MONDAY 10.24.22

Week 5

Front Squats - 17 Minutes

5@50% - 4@60% - 3@70% - 2@80% - 1@85% - 1@90%

PAUSE on 1st REP EACH SET for :02

Heavy Full Speed Front Squat Single by Feel

BURN: 8 Pause Front Squats + 15/12 Calorie Row

perform squats with Empty Barbell, Dumbbells, or Medball. Athletes unable to control full range of motion below parallel, sit down to bench each rep. Stretch lats on bench :30 between sets


Every 1:30 for 13:30 Alternate Between 

A) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats per Leg

B) 16 Double DB Thrusters

C) 20/16 Calorie Row

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

Athletes may use 0-1 dumbbells for split squats to get full range of motion and control

TUESDAY 10.25.22


4 Rounds

5 Barbell Bench Press

10 Tempo Bentover Rows

Build to heavy unbroken set by feel on Bench

Pause :02 w/DBs at ribs each Rep on Rows

Skills n Sweat 1:30 WORK, :30 Rest for 24:0

Alternate Between AMRAPS


A) Low Ring Muscleups 

B) Row Calories

C) Handstand Walk

D) Assault Bike Calories 


A) 5 Pull-ups or Ring Rows + 5 Dips or HR Push-ups 

B) Row Calories

C) Wall Walks

D) Assault Bike Calories 

Training Notes: athletes should practice their highest level skill movements during A and C

Advanced: practice bar muscle ups even if it means failing repeatedly 

Intermediate: practice Kipping on pull ups and dips

Beginner: Build strength with slow controlled movement on ring rows or banded pull ups

Scoreboard: total reps + calories 

Handstand Walk: 5 Ft = 1 Rep

WEDNESDAY 10.26.22

Squat Clean & Pause Split Jerk - 17 min

2@50% - 2@60% - 2@70% - 2@80%

Heavy Single by Feel

BURN EMOM - using empty barbell, dumbbells, or medball

M1) 3 Muscle Clean + 3 Front Squat + 3 Push Press

M2) Hold Split Jerk Position w/PVC :25



Power Clean

Burpee Over Bar

Rx: 135/95 lbs

THURSDAY 10.27.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Back Building - 14 Min 

5x10 Each Hip Thrusts & Bentover Rows

Alternate between movements adding weight each set to find a heavy set of 10 for each movement 

Single DB Pump Up Party - AMRAP 16

10 Single Arm Bicep Curl per arm

15 Behind the Neck Tricep Extension 

15 Curls with both Hands on DB

:30 Plank in pushup position 

20 Leg Raises 

FRIDAY 10.28.22

LIFT HEAVY - Sumo Deadlift - 12 min

Complete 4 sets of 4 Build to Heavy

Heavy Single by feel in remaining time 

BURN - perform sets of 4 with light/moderate barbell to get comfortable with technique 

Add weight if you were here last week!


M1) 20 Alt DB Bench Press Neutral Grip

M2) 20 DB Gorilla Rows

M3) 12 Burpee to Plate

M4) 18/15 Calorie Row

M5) AMRAP Zombie Sit Ups

SATURDAY 10.29.22

Sweaty Surprise