Normal Schedule Monday - Thursday

Closed Friday 12.24-Sunday 12.26

Monday 12.27 back to normal 

12 Days of chrisTmas Programming This week

All workouts this week are 12 Days of Christmas style and will be performed like the song.

Round 1 = Movement 1

Round 2 = Move 2 + Move 1

Round 3 = Move 3 + Move 2 + Move 1


Final round = Move 12 + Move 11 + Move 10 + etc + Move 2 + Move 1


12 Days of KettlebelLegmas

1 KB Clean Thruster

2 Goblet Forward Lunges

3 Goblet Thrusters

4 Burpees

5 KB Deadlifts

6 Jumping Lunges

7 Zombie Sit Ups

8 KB Goblet Squats

9 Russian Swings

10 Goblet Kneel to Stand

11 Jump Squats

12 Burpee to American Swings

Athletes who finish early may do front squats from the rack by feel.


12 Days of Pumpmas

1 Bar Muscleup

2 Strict HSPU / DB Press

3 Strict Pull Ups

4 Strict Ring Dips

5 Toes to Bar

6 Kipping HSPU

7 Kipping Pull-ups

8 Burpee Plate Hops

9 Ring Rows

100 Double Unders

11 123 Up Downs

12 Wall Walks


1 Snatch

2 Hang Power Snatch

3 Snatch Balance

4 Overhead Squats

5 Behind the Neck Push Press

6 Back Rack Lunges

7 Push Jerk

8 Front Squats

9 Hang Power Clean

10 Deadlifts

11 V Ups

12 Thrusters

Rx: 135/95 lbs 


Functional Bodybuilding

12 Days of Swole

:10 Chaturanga Hold

2 Renegade Rows

3 Dumbbell Push-ups 

4 Double DB Hammer Curls

5 DB Push Press

6 Bentover Rows

7 Hand Release Push-ups

8 Alternating Bicep Curls

9 Behind the Neck TRICEP Extensions

10 Alternating Gorilla Rows

11 Chest to Floor Push-ups

120 second L Sit

Breathe Hard

12 Days of Cardio

1 Burpee Star Jump

20 Alternating High Knees

30 Single Unders

4 Box Jumps 24/20"

5 Calorie Bike

6 Alternating Cartwheels

7 Burpee Plate Hops

8 Jumping Jacks

9 Calorie Row

100 Dubz

11 Burpee Box Jump Over

12 Floors of Stairs (run to 6th floor twice)