Week 6 Summer Shred!

MONDAY 5.29.23

Closed for Memorial Day

TUESDAY 5.30.23

Strength: 3x10 Front Squats from the floor - 14 minutes 

3 sets of 10 UNBROKEN @50-60-70% 1RM

After each set complete 35 zombie sit-ups 

Scale weight as needed based on Murph soreness.

Murph Hangover Helper EMOM 16

M1) 16 Alternating DB Power Snatch

M2) 10 Sit Up Get Ups

M3) Bike 12/9 Calories

M4) L Sit on Floor / Rest

Rx: 50/35 lb DB


Strength: 3x10 Push Press from floor - 12 minutes

Build to heavy unbroken set by feel 

After each set do 30 runningman sit-ups


Teams of 2 Relay AMRAP 18

Rx: 25' Handstand Walk + 15 Toes to Bar

Scaled: 3 Wall Walks + 20 Knees to Hips

One athlete rows while the other does 1 full round. Switch. Repeat completing as many rounds and reps as possible.

Score 1: total rounds as a team 

Score 2: total calories on rower


Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Turkish Get Up EMOM 9

M1) 2 TGU Right

M2) 2 TGU Left

M3) :30 L Raise over KB/DB

Rx: 24/16kg KB

Athletes may use DB or KB.

Recovery Sweat

Every 2:00 for 24:00 Alternate Between

A) Row 30/24 Calories

B) :45 per side Lateral Medball Throw to Wall

C) Bike 20/16 Calories

D) 100 Double Unders OR 200 Single Unders + AMRAP sit-ups 

Count Row, Bike, and Dubz Only

Male: 450, Female: 420

FRIDAY 6.2.23

Strength: Conventional Deadlift - 12 Minutes

4 sets of 7 Reps Build to Heavy UNBROKEN set by Feel


Teams of 2 Relay AMRAP 15

5 Double DB Power Cleans

10 DB Front Rack Lunges

5 Bar Muscleups OR 10 Pull-Ups OR 15 Ring Rows

Rx: two 50/35 lb DBs


Beach Bodybuilding w/ Coach André