Summer STRONG Week 5! Up to 75% on all barbells
Monday 8.14.23
Block 1 - 0:00-12:00
3 Sets
10 Bench Press (55-65-75%)
10 Tempo Double DB Row
Rest 1:00-1:30 after each set
Block 2 - 14:00-30:00
Push Pull Ladder
10-20-30-40 Ring OR Hand Release Push-ups
After each set of push-ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups (bands allowed)
25 Tuck Ups
Block 3 - 32:00-41:00
M1) Farmers Carry
M2) 20 Hammer Curls
M3) 10 Tempo Push-Ups (use knees as needed)
Tuesday 8.15.23
Block 1 - 17 minutes
3 sets
10 Front Squats (55-65-75%)
20 Plate Holding Zombie Sit-ups
:30 L Sit
3:00 to put barbells away get mentally ready with dumbbells and pads
Block 2 - 20:00-26:00
Retest - Death by Bulgarians EMOM
M1) 5 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats EACH Leg
M2) 6 EACH Leg
M3) 7 Each Leg
M4) 8 Each Leg
M5) 9 Each Leg
M6) 10 Each Leg
Rest 3:00
Block 3 - 29:00-38:00
Crazy 8s Burner- Every 3:00 for 9:00
8 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Right
8 Goblet Seesaw Lunges Left
8 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats
8 Jumping Squats
Wednesday 8.16.23
Block 1 Shoulder Strength - 14 minutes
3 Sets
10 Push Press (55-65-75%)
10-20 123 Up Downs
Rest 60-90s between rounds
Rest 3:00
Block 2 Shoulder Endurance 17:00-27:00
For Time
42-30-18 Alternating Overhead DB Press
10 Burpees Over DB After Each Set
Rest 3:00
Block 3 Shoulder Stability 30:00-39:00 EMOM
M1) :30 Single DB OH Hold / Handstand
M2) 15 Banded Reverse Flies
M3) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls
Thursday 8.17.23
Athletic Power Day
Block 1 - 12 minutes
Lifting Strength / Skill
3 Sets
10 Hang Power Cleans (55-65-75%)
5 Broad Jumps (end to end barbell)
20 Slow Mountain Climbers
New folks practice muscle cleans with empty/light barbell focusing on bar path close to body, finding hip, finding full extension then receiving with elbows high
Block 2 - 15:00-23:00
M1) 60 Double Unders
M2) 30 Hollow Rocks
Rest 2:00
25:00-40:00 Block 3 - AMRAP
Run to 6th Floor
15 Box Jump/Step Overs on Pound Pads
20 Lateral Ball Toss to Wall
Friday 8.18.23
Block 1 - 14 min
3 Sets
10 Floating Deadlift (55-65-75%)
20 Alternating Bicep Curls
Rest 3:00 clean up barbells and take scores
17:00 - 26:00 Block 2 - Chest & Tricep Superset
M1) 15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press
M2) 15 BTN DB Tricep Extensions
M3) 15 Banded Chest Flies
Rx: 50/35 lb DB
Rest 3:00
29:00 - 38:00 Block 3 Back Burner EMOM
M1) 8 Tempo Pull-Ups
M2) Row 18/15 Calories
M3) AMRAP Runningman Sit-Ups
(Scoreboard male 78 female 69)
Saturday 8.19.23
A Trip to Asbury Park…
Teams of 2
30 minutes to complete
Run 800m Buy In
20-16-10 Follow the Leader Style
Alternating DB Power Snatch (50/35 lb)
Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
Terrible Stair Run Together
20-16-10 Follow the Leader Style
HSPU / DB Push Press
Toes to Bar
Terrible Stair Run
Follow the Leader Format
Athlete A does 20 snatch
Athlete B does 20 snatch
Athlete A does 20 Wall Ball
Athlete B does 20 Wall Ball
Athlete A does 16 snatch
Athlete B does 16 snatch
Athlete A does 16 Wall Ball
Athlete B does 16 Wall Ball
Athlete A does 10 snatch
Athlete B does 10 snatch
Athlete A does 10 Wall Ball
Athlete B does 10 Wall Ball