
C) Row 1:45
LIFT HEAVY - 1RM Clean - 16 Minutes
5 Muscle Clean + 5 Front Squats
practice with empty barbell, Dumbbells, or medball
MetCon: 3 Rounds For Time
5 Hang Power Clean
5 Front Squat
5 Shoulder to Overhead
15 Burpees over Bar
Rx: 205/135 lbs
3 Rounds For Time
10 Hang Power Clean
10 Front Squat
10 Shoulder to Overhead
15 Burpees over Bar
Use dumbbells or Medball
THURSDAY 9.22.22
Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm
Open Gym 5:30pm
Reverse Speed Pump
Double DB Bentover Rows
Hand Release Push-ups
10:00 Cap
M1) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls
M2) 15-20 BTN Tricep Extensions
M3) 16-20 Goblet Curtsy Lunges
M4) DB Front Rack Overhead Hold (:20/aide)
M5) Seated L Sit Hold
FRIDAY 9.23.22
Daily Max Effort 14 Minutes - Deadlift 2RM
BURN Athletes perform sets of 5 Deadlifts at light weight get comfortable with Barbell mechanics. Can also use kettlebells and do sets of 10!
MetCon EMOM 20
M1) 5-8 Bar Muscleups
M2) 4-8 D Ball over Box
M3) 20 Alternating DB Press
M4) 12/9 Calorie Bike
M5) AMRAP Runningman Sit-ups
Rx: 150/100 lbs Heavy Ball
SATURDAY 9.24.22
Buy In: Run 800m or Bike 50/40 Calories
5:00-25:00 EMOM
M1) Handstand Walk or Wall Walks
M2) 15-18 Toes to Bar
M3) 15 Box Jump Overs
M4) Row 18/15 Calories
@25:00 Run 800m or Bike 50/40 Calories
SUNDAY 9.25.22
Open gym 9-12