Snatch Werrk - Running Clock

0:00-3:00 EMOM: 40 Second Snatch with Empty BB. Pause :05 at shins, below knee, above knee, mid thigh, stand&shrug, quarter squat, half squat, bucket

3:00-5:00 Transition

5:00-13:00 EMOM From the Rack

M1) 3 Tempo Overhead Squats (:02 down, pause :03, up, breathe) - Coaches Count

M2) 4 Behind the Neck Push Press

Use 65% 1RM Snatch for Barbell - Athletes may add weight each round if moving well.

MetCon - For Time:

35 Hang Squat Snatch @65% 1RM Snatch

*Starting with and EMOM 3 Burpees Over Bar

9 Min Cap


3 EMOM: 10 Strict Pushups together

2 RFT:

6-10 Wall Walks

30 Pike Pushups

50 Alt V-ups

1 min Plank