Wednesday 5.12.21

Hang Snatch - 15 Minutes

Build to Heavy Single by Feel

MetCon - For Time:

50 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs)

*Starting with & EMOM 20 Double Unders

10:00 Cap

Tuesday 5.11.21

25 Minutes to Complete:

800m Run or 50/40 Cal Bike

100 Chest to Floor Pushups

800m Run or 50/40 Cal Bike

50 Chest to Bar Pullups or Ring Rows

800m Run or 50/40 Cal Bike

Rx+ Wear 20/14# Weight Vest

Monday 5.10.21

Push Press Test Out - 16 Minutes

5-4-3-2-1 Thruster


In remaining time, find 1RM Push Press

Why are we doing this?

To give your Legs and CNS a deload week.

Test Day is 3 weeks from today.

We're still using our legs today to move some serious weight. But thruster and push Press are not high percentages in terms of your 1RM Front Squat.

MetCon 30-20-10:

Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges 50/35#

HSPU or DB Push Press

(10:00 Cap)

Sunday 5.9.21

E5M x 5 rounds:

30/25 cal row

25 burpees

*rest in remaining time

**reduce burpees in increments of 3 if not maintaining 1 min rest

Saturday 5.8.21

Partner WOD

Run 800m Together

Then 10 Rounds Relay Style (5 Each)

15 American Swings 24/16kg

12 Toes to Bar

9 Burpee Star Jumps

Then Run 800m Together

(30 Min Cap)

Friday 5.7.21

30 Minute Running Clock

Jerk Werrk

From The Rack 0:00-4:00 EMOM 4

Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

Pause :03 in Catch on both jerks

Start at 58% Jerk 1RM

4:00-13:00 Pause Split Jerk Heavy Singles by feel


13:00-16:00 Transition to Ground

Clean Werrk 16:00-20:00 EMOM 4

Power Clean (Pause in Catch, Ride Down to Squat) + Hang Clean

Start at 58% Clean 1RM

20:00-30:00 Clean


Athletes may go higher than percentages if they're feeling strong!

Thursday 5.6.21

Broga 7:30am

5:30pm Breathe Hard

3 RFT:

1000/800m Row or 50/40 Cal Bike

100 Dubz / 200 Singles

800m Run

35 min Cap

Wednesday 5.5.21

Snatches - Running Clock

0:00-4:00 EMOM

2 Hang Snatch + 2 OHS @55% Snatch 1RM

4:00-15:00 Build to Heavy by Feel







If you miss more than once, lower weight and finish with a successful lift at 80%

MetCon - 3 RFT:

20 Hang Power Snatch 75/55 lbs

20 Overhead Squats

*Starting with and EMOM 3 Burpees

10 Minute Cap

Tuesday 5.4.21

6 Minute EMOM

1) 5 Tempo Pullups / Banded

2) 5 Tempo Dips / Ring Pushups / Knee Pushups

Extra Rep but Same 3 Second Tempo as 2 Weeks ago

Pullup Tempo- Fast Up, :03Chin Above, :03 Controlled Descent

Dip Temo- :03 Hold Locked Out, Fast Down, :03 Hold At Chest

MetCon - AMRAP 20:

450m Run

15 Chest to Bar

15 Ring Dips / HR Pushups

Monday 5.3.21

Strength 20 Minutes

Push Press & Front Squats







Alternate Between movements changing weight and building to heavy. No pauses. No tricks.

Athletes may go heavier on Push Press if they're feeling strong.

MetCon - 9 Minute EMOM:

M1) 10 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Right (50/35 lbs)

M2) 10 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Left

M3) 10-15 Strict HSPU / Strict Press

Athletes use 45% Push Press for Strict Press weight

Score is total reps

Sunday 5.2.21

6 rounds

20/16 cal assault bike

20/16 cal row

Rest 1:1

Saturday 5.1.21

Partner WOD

10 Rounds Relay Style (5 Each)

10 Double DB Box Stepovers 50/35 lbs

15 Hand Release Pushups


10 Rounds Relay Style (5 Each)

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs

At 0:00, 10:00, and 20:00

Run 800m together

32:00 Cap

Rx+ Athletes wear 20/14# Weight Vest

Friday 4.30.21

Clean & Jerk Day

30 Minute Running Clock

Jerk Werrk - From The Rack

0:00-4:00 EMOM 4

Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

Pause :03 in Catch on both jerks

Start at 55% Jerk 1RM

4:00-13:00 Pause Split Jerk Heavy Singles


13:00-16:00 Transition to Ground

Clean Werrk - 16:00-20:00 EMOM 4

Power Clean (Pause in Catch, Ride Down to Squat) + Hang Clean

Start at 55% Clean 1RM

20:00-30:00 Clean @ 75-80-85-90%+

Thursday 4.29.21

7:30am Broga Mobility Flow

9:30am Open Gym / Free Intro

5:30pm Breathe Hard

10 RFT:

500/400m Row

50 Double Unders

35:00 Cap

Wednesday 4.28.21

Snatch Werrk

15 Minute Clock

0:00-5:00 EMOM

Deadlift + Low Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch

Start at 55% 1RM Snatch

5:00-15:00 Hang Snatch Singles @70-75-80-85-90%+

MetCon 22-16-10

Alt DB Snatch 50/35 lbs

Single Arm Overhead Squats

9:00 Cap

Tuesday 4.27.21

Run n Pump

Run 1 Mile

AMRAP Until 20:00

5 Strict Pullups / Banded

10 Ring Dips / Hand Release Pushups

:15 L Sit on Floor

At 20:00

Run 800m

AMRAP until 27:00 - Plate Holding Zombie Sit Ups

Score 1: Rounds + Reps

Score 2: Total Situps

Rx+ Wear Weight Vest

Remove vest for Situps

Non Runner Scales: 1 Mile =100/80 Calories Bike, 800m =50/40 Calories Bike

Monday 4.26.21

Strength 20 Minutes

Push Press & Front Squats






Alternate Between Movements each Set

PAUSE on 1ST REP each set

5 SECONDS Overhead

3 SECONDS at Bottom of Squat

MetCon AMRAP 8:


Back Rack Forward Lunges

Strict HSPU / Strict Press

Use 35% 1RM Front Squat for Barbell

HSPU - head must be even with hands

Sunday 4.25.21

Sunday Breathe HArd

Every 6 min x 5 rounds

600m Run

25/20 cal Assault Bike

Rx+ 800m Run and 25 cals aiming for 60-90s rest

Saturday 4.24.21

Partner WODs - 26:00 Running Clock

16 RFT (8 Each):

8 HSPU / DB Push Press

8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"

Rest after completion - At 20:00….

For Time

100 Calorie Assault Bike*

(6:00 Cap)

*Teams with two Females do 80 calories

Friday 4.23.21

Clean & Jerk Day

30 Minute Running Clock

Jerk Werrk From The Rack

0:00-5:00 EMOM 5: Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

Pause :03 in Catch on both jerks

Start at 55% Jerk 1RM

5:00-12:00 Pause Split Jerk Singles (3 SECONDS) @ 70-75-80-85%+

-12:00-15:00 Transition to Ground-

Clean Werrk

15:00-20:00 EMOM 5: Power Clean (Pause in Catch, Ride Down to Squat) + Hang Clean

Start at 55% Clean 1RM

20:00-30:00 Clean + Hang Clean @ 70-75-80-85-90%