Monday 8.7.23

Block 1

3 Sets

10 1.25 Bench Press (50-60-70%)

10 Tempo Double DB Row

Block 2

4 Sets

25 Ring Push-ups

10 Strict Pull-Ups

20-35 Tuck Ups

Block 3


M1) Farmers Carry

M2) 20 Hammer Curls

M3) Bottom of Push-up Hold

Tuesday 8.8.23

Block 1 - 16 minutes

3 sets

10 Front Squats (50-60-70%)

20-35 Zombie Sit-ups

Block 2


M1) 10 Double DB Kneel to Stand

M2) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M3) 10 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M4) 15 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

M5) Rest

Wednesday 8.9.23

Block 1 - 16 minutes

3 Sets

10 Hang Power Clean (50-60-70%)

Rest 60-90s

10 Push Press (50-60-70%)

10-20 123 Up Downs

Block 2: 19:00-28:00


M1) 20 Alternating OH Press

M2) 20 Alt Curls

M3) Lean Back

Block 3: 31:00-37:00


6 Double DB Power Snatch 50/35 lbs

6 Box Jumps 24/20”

Thursday 8.10.23

Block 1


M1) 60 Double Unders

M2) 30 Hollow Rocks

Rest 2:00

10:00-28:00 Block 2

5:00 on, 1:00 off for 18:00

Terrible Stair Run

AMRAP Burpees jump clap overhead until 5:00

Rest until 6:00 mark (score is total burpees over 3 rounds)

Rest 2:00


Block 3

Oblique EMOM 9

20 Lateral Ball Toss to Wall

:20 Palloff Press/Side

:30 Russian Twists

Friday 8.11.23

Block 1 - 15 min

3 Sets

10 Floating Deadlift (50-60-70%)

10 Tempo Pull-Ups

Rest 3:00 clean up barbells and bands

18:00-33:00 Block 2


M1) 15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

M2) :30-40 3 Position Bicep Curls

M3) 15 BTN DB Tricep Extensions

M4) 18/15 Calorie Row

M5) AMRAP Runningman SitUps

Rx: 50/35 lb DB

Scoreboard (bench press + Tricep + row calories = 144 male; 135 female)

Rest 2:00

35:00-38:00 Block 3

Burnout AMRAP 3

Max Reps Hand Release Push-ups

Saturday 8.12.23

Start clock

Run 800m Buy In

Then 4 rounds for time

12 Double DB Thrusters

20 Toes to Bar

Terrible Stair Run OR 50/40 calorie bike

Cap 35:00

Buyout EMOM 6 - start at 35:00 mark

M1) :30-40 Max Handstand/Plank Hold

M2) Partner AMRAP Medball Sit-ups