Week of 7.31.23

Summer STRONG Week 3!

Same movements as last week! Capping at 65% on our barbell sets of 10

MONDAY 7.31.23


0:00-12:00 Block A - 12 minutes to complete

3 Sets

10 1&1/4 Bench Press @50-58-65%

20 Alternating Gorilla Rows

2 minutes to clear benches and set up for pull-ups

14:00 - 30:00 Block B - 16 minutes to complete

4 Sets

10 Tempo Strict Pull-Ups (:02 above, control down)

25 Ring OR Hand Release Push-ups

10-20 123 Up Downs after each set

2 minutes to put away bands

32:00 - 41:00 Block C - EMOM

M1) :45-60 Farmers Carry

M2) 20 Hammer Curls

M3) :30 Bottom Ring Push-Up / Chaturanga Hold

TUESDAY 8.1.23

Block A - 16 minutes

3 Sets

10 Front Squats @ 50-58-65%

20-35 zombie sit ups after each set - your body your choice. You can also use a plate!

Block B - Unilateral Leg Ladder

18 minutes to complete

22-16-10 Reps Each

Double DB Kneel to Stand (sub box step ups)

Single DB Bulgarian Split Squats Left

Single DB Bulgarian Split Squats Right

Rx: 50/35 lb DBs

Athletes may use 1 dumbbell on movements to ensure full range of motion


0:00-16:00 Block A - 16 minutes

3 Sets

10 Hang Power Cleans (50-58-65%)

Rest :60-:90 between

10 Push Press (50-58-65%)

20-36 runningman sit-ups after each round

Athletes partner up with someone close to your strength level. All lifts from the floor.

Athletes who don’t know their power clean 1RM can use same barbell weight as push press

16:00- 19:00 clean up barbells Coach take scores athletes get dumbbells

19:00-28:00 Block B - EMOM 9

M1) 20 Alternating Overhead DB Press

M2) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3) :30 L Sit

Rest 2:00

30:00-38:00 Block C - For Time

22-16-10 Alternating DB Snatch

10 Burpees over DB after each set

Rx: 50/35 lb DB

8 minute cap


Teams of 2


At 0:00 Buy in: Terrible Stair Run Together


5:00-25:00 Teams of 2 Relay AMRAP

Athlete A rows

Athlete B does 50 dubz + 20 Lateral Wall Toss + 30 Hollow Rocks

Switch and repeat

Score 1: total calories on rower

Score 2: total rounds as a team

Buyout at 25:00: Terrible Stair Run

FRIDAY 8.4.23

0:00-12:00 Block A

3 Sets

10 Floating Deadlift @50-58-65%

10 Strict Pull-Ups

14:00-26:00 Block B - Superset EMOM 12

M1) 15 Reverse Grip Bench Press

M2) 20 Alternating curls

M3) 15 Pause Banded Chest Flies

M4) 18/15 calorie row

28:00-37:00 Block C - Burnout EMOM 9

M1) AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups

M2) 15 BTN DB Tricep Extensions

M3) AMRAP Starfish V Ups


800m Run Buy In

AMRAP until 15:00

10 HSPU or DB Push Press

15 Toes to Bar

16 Double DB Reverse Lunges

30 Russian Twists

At 15:00 Terrible Stair Run

Then resume AMRAP pick up where you left off

@ 28:00 800m Run