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ATP-PC System Front Squat Training
[Adenosine Triphosphate-Phosphocreatine]
In the simplest terms, the ATP-PC system is your body's Fight or Flight response. Short intense bursts of energy and power output that lasts for a very short period of time. The ATP-PC system generally takes 2+ minutes to recover.
In the world of competitive CrossFit athletes are often tasked with lifting 90%+ of their 1 rep max on many lifts in very short periods of time.
Even during the Open (which is the first tier and quite literally all athletes worldwide are able to compete), there has historically been a heavy component prescribed that exceeds 100% of many athletes' 1RM.
The goal of this front squat cycle is to force adaptation and recovery for heavier lifts. We will do this by lifting 80%+ in EMOM style intervals.
Each week will start by building to a heavy single by feel. Then Heavy Interval Work.
Fight or Flight Front Squats Week 1
0:00-12:00 Build to Heavy by Feel
8 @ 50% - 6 @ 60% - 4 @ 70% - 2 @ 75% - 1 @ 80%
Heavy Single by Feel
13:00-20:30 Every 1:30 for 5 Lifts
Pause Front Squat @ 80%
Dumbbell Chest to Bar Fran
Thrusters 50/35 lb DBs
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9:00 Cap
Technical 80% Squat Notes
3 Mississippi Count at bottom each rep
Focus here is owning the bottom position and building confidence standing up heavy weight with a vertical and strong torso.
Do not exceed 80% on these today.
Fran Notes
NO BANDS. Jumping pull-ups and challenging ring to chest rows only.
Every 2:30 for 30:00 Alternate Between
Interval A
20-16-12-8-4-2 Bench Press Build to Heavy
15 Toes to Bar after each set
Interval B
Row 36/30 Calories
Score 1: Heavy Double Bench
Score 2: Total T2B + Row Calories
Total Possible: 306 Male, 270 Female
Block Snatch Work - 17 Minutes
Power Snatch + Snatch
1 x (3 + 3) @ 45% - 1 x (2 + 2) @ 55%
2 x (1 + 1) @ 65% - 2 x (1 + 1) @ 70%
2 x (0 + 1) @ 75% - 2 x (0 + 1) @ 80%
Heavy Block Snatch by Feel
Clean Work - 17 Minutes
Power Clean + Low Hang Clean
2 @ 50% - 2 @ 60% - 2 @ 70%
1 @ 75% - 1 @ 80%
Squat Clean Singles by Feel
Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm
M1) 10 Left Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats
M2) 10 Right Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat
M3) 15 Reverse Grip DB Bench Press
M4) 15 Underhand Banded Lat Pull Downs pause at ribs :02 each rep
M5) :30-:45 High L Pulses
M6) 15 Plate Sit Ups
Breathe Hard 5:30pm
2:00 on, 1:00 off for 36:00
Alternate Between
A) 18/15 Cal Row + AMRAP Burpees Over Rower
B) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders
Scoreboard: Total Burpees + Dubz
Strength - Push Press - 12:00
10 @ 50% - 8 @ 60% - 6 @ 70% - 4 @ 75%
2 @ 80% - Single by Feel
M1) 25-50' Handstand Walk
M2) 10 D Ball Squats 150/100 lbs
M3) Row 18/15 Calories
M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs
27:00 Running Clock
0:00-7:00 AMRAP
10 Double DB Box Step Overs 50/35 lbs to 24/20" Box
50 Double Unders
7:00-10:00 Rest
10:00-17:00 AMRAP
15/12 Cal Row
10 Burpees Over Rower
17:00-20:00 Rest
20:00-27:00 EMOM
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike Sprint*
*Athletes unable to complete 15/12 Cal AB should cap "sprint" at :35 for max calories
3:00 Abs
Breathe Hard
Cardio Recovery
1000/800m Row OR 50/40 Cal Bike
10 Alternating Cartwheels
20 Cossack Squats
30 Hollow Rocks
40 Double Unders / :40 Struggle Unders
Alternate Cardio Each Round