MONDAY 6.12.23
Strength: Front Squat 6RM from the rack - 14 minutes
4 sets of 6 UNBROKEN @50-60-70-80%+
After each set complete 26 zombie sit-ups
Grip Nasty EMOM 16
M1) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups Right
M2) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups Left
M3) 15 Hang Power Cleans
M4) 15 Toes to Bar
Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs to 24/20” Box
Possible Reps: 150
TUESDAY 6.13.23
Strength: Push Press 6RM from Rack - 14 Minutes
Build to heavy UNBROKEN set of 8 by feel (55-65-75-85%
After each set do 16 123 Up Downs
Teams of 2 - 18 Minute AMRAP Relay
Rx: 25’ Handstand Walk + 10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Scaled: 3 Wall Walks + 15 Chest to Ring Row
Athlete A rows/bikes while Athlete B completes 1 round. Switch and Repeat.
Accumulate as many rounds and calories as possible
Score 1: Total Rounds + Reps
Score 2: Total Calories
Teams of 2 - Clean Intervals
Round 1 (50%)
0:00-1:00 Athlete A max rep cleans at 135/95 lbs
1:00-2:00 Athlete B max rep cleans at 135/95 lbs
2:00-3:00 Both Athletes Rest and Add weight to Bar
Round 2 (60%)
3:00-4:00 Athlete A max rep cleans at 185/115 lbs
4:00-5:00 Athlete B max rep cleans at 185/115 lbs
5:00-6:00 Both Athletes Rest and Add weight to Bar
Round 3 (70%)
6:00-7:00 Athlete A max rep cleans at 225/135 lbs
7:00-8:00 Athlete B max rep cleans at 225/135 lbs
8:00-9:00 Both Athletes Rest and Add weight to Bar
Athletes may Squat or Power Cleans
Score is total cleans x weight
Bodybuilding Dessert - EMOM 15
M1) 10 Bench Press @50-70%
M2) 20 Alternating Bicep Curls
M3) AMRAP Tuck Ups
THURSDAY 6.15.23
Active Recovery Day
7:30am & 6:30pm Classes
Open Gym 5:30pm
Turkish Get Up & Go EMOM 9
M1) 2 TGU Right
M2) 2 TGU Left
M3) 15 Box Jump Overs
Rx: 24/16kg KB
Athletes may use DB or KB.
Cardio Party Intervals
Every 2:00 for 24:00 (3 rounds) Alternate Between
A) Row 32/26 Calories
B) 100 Double Unders OR 200 Singles + AMRAP Butterfly Sit-Ups
C) Bike 20/16 Calories
D) 12 Burpee Box Jumps (stand up tall at top of box)
Scoreboard: Calories + Double Unders + Burpees (no count for singles)
Pride Day FRIDAY 6.16.23
Wear your rainbow colors in class and join us for a drink at the gym after the 6:30pm workout!
Strength - Deadlift 6RM - 15 MinutesToBuild to HEAVY UNBROKEN set of 6 Touch n Go Reps
MetCon - Simple & Spicy EMOM 10
M1) 20 Wall Balls
M2) 20 American KB Swings
Rx: 20/14 lb Ball to 10/9 foot target
24/16kg Kettlebell
BuyOut AMRAP 5
10 Plate Curls
10 Plate Behind the Neck tricep Ext
10 Plate Sit Ups
SATURDAY 6.17.23
Partner Workout Fun!
Mark your calendars next Saturday June 24th community social at Surf City 3pm!