Week 7 Summer Shred!
MONDAY 6.5.23 Workout Briefing Video
Strength: 3x8Front Squats from the floor - 14 minutes
3 sets of 8 UNBROKEN @55-65-75% 1RM
After each set complete 35 zombie sit-ups
MetCon - EMOM 16
M1) 20 Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats (10/leg)
M2) 8 Tempo Pull-Ups (bands allowed)
M3) 12/9 Calorie Bike
M4) 20 Ring OR Hand Release Push-Ups
TUESDAY 6.6.23 Workout Briefing Video
Strength: Push Press 8RM from Rack - 12 Minutes
Build to heavy UNBROKEN set of 8 by feel (60-70-80%)
After each set do 30 Runningman Sit-Ups
Every 2:00 for 18:00 Alternate Between
A) Row 34/28 Calories
B) 75’ Handstand Walk OR 8 Wall Walks
C) 30 Toes to Bar OR 40 Knees to Hips
WEDNESDAY 6.7.23 Workout Briefing Video
Teams of 2 - Linda Follow the Leader Style
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps Each
Deadlift 275/205 lbs
Bench Press 185/115 lbs
Squat Clean 135/95 lbs
Pair up based on strength and come to agreed upon weights for all barbells.
Athletes. At different strength levels can change weight on bars between sets or one athlete can use dumbbells.
Follow the leader means
Athlete A does 10 deadlift. Athlete B does 10 deadlift
Athlete A does 10 bench press. Athlete B does 10 bench press
Athlete A does 10 squat cleans. Athlete A does 10 squat cleans
Athlete A does 9 deadlift. Athlete B does 9 deadlifts
Etc until final round
Athlete A does 1 squat clean. Athlete B does 1 squat clean
THURSDAY 6.8.23 Workout Briefing Video
Active Recovery Day
7:30am & 6:30pm Classes
Open Gym 5:30pm
Skill: Turkish Get Up EMOM 9
M1) 1 TGU Right + 5 Windmills
M2) 1 TGU Left + 5 Windmills
M3) :30 L Raise over KB/DB
Rx: 24/16kg KB
Athletes may use DB or KB.
Recovery Sweat
Every 3:00 for 24:00 (2 rounds) Alternate Between
A) Row 48/36 Calories
B) 150 Double Unders OR 300 Singles + AMRAP Butterfly Sit-Ups
C) Bike 30/24 Calories
D) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls + 20 BTN Tricep Ext + AMRAP Plank in push-up position
FRIDAY 6.9.23 Workout Briefing Video
Strength: Power Snatch 6RM - 12 Minutes
4 sets of 6 UNBROKEN Touch n Go Reps
MetCon - For Time Teams of 2 Follow the Leader Style
30 Wall Balls Athlete A
30 Wall Balls Athlete B
30 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete A
30 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete B
20 Wall Balls Athlete A
20 Wall Balls Athlete B
20 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete A
20 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete B
10 Wall Balls Athlete A
10 Wall Balls Athlete B
10 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete A
10 Alternating DB Power Snatch Athlete B
Rx: 20/14 lb Ball to 10/9 foot target
50/35 lb DB
SATURDAY 6.10.23
Partner Workout Fun!