Fight or Flight Front Squats Week 2
5 @ 50% - 4 @ 60% - 3 @ 70% - 2 @ 75% - 1 @ 80%
Heavy Single By Feel
Every 1:30 for 5 Lifts
1 Pause Front Squat @ 80-81-82-82-82%
2 Mississippi Count This Week
2-2-2-3 Intervals to Complete
CrossFit Open 17.5 w/Dumbbells
10 Rounds
9 Double DB Thrusters
35 Double Unders
Rx: 50/35 lb Dumbbells
2:00 on, 1:00 off, 2:00 on, 1:00 off, 2:00 on, 1:00 off, 3:00 final interval to finish
in 2017 the workout was 10 rounds for time with barbell. Competitive times were 7-8 minutes.
Athletes who want to do the Open Rx should struggle with their ropes until they complete all 35 reps each round.
Scaling athletes can do 70 single unders
Push Pull Strength - 12 Minutes
5-4-3-2-1-1 Bench Press Build to Heavy
5 Strict Pullups after each set
Breathe Hard
E2MOM 20
A) Row 30/24 Calories
B) 50' Handstand Walk + AMRAP Ring Dips
A) Row 1:50
B) 5 Wall Walks + AMRAP Hand Release Pushups
Score is total Calories + reps
1 wall walk = 1 rep
5 foot hsw = 1 rep so 50' = 10 reps
3 Position Snatch - 15 Minutes to find Heavy Complex
Floor, Below the Knee, Above the Knee
Squat Clean Cardio EMOM
0:00-5:00 @ 70%
5:00-6:00 Add Weight
6:00-11:00 @ 75%
11:00-12:00 Add Weight
12:00-17:00 @ 80%
FBB 7:30am & 6:30pm
Bands Make Her Dance EMOM 30
M1) 3x3 Lateral X Walks
M2) Tempo Seated Row (:02 at chest, :02 controlled eccentric)
M3) Tricep Pull Downs
M4) Banded Plank
M5) Pallof Press (:20/side)
Work nonstop :45 each movement
Breathe Hard 5:30pm
3:00 on, 1:00 off for 36:00
Alternate Between
A) 25/20 Cal Bike
B) 36/30 Cal Row
C) 20 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"
AMRAP Double Unders after completing buy in each round
C are full box jumps. Athletes must stand with knees and hips extended at the top of the box to complete the rep.
Finish STRONG - Push Press 3RM
12 minutes to find heavy
CrossFit Open 17.2
12 Minute AMRAP
2 Rounds of
16 Front Rack DB Lunges 50/35 lbs
16 Toes to Bar
8 Power Cleans
2 Rounds of
16 Front Rack DB Lunges
16 Bar Muscleups
8 Power Cleans
Repeat if you finish
35/20 lb DBs
Knees to Hips
Chin over Bar Pull-ups. Athletes may do ring rows today but in the actual event, they must do actual unassisted pull-ups to get past the 2nd piece
8:00 on, 4:00 off Alternate Between AMRAPs
A) 16 American Swings + 8 Burpee Pull Ups
B) 15/12 Cal Row + 50 Double Unders
C) 10/8 Cal Bike + 25' Handstand Walk
Just 1 time through each
Every 5:00 for 30:00 Alternate Between
A) 1000m Row
B) 40/32 Cal Bike
C) 20 Burpee Box Jumps + 150 Double Unders