Week 4 Summer Shred! Training wheels are coming off a bit this week. Time to put our barbell cycling skills to work
MONDAY 5.15.23
Strength - Front Squats from the Floor - 14 Minutes
3 Sets of 12 Reps @ 50-55-60% 1RM Front Squat
After each set do 35 Zombie Sit-Ups
Athletes may power clean or squat clean bar to shoulders to start each set. Squat clean counts as 1 Rep of 12.
Athletes should partner together and share barbell.
Newbies stretch wrists and lats between sets to get more comfortable with front rack position
MetCon - Teams of 2 Relay
12-9-6-3 Power Clean & Press
12 Burpees after each set
Rx: 135/95 lbs
Athletes may push press or Jerk as long as they stand tall with bar overhead with knees hips and elbows locked out
Workout flow:
Athlete A does 12 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete B cheers
Athlete B does 12 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete A Rests
Athlete A does 9 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete B rests
Athlete B does 10 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete A Rests
Etc until last round
Athlete B does 3 Power Clean & Press + 12 Burpees while Athlete A Rests
TUESDAY 5.16.23
Strength: Bench Press 8RM
12 Minutes to Complete
3 sets of 8 Reps UNBROKEN @ 50-65-75%
After each set complete 25 123 Up Downs
Every 1:30 for 18:00 (3 Rounds)
A) 30 Ring Push-Ups
B) 20 Box Jump Overs
C) 10 Tempo Pull-Ups / bands allowed
D) Row 20/16 Calories
Cap work at 1:15 each interval
Weightlifting Skill: Clean Complex - 15 minutes
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean
2x(1+1+1)@50% - 2x(1+1+1)60% - 2x(1+1+1)@70% - 1x(2+1)@75%
Heavy Clean by feel in remaining time
Base all % on 1RM Squat Clean
Teams of 2 - 15 minutes to complete
10 Rounds Relay Style
5 Hang Power Cleans
10 Front Rack Forward Lunges
15 Toes to Bar
In remaining time max thrusters
Rx: 115/75 lbs
Score 1: finishing time
Score 2: total thrusters
THURSDAY 5.18.23
Active Recovery Day
7:30am & 6:30pm Classes
Open Gym 5:30pm
Active Recovery Intervals
Every 3:00 for 27:00
A) Row 45/36 Calories
B) 30 Shoulder Taps + AMRAP Double Unders
C) Bike 30/24 Calories
Teams of 2 - AMRAP 4
Medball Partner Sit Ups
FRIDAY 5.19.23
Strength - Conventional Deadlift - 12 Minutes
3 Sets of 10 Reps UNBROKEN
1:00 Plank in Push-Up Position after each set
Teams of 2 Chipper - 18 Minutes to Complete
20 Power Snatch
30 Burpees Over Bar
40 Hand Release Push-Ups
50 Deadlifts
40 Hand Release Push-Ups
30 Burpees Over Bar
20 Power Snatch
Rx: 135/95 lbs
SATURDAY 5.20.23
Final Murph Prep
Bring Running Shoes!
148 1st Street (across the street from Gym)