Week 3 Summer Shred! Now that we have had two weeks to practice the movements, the goal is to hit a HEAVY 10 Rep Max on our major lifts this week (power clean + push press, 1.25 bench, and power snatch). You'll notice slightly longer time domain + the building percentages are lower to save your maximum effort for the top set. 

MONDAY 5.8.23

Strength: Power Clean + Push Press 10RM

15 Minutes to Complete

Complete 3 Sets of 10 UNBROKEN

40-55-70% of 1RM Push Press

After each set do 25 123 Up Downs

Push Pull Sweat EMOM 15

M1) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press

M2) 20 Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats

M3) 20 Alternating Gorilla Row

M4) 12/9 Calorie Assault Bike

M5) Zombie Sit Ups (No Count)

Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs

TUESDAY 5.9.23

Strength: 1.25 Bench Press - 10RM

14 Minutes to Complete

3 sets of 10 Reps UNBROKEN @ 50-60-70%

After each set complete 34 Runningman Sit-Ups

Teams of 2 AMRAP Relay 18

20 Ring/HR Push-Ups + 15 Toes to Bar

One Athlete Rows/Bikes while the other does 1 round. Switch. Repeat.

Score 1: Total Rounds as Team

Score 2: Total Calories

Compare to 4.12.23


Weightlifting Skill: Clean Complex - 15 minutes 

2 Power Cleans + 1 Hang Squat Clean

2x(2+1)@50% - 2x(2+1)60% - 2x(2+1)@70% - 1x(2+1)@75%

Heavy Clean by feel in remaining time 

Base all % on 1RM Squat Clean

Teams of 2 - 15 minutes to complete

10 Rounds Relay Style

5 Power Cleans

10 Front Rack Forward Lunges

12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups OR 15 Ring Rows

In remaining time max burpees over bar

Rx: 135/95 lbs

Score 1: finishing time

Score 2: total burpees over bar


Active Recovery Day

7:30am & 6:30pm Classes

Open Gym 5:30pm

Skill: Wall Facing Shoulder Taps

Skill EMOM 8

M1) :30 Shoulder Taps (scale to push-up position)

M2) :40 AMRAP Double Unders

Active Recovery Intervals

Every 2:00 for 18:00

A) Row 30/24 Calories

B) Bike 20/16 Calories

C) 10 Sit Up Get Ups + AMRAP Russian Twists

FRIDAY 5.12.23

Barbell Cardio - Power Snatch 10RM

12 Minutes to complete

3 Sets of 10 UNBROKEN Touch n Go Reps 



M1) 20 Alternating DB Power Snatch

M2) 15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press

M3) 12/9 Calorie Bike

M4) AMRAP Tuck Ups (no count)

SATURDAY 5.13.23

Murph Prep

At 0:00 Run 800m


10 Bar Pull-ups + 20 Hand Release Push-ups + 30 Air Squats

At 12:00 Terrible Stair Run

Then Resume AMRAP 

10 Bar Pull-ups + 20 Hand Release Push-ups + 30 Air Squats

At 22:00 Run 800m