
For Quality


Front Squats

Strict Pull Ups

*15 Plate Holding Zombie Sit Ups after each round 

Front Squat% 30-40-50-60-70-80%


30 Minutes to Complete

10-8-6-4-2-1 Bench Press

After Each Set of Bench

15 Toes to Bar

500/400m Row

Bench Press% 40-50-60-70-80-90%


Block Snatch Work - 17 Minutes

Power Snatch + Snatch

1x (3 + 3) @ 40%

1 x (2 + 2) @ 50%

2 x (1 + 1) @ 60%

3 x (1 + 1) @ 70%

2 x (0 + 1) @ 75%

1 x (0 + 1) @ 80%

Heavy Block Snatch by Feel

Clean Work - 17 Minutes

Clean + Low Hang Clean

2 @ 50%

2 @ 60%

2 @ 70%

1 @ 75%

1 @ 80%

Clean Singles by Feel


Functional Bodybuilding 

Hold on EMOM 25

M1) Handstand Hold

M2) Seated L Sit

M3) Dead Hang from Pull-up Bar

M4) Stretch Plank Hold

M5) Isometric Bicep Hold

Athletes hold :30-:40 Each Minute

Buyout - 4 Minutes to Complete

50 Strict Plate Overhead Press 45/25 lbs

Movement standard: Knees and Hips remain locked entire time. Plate Touches collarbone then finishes with elbows locked out overhead 

5:30pm Breathe Hard

5:00 on, 1:00 Off for 36:00

Alternate Between

A) Terrible Stair Run

B) 1000m Row

C) 50/40 Cal Bike

Scoreboard is total assault bike calories 


15 Minutes to Complete

4 Rounds

12 Deadlift 225/155 lbs 

25 Strict Ring Dips



16 Alternating Bicep Curls

15 Behind the Neck TRICEP Extensions 

20 Runningman Sit Ups

Saturday - Happy 2022!


M1) Row 12-18 Calories

M2) 10-15 HSPU

M3) 10 DB Bentover Rows/Arm

M4) 5-10 Bear Hug D Ball Squats 150/100 lbs 

M5) AMRAP Tuck Ups


2:00 on, 1:00 off for 30:00

Alternate Between

A) 18/15 Cal Row + AMRAP Burpees Over Rower

B) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders

Scoreboard: Total Burpees + Dubz