Week 5 Summer Shred! Big ticket item this week is Murph on Saturday!
MONDAY 5.22.23
Strength - Front Squats from the Floor - 14 Minutes
3 Sets of 10 Reps @ 50-58-65% 1RM Front Squat
After each set do 35 Zombie Sit-Ups
Athletes may power clean or squat clean bar to shoulders to start each set. Squat clean counts as 1 Rep of 12.
Athletes should partner together and share barbell.
Newbies stretch wrists and lats between sets to get more comfortable with front rack position
Every 2:00 for 18:00
A) 10 Double DB Box Step Ups EACH Leg with controlled descent
B) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press + 10 Sit-Up Get Ups
C) 30 Toes to Bar
TUESDAY 5.23.23
Strength: Bench Press 6RM
12 Minutes to Complete
4 sets of 6 Reps UNBROKEN @ 50-65–75-80%+
Complete 20 123 Up Downs after each set
Athletes may go heavier than prescribed percentages if feeling strong but remember it does NOT count unless you do all 6 reps unbroken.
Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay 18
20 Ring/HR Push-Ups + 15 Box Jump Overs
One Athlete Rows/Bikes while the other does 1 round. Switch. Repeat.
Score 1: Total Rounds as Team
Score 2: Total Calories
In classes bigger than 16, 1-2 teams will have to do bike instead of row
Weightlifting Skill: Clean Complex - 15 minutes
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean
2x(1+1)@50% - 2x(1+1)@60% - 2x(1+1)@70%
1x(1+1)@75% - 1x(1+1)@80%
Heavy Clean by feel in remaining time
MetCon - Teams of 2 -15 Minutes to Complete
8 Rounds Relay Style
9 Power Cleans
6 Shoulder to Overhead
12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
After 8 rounds max burpees over bar until 15:00
Rx: 155/105 lbs
Score 1: finishing time
Score 2: total burpees
Logistic Notes: Cap each individual partner's round time to 2:00 so both athletes have a chance to complete 4 rounds each. Fitter athlete should go first.
THURSDAY 5.25.23
Active Recovery Day
7:30am & 6:30pm Classes
Open Gym 5:30pm
Skill: Handstand Practice EMOM 6
Options for each minute based on skill level:
2-4 Wall Walks
8-10 Alternating Kickups to Wall
25' Handstand Walk
Active Recovery
Every 2:00 for 24:00 (4 rounds)
A) Row 30/24 calories
B) Bike 20/16 Calories
C) 30 Alternating Cossack Squats + AMRAP Russian Twistd
Scoreboard: count calories only
Male: 200, Female 160
FRIDAY 5.26.23
Strength - Conventional Deadlift - 12 Minutes
3 Sets of 8 Reps UNBROKEN
Teams of 2 Relay - AMRAP 14
10 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 lbs
50 Double Unders or 100 Single Unders
Cap each round at 2:00/athlete
AMRAP 4 - Medball Sit-Ups
SATURDAY 5.27.23
Murph - 1 Community Heat at 10am
One community heat at 10am! After Murph the gym will closed for Memorial Day weekend until Tuesday morning 5:30am
1 Mile Run
100 Pullups
200 Pushups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
Michael Patrick Murphy was a United States Navy SEAL officer who was awarded the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions during the War in Afghanistan. He was the first member of the United States Navy to receive the award since the Vietnam War.
Born: May 7, 1976, Smithtown, NY
Died: June 28, 2005, Kunar, Afghanistan
Games Level Rx
Unpartitioned in 20/14# Weight Vest
20 Rounds
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
10 Rounds
10 Pullups
20 Pushups
30 Squats
5 Rounds
20 Pullups
40 Pushups
60 Squats
Partner Version
Run together
10 Rounds Each Relay Style
5 Ring Rows
10 Pushups
15 Squats